◎子宮筋腫治療、骨転移の痛み緩和にExAblate承認 カナダ保健省

InSightec Ltd

◎子宮筋腫治療、骨転移の痛み緩和にExAblate承認 カナダ保健省

AsiaNet 54014

共同JBN 0952 (2013.8.26)

【ティラトカルメル(イスラエル)2013年8月26日】MRIガイド下集束超音波治療技術 (MRgFUS)のリーダーであるInSightec Ltdは、ExAblateシステムが子宮筋腫に対する治療と骨転移の痛み緩和に対する治療を行う医療機器として、カナダ保健省から承認されたと発表した。




▽InSightec Ltd.について

InSightec(http://www.InSightec.com)Ltd.は、Elbit Imaging、ゼネラル・エレクトリック、MediTech Advisorsが所有する株式非公開企業である。同社は1999年に設立され、MRIガイド下集束超音波治療技術(MRgFUS)を医療目的の技術に応用してExAblateを開発した。ExAblateはウォールストリートジャーナルのTechnology Innovation Awards、EUのIST大賞など人類を支援するイノベーションとその可能性に対していくつかの賞を受けている。タイム誌は最近、焦点式超音波を「50の最優秀イノベーションの一つ」にあげた。詳しい情報はhttp://www.InSightec.comへ。


Lynn Golumbic


Tel: +972-4-8131309

ソース:InSightec Ltd

ExAblate Receives Approval of Health Canada for the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids and Pain Palliation of Bone Metastases


TIRAT CARMEL, Israel, Aug. 26, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -

       - Third generation ExAblate system, using non-invasive MR guided

         Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) now available for Canadian patients

    InSightec Ltd, the leader in MR guided Focused Ultrasound therapy,

announced that its ExAblate system received approval of Health Canada for

MRgFUS treatment of uterine fibroids and for pain palliation of bone metastases.

    ExAblate combines high intensity focused ultrasound waves and continuous

MRI guidance and monitoring. The focused ultrasound energy is used to heat and

destroy the targeted tissue while the MR images are used to guide the energy

beam and monitor treatment outcome. ExAblate's main benefits are that in a

single session with this non-ionizing radiation, the treatment allows patients

a rapid recovery while minimizing morbidity and trauma with a high safety

profile, thus improving patients' quality of life.

    Health Canada's approval was based on data published from clinical trials

conducted in Canada, the USA and Europe. ExAblate received the first approval

by the United States FDA in 2004 and is the only MR guided Focused Ultrasound

system to have both FDA and Health Canada's approval. Ten thousand patients

globally have already been treated with ExAblate.

    Dr. Kobi Vortman, CEO and founder of InSightec said, "Health Canada's

approval is another vote of confidence in ExAblate's high safety profile and

excellent outcomes. It once again highlights InSightec's firm commitment to

expand clinical indications in gynecology as well as in oncology and


    About InSightec

    InSightec Ltd. is privately held by Elbit Imaging, General Electric, and

MediTech Advisors. Founded in 1999 InSightec developed ExAblate to transform

MRI-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) into a clinically viable technology.  

ExAblate has won several awards for innovation and its potential to help

mankind including The Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards and the

European Union's IST grand prize. TIME magazine recently named Focused

Ultrasound as "one of 50 best inventions." For more information please visit:


    Media Contact:

    Lynn Golumbic


    Tel: +972-4-8131309

    SOURCE: InSightec Ltd




