
Thrombosis Research Institute


AsiaNet 54075

共同JBN 0980 (2013.9.4)


 *世界医療現場抗凝血(抗凝固)治療法レジストリー(Global GARFIELD Registry)は2013年欧州心臓学会会議(ESC CONGRESS 2013)の講演で、危機的状況の心房細動(AF)患者人口に施した実際の治療パターンに関する転帰データが公表された。

革新的な学術研究イニシアチブで心房細動患者国際観察研究である世界医療現場抗凝血治療法レジストリー(GARFIELD)の初の患者集団で実施した1年間の転帰データが、下位集団の心房細動(AF)患者に脳卒中にかかるリスクが高まるとの考察を示した。ESC Congress 2013で今週発表された8つの研究論文の所見はすべて、AF患者が脳卒中にかかるリスクを著しく下げることで知られる抗凝血療法が、これら危険にさらされているAF患者に間で一貫して余り利用されていないことを示している。


ユニバーシティー・カレッジ・ロンドン(University College London)の外科教授で、ロンドンの血栓症研究所(TRI)所長であるロード・アジェイ・カッカー教授は「GARFIELDによるこれら1年間の研究データは、必ずしも日常の臨床行為(治療)でフォローされていない。新しい所見を総合すれば、AF患者の脳卒中リスクに関する臨床試験で観察された内容を新たに強調するものである。研究は高リスクのAF患者の脳卒中を防ぐより一貫した最善策と最善の選択肢の採用を通じて、患者の転帰を高める機会になるとことを示唆している」と語った。

ESC Congress 2013で発表されたデータは、5つのGARFIELD集団の最初のものである。最初となる集団は、19カ国の無作為に選定された540の場所から応募され、研究者が認定する脳卒中にかかる新たなリスク要因が少なくとも一つある、総数1万614人の弁膜症以外のAF(NVAF)患者が含まれる。これら患者のうち5089人は過去にさかのぼって妥当性を検証する患者集団として募集され、5525人は今後を予測して募集されたもので、これら研究論文の中の研究対象集団を構成している。AF管理に関するESCガイドラインは、脳卒中にかかる高リスク患者が、禁忌薬にならない限りビタミンK拮抗薬(VKA)による抗凝血療法を処方することを推奨している。高リスクの脳卒中は、CHA2DS2-VAScリスクスコアで>/=2として定義される。これまでに報告されたベースラインデータは、集団1(Cohort 1)では患者の82.6%がCHA2DS2-VAScリスクスコアで>/=2だが、これら患者の62%が抗凝血療法を受けていただけであることを示した。

ESC Congress 2013で発表された高リスク層研究データは、2009年12月から2011年10月の間に今後を予測して募集された5523人の患者について得られた。




 *急性冠動脈症候群(ACS)を持つかACSにかかっていない(それぞれAF患者48.9% vs. 51.7%)AF患者では、あらゆる病因による死亡、脳卒中/全身性塞栓症(SE)、大量出血、1年後の反復性(再発性)ACSなど同等のリスクのあるなしにかかわらず、ビタミンK拮抗薬(VKA)の利用が目立って減少。




  -脳卒中/TIAの前歴のあるAF患者は、死亡リスクが44%高まり(HR1.44, p=0.037, HRは*参照)、これまでに脳卒中/TIAを患ったことのない患者と比較して、診断後1年以内に脳卒中/TIAにかかりやすくなる(HR 2.27, p=0.004)。

  -脳卒中/TIA歴のあるAF患者はそのような病歴のない患者よりビタミンK拮抗薬(VKA)を投与される量が多くなった(58.1% vs. 50.5%)。しかし、これら抗拮抗薬は両グループについて利用度は目立って低かった。



