◎テーマは水の協力関係構築 第23回世界水週間が開幕


◎テーマは水の協力関係構築 第23回世界水週間が開幕

AsiaNet 54120

共同JBN0994 (2013.9.3)

【ストックホルム2013年9月2日PRN=共同JBN】第23回世界水週間(World Water Week)がストックホルムで開かれ、参加した各国指導者は水問題の協力強化を呼びかけた。利用できる水の量が変わらないまま、世界の人口と経済が急速に増大しており、最も重要な資源に関する協力がかつてないほど喫緊の課題になってきた。

2日の世界水週間の開会講演で、ストックホルム国際水協会(Stockholm International Water Institute、SIWI)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクター、トルグニー・ホルムグレン氏は「地中、地上、空中から自然循環を超える速度で水を枯渇させて将来を賭けるのは、擁護できない愚かなことだ。それは文明全体の安定と安全を損なう」と語った。





「水の協力関係構築(Water Cooperation - Building Partnerships)」のテーマの下、100を超えるセミナー、ワークショップ、イベントが開かれ2500人以上が参加する。参加者は水が公平かつ持続的に管理される「賢い水利用の将来」に向けて、革新的手法を提案するよう求められている。

期間中、公衆衛生を革新したピーター・モーガン博士に2013年ストックホルム水大賞(Stockholm Water Prize)が贈られる。ストックホルム産業水大賞(Stockholm Industry Water Award)にはドリップ式かんがいテクノロジーを開発したネタフィム社(Netafim)が選ばれた。ストックホルム青少年水大賞(Stockholm Junior Water Prize)の受賞者は追って発表される。


ソース:Stockholm International Water Institute

World Water Week Opens With a Call for Life-saving Cooperation Over Water



     Global leaders have gathered in Stockholm for the 23rd World Water Week,

calling for strengthened cooperation over water. With the world's population

and economies growing fast while the amount of available water remains the

same, collaboration over our most essential resource is more urgent than ever.

    Addressing the opening session of the World Water Week on Monday, SIWI

Executive Director Mr. Torgny Holmgren said that "mortgaging our future by

draining water from the ground, surface and sky faster than it can be replaced

by nature is untenable and unwise. It will undermine the stability and security

of our entire civilisation."

    The world's population is increasing rapidly. By 2050, there will be 9

billion of us. However, the amount of water in the world will not increase.

Unprejudiced cooperation and solid partnerships will be a prerequisite for

successfully sharing and managing the water we have. We need to strengthen

transboundary cooperation because water does not adhere to national boundaries,

we need to build more and stronger bridges between the public and private

sectors, we must learn to use less water better, and most importantly, we need

to make sure that every person on earth gets access to safe drinking water and


    Diseases caused by unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene kill more than

5,000 people every day. Despite these staggering numbers, the area of

sanitation rarely receives the attention it so desperately needs.

    Mr. Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, urged

governments, development partners and the private sector to help change this.

    "Lack of sanitation has a direct impact on health, nutrition, education,

women's and girl's rights and poverty reduction. I call on all concerned to do

their part," said Mr. Eliasson.

    In over 100 seminars, workshops and events, over 2,500 participants will

meet under the theme "Water Cooperation - Building Partnerships". They will be

encouraged to come up with innovative ways to move toward a water wise future

where water is managed equitably and sustainably.

    During the week, the Stockholm Water Prize will be awarded to Dr. Peter

Morgan for his sanitation innovations, the company Netafim will receive the

Stockholm Industry Water Award for pioneering drip and micro-irrigation

technology, and the winner of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize will be


    Note to Editors:

    For press kit, interview requests, photos, videos etc:


SOURCE: Stockholm International Water Institute