  -リズムコントロール治療を受けたAF患者は、レートコントロール治療を受けた患者と比較して、死亡リスクが28%低くなった(HR 0.72, p=0.041)。





  -CADにかかったAF患者は、非CAD患者より急性冠動脈症候群(ACS)にかかるリスクが倍増した(HR 2.49, p=0.016)が、死亡、脳梗塞/SEおよび大量出血と同等のリスクもあった。




  -死亡リスクは、永続性心房細動より発作性脂肪細動の患者で38%低かった(HR 0.62, p=0.057)。

  -脳卒中/ESリスクは双方の患者グループで同程度だった(HR=1.18, p=0.72)。








  -脳卒中/SEリスクは、その差異(HR 1.47, p=0.36)は統計的に重要なものではないが、新たなAF患者と比較して永続性AF患者では47%高かった。






















▽血栓研究所(Thrombosis Research Institute、TRI)について



*  HR = ハザード比。あるグループとほかのグループである事象(例えば死亡)がどの程度の頻度で起こるかを示す数値。


     (1) Jamil-Copley S, Kanagaratnam P.  Stroke in atrial

fibrillation-hope on the horizon? J R SOC INTERFACE. 8/16/13.

Available at: http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/7/Suppl_6/S765.full

    (2)The Lancet Neurology. Stroke prevention: getting to the heart of the matter.8/16/13. Available at:


     (3) Thrombosis Advisor. Thrombosis Facts. 8/16/13.

Available at: http://www.thrombosisadviser.com/en/resources/thrombosis-facts.php

    (4) Chinese Medical Journal 2004; 117 (12): 1763-176.

Available at:


     (5) European Society of Cardiology. Guidelines for the Management

of Atrial Fibrillation. 8/16/13.


     (6) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. What is Atrial

Fibrillation. 8/16/13. Available at:



     (7) Thrombosis Research Institute. About Thrombosis. 8/16/13.

Available at:http://www.tri-london.ac.uk/about.asp

     (8) Rockson SG, Albers GW. Comparing the guidelines: anticoagulation

therapy to optimize stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. J

Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 43(6):929-35.

     (9) American Heart Association. Why is AF a problem?. 8/16/13.

Available at:


     (10) World Heart Foundation. The Global Burden of Stroke. 8/16/13.

Available at:


ソース:Thrombosis Research Institute


     Lauren Brunt, Ogilvy Public Relations,

     Tel: +1-646-201-6742

One-Year Data From Global Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Registry Show Antithrombotic Agents Not Optimally Used to Prevent Stroke


AMSTERDAM, Sept. 3, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- GARFIELD Registry presentations at ESC CONGRESS 2013 provide outcomes data

        on real-world treatment patterns of at-risk AF populations --

    One-year outcomes data from the first cohort of the Global Anticoagulant

Registry in the FIELD (GARFIELD), an innovative, independent academic research

initiative, provide insights into the elevated stroke risk among subpopulations

of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF).  The findings, from eight abstracts

presented this week at the ESC Congress 2013, collectively show that

anticoagulant therapy - which is known to significantly lower stroke risk in AF

patients - is consistently under-utilised among those at-risk AF patients.

    GARFIELD is led by an international steering committee under the auspices

of the Thrombosis Research Institute (TRI), London. It is an international,

observational, multicentre, prospective study designed to understand the global

burden of AF, a common condition in which the two upper chambers of the heart

(the atria) quiver rather than beat rhythmically and can lead to

life-threatening complications, including stroke. Up to 2% of the population

has AF.(1) Despite the availability of highly effective preventive treatments,

AF-related stroke remains a major and increasing clinical and societal burden.

    "These 1-year data from GARFIELD illustrate that evidence-based stroke

prevention guidelines are not always followed in everyday clinical practice,"

said Professor The Lord Ajay Kakkar, Professor of Surgery at University College

London and Director of the TRI, London UK . "Taken together, these new findings

re-emphasize what has been observed in clinical trials regarding stroke risk in

AF patients.  The research suggests there are opportunities to improve patient

outcomes through more consistent application of best practice and adoption of

the many innovative therapies to prevent stroke in high-risk AF patients."

    The data presented at ESC Congress 2013 are from the first of five GARFIELD

cohorts.  The first cohort includes a total of 10,614 patients with

non-valvular AF and at least one investigator-determined additional risk factor

for stroke, recruited from 540 randomly-selected sites in 19 countries. Of

these patients, 5,089 were recruited retrospectively as a validation cohort and

5,525 were recruited prospectively and comprise the study populations in these

abstracts.  ESC Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation recommend

that all patients at high risk of stroke be prescribed anticoagulation therapy

with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), unless contraindicated. High stroke risk is

defined as a score >/=2 on the CHA2DS2-VASc risk score. Previously reported

baseline data showed that in Cohort 1, 82.6% of patients had CHA2DS2-VASc >/=2

but only 62% of these patients received anticoagulant therapy.

    Data for the stroke-risk stratification research presented at ESC Congress

2013 were available in 5,523 patients enrolled prospectively between December

2009 and October 2011.  

    The 1-year data - which are preliminary and should be interpreted with

caution - were included in one oral presentation and seven poster abstracts.  

The oral presentation was featured at the State of the Art: Acute coronary

syndromes - current guidelines and future prospects, a session that spotlighted

the four highest-rated abstracts in this topic.  

    Highlights of the data, which were adjusted for relevant confounding

factors, include:

    Oral Presentation

    - Significantly lower use of VKAs in AF patients with acute coronary


  (ACS) vs. those without ACS (48.9% vs. 51.7%, respectively) despite a

  comparable risk of all-cause death, stroke/systemic embolism (SE), major

  bleeding and recurrent ACS after 1 year

         --10.1% (n=559) of patients had a history of ACS, 44.0% (n=246) of

whom had a history of stenting

Poster Presentations

- Higher risk profile and more frequent use of antithrombotic therapy in AF

  patients who have had a previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA)  

     -- AF patients with previous stroke/TIA had a 44% increased risk of death

       (HR* 1.44, p=0.037) and were more than twice as likely to suffer

        stroke/SE (HR 2.27, p=0.004) within the first year of diagnosis than

        patients who had not previously suffered stroke/TIA

     -- More AF patients with previous stroke/TIA received VKAs (58.1% vs.

        50.5% for no previous stroke/TIA), though these anticoagulants were

        markedly underutilised in both groups

- Lower risk of death in AF patients receiving rhythm control (the use of

  medication to restore the normal heart rhythm) vs. rate control (the use of

  medication to lower the heart rate closer to normal)

     -- Among patients studied, 38.1% (n=2,107) were on rhythm control and

        49.8% (n=2,754) were on rate control therapy

     -- AF patients on rhythm control therapy had a 28% lower risk of death (HR

        0.72, p=0.041) compared with patients on rate control therapy

     -- Patients on rhythm control were younger and had a lower stroke risk


     -- The two groups differed in many aspects so there may be some residual

        confounding variables affecting the finding

    - Higher overall risk profile for AF patients who have coronary artery



     -- 19.3% (n=1,066) of the study patients had CAD - these patients were

        older, more likely to be male, and more likely to receive VKA in

        combination with antiplatelet (AP) therapy than non-CAD patients

     -- AF patients with CAD had more than twice the risk for ACS than non-CAD

        patients (HR 2.49, p=0.016) but a comparable risk of death, stroke/SE

        and major bleeds

    -   Lower rate of VKA usage in patients with paroxysmal AF vs. permanent AF

        despite a comparable level of stroke and systemic embolism risk

     -- 24.4% (n=1,348) of study patients had paroxysmal AF vs. 14.2% (n=785)

        with permanent AF

     -- VKAs, alone or in combination with AP, were used in 39.1% of paroxysmal

        AF patients and 61.0% of permanent AF patients

     -- Risk of death was 38% lower in patients with paroxysmal vs. permanent

        AF (HR 0.62, p=0.057)

     -- Stroke/systemic embolism risk was similar in both patient groups

        (HR=1.18, p=0.72)

    - Lower stroke risk and less frequent use of anticoagulants in newly

      diagnosed AF patients from Asia vs. Europe

     -- 28.7% (n=1,587) of patients were enrolled in Asia and 58.6% (n=3,237)

        were enrolled in Europe

     -- Patients in Asia were, on average, more likely to be male, younger,

        have a lower body mass index and have fewer comorbidities than those in


     -- Regardless of risk level, VKA usage was significantly higher in Europe

       (61.4%) vs. Asia (35.8%), highlighting substantial differences in the

        use of available stroke-prevention therapies  

    - Less frequent use of VKAs among patients with new vs. permanent AF,

though a

  similar rate of death and stroke between the two groups

     -- 44.8% (n=2,477) of patients had new AF vs. 14.2% (n=785) with permanent


     -- Use of VKAs, alone or in combination with APs, was lower in patients

        with new AF (52.1%) vs. permanent AF (61.0%)

     -- Stroke/systemic embolism risk was 47% increased in patients with

        permanent vs. new AF, though this difference was not statistically

        significant (HR 1.47, p=0.36)

     -- New AF patients were slightly younger in age

    - Underutilisation of anticoagulants among a sizeable proportion of AF

patients undergoing direct current conversion (DCC+) - a technique to get the

heart into a normal sinus rhythm - despite guidelines recommending their use for

stroke prevention

     -- Few patients - 11.1% (n=614) patients - in the registry underwent DCC

        within four months of diagnosis, even though they were newly diagnosed

        with AF

     -- Patients undergoing DCC were more likely to receive VKA therapy than

        patients not undergoing the procedure.  However, 6.9% of DCC+ patients

        received no antithrombotic therapy and 12.5% received only AP

     -- Outcomes of all-cause death, stroke/SE or major bleed at 1 year did not

        differ between groups

    About GARFIELD

    The GARFIELD Registry is an observational, multicentre, international

prospective study of men and women with newly diagnosed AF and one or more

additional risk factors for stroke.  It will prospectively follow 50,000

newly-diagnosed AF patients from at least 1,000 centres in 50 countries in the

Americas, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

    GARFIELD is the largest prospective registry of patients with AF at risk of

stroke. It seeks to describe the real-life burden of this disease, and provide

insights into the impact of thromboembolic and bleeding complications seen in

this patient population.  It will provide a better understanding of

antithrombotic treatment patterns and potential opportunities for improving

care and clinical outcomes amongst a representative and diverse group of

patients and distinctive populations.  This should help physicians and

healthcare systems to appropriately adopt innovation to ensure the best

outcomes for patients and populations.  

    The registry started in December 2009. Four key design features of the

GARFIELD protocol ensure a comprehensive and representative description of AF:

    -- Five sequential cohorts of prospective, newly-diagnosed patients,

       facilitating comparisons of discrete time periods and describing the

       evolution of treatments and outcomes.

    -- Investigator sites that are selected randomly within carefully assigned

       national AF care setting distributions, ensuring that the enrolled  

       patient population is representative.

    -- Enrolment of consecutive eligible patients regardless of therapy to

       eliminate potential selection bias.

    -- Follow-up data captured for a minimum of 2 and up to 8 years after

       diagnosis, to create a comprehensive database of treatment decisions and

       outcomes in everyday clinical practice.

    Included patients have been diagnosed with non-valvular AF within the past

six weeks and have at least one additional risk factor for stroke, and as such,

are candidates for anticoagulant therapy to prevent blood clots leading to

stroke. It will be left to the investigator's clinical judgment to identify

patient's stroke risk factor(s). Patients will be included whether or not they

receive anticoagulant therapy so current and future treatment strategies and

failures can be properly understood in relation to patients' risk profiles and


    Data will be collected over an extended follow-up period of up to 8 years,

and will include the following outcomes: thromboembolic stroke; TIA

("mini-strokes"); MI/ACS; blood clots affecting other areas of the body;

bleeding events; therapy persistence; rate of discontinuation; medical

consultations and hospitalizations; need for urgent and elective interventions;

cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality.

    Among patients treated with vitamin K antagonists, additional outcomes data

will include the frequency and timing of monitoring required to maintain a safe

and therapeutically effective level of anticoagulation and interventions needed

to manage complications due to anticoagulation therapy.

    The GARFIELD Registry is made possible through an unrestricted research

grant from Bayer Pharma AG.

    The Burden of AF

    Up to 2% of the global population has AF. Over 6 million Europeans suffer

from this arrhythmia, and it is estimated that its prevalence will at least

double by 2050 as the population ages. Around 4.5 million people in the

European Union and 2.6 million people in the United States have AF, and

estimates suggest that by 2014 more than 12 million people in the Asia-Pacific

region will have AF.(1,2,3,4) AF confers a 5-fold increase in the risk of

stroke, and one in five of all strokes is attributed to this arrhythmia.

Ischaemic strokes in association with AF are often fatal, and those patients

who survive are left more frequently and more severely disabled and more likely

to suffer a recurrence than patients with other causes of stroke. In

consequence, the risk of death from AF-related stroke is doubled and the cost

of care is increased by 50%.(5) The condition occurs when parts of the atria

emit uncoordinated electrical signals that cause the chambers to pump too

quickly and irregularly, not allowing blood to be pumped out completely.(6) As

a result, blood may pool, clot and lead to thrombosis, which is the number one

killer in both the developed and developing world.

    If a blood clot leaves the left atrium, then it could potentially lodge in

an artery in other parts of the body, particularly in the brain. A blood clot

in an artery in the brain leads to a stroke. Ninety-two per cent of fatal

strokes are caused by thromboses.(7) People with AF also are at high risk for

heart failure, chronic fatigue and other heart rhythm problems.(8,9) Stroke is

a major cause of long-term disability worldwide - each year 5 million sufferers

are left permanently disabled.(10)

    About the Thrombosis Research Institute (TRI)

    TRI is a charitable foundation and multi-disciplinary research institute

dedicated to the study of thrombosis and related disorders. TRI's mission is to

provide excellence in thrombosis research and education; to develop new

strategies to prevent and treat thrombosis; and thereby improve quality of

care, advance clinical outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The TRI is a

member of University College London Partners Academic Health Science System.

    For more information, visit http://www.tri-london.ac.uk/garfield.   

    *  HR = Hazard Ratio, which is a measure of how often an event occurs

(i.e., death) in one group vs. another

    (1) Jamil-Copley S, Kanagaratnam P.  Stroke in atrial fibrillation-hope on

the horizon? J R SOC INTERFACE. 8/16/13. Available at:


   (2) The Lancet Neurology. Stroke prevention: getting to the heart of the

matter. 8/16/13. Available at:



    (3) Thrombosis Advisor. Thrombosis Facts. 8/16/13.

    (4) Chinese Medical Journal 2004; 117 (12): 1763-176. Available at:



    (5) European Society of Cardiology. Guidelines for the Management of Atrial

Fibrillation. 8/16/13.



    (6) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. What is Atrial Fibrillation.

8/16/13. Available at:


    (7) Thrombosis Research Institute. About Thrombosis. 8/16/13. Available at:


    (8) Rockson SG, Albers GW. Comparing the guidelines: anticoagulation

therapy to optimize stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. J

Am Coll Cardiol 2004; 43(6):929-35.  

    (9) American Heart Association. Why is AF a problem?. 8/16/13. Available



    (10) World Heart Foundation. The Global Burden of Stroke. 8/16/13.

Available at:


    SOURCE: Thrombosis Research Institute


    Lauren Brunt

    Ogilvy Public Relations

    Tel: +1-646-201-6742




