Sasol Annual Integrated Report Ranked Number One Globally Out of 400


Sasol Annual Integrated Report Ranked Number One Globally Out of 400

AsiaNet 54148


    Sasol's 2012 Annual Integrated Report has been ranked the best in the world

in the Best Annual Reports 2013 by ReportWatch.

    The report, which surveyed over 1500 top global corporations, described

Sasol's 2012 Annual Integrated Report as "an outstanding example of integrated

reporting format packed in a simple but effective layout, and also mastering a

large number of classic report ingredients and newer features: highlights,

business model and value chain, KPIs, risk management, governance, use of

charts (also in notes), economic and responsibility measures."

    "This award is testament to our approach in providing our stakeholders an

accessible and accurate assessment of our performance, not just financially,

but socially, environmentally and on governance," said Nolitha Fakude,

Executive Director, Sasol. "Embracing the King III Code, the principles of the

International Integrated Reporting Council and the Integrated Reporting

Committee of South Africa underpins our commitment to transparency."

Ranked number one, Sasol received an "A+", which is a "First Rate" score by

ReportWatch in the seventeenth edition of Annual Report of Annual Reports.

    About Sasol

    Committed to excellence in all we do, Sasol is an international integrated

energy and chemical company that leverages the talent and expertise of our more

than 34 000 people working in 38 countries. We develop and commercialise

technologies, and build and operate world-scale facilities, to produce a range

of product streams, including liquid fuels, chemicals and electricity.

    While continuing to support our home-base of South Africa, Sasol is

expanding internationally based on a unique value proposition, which links our

diverse businesses into an integrated value chain supported by top-class


    CONTACT: Alex Anderson

             Group Media Manager

             Direct telephone +27(11)441-3295

             Mobile +27-(0)-71-600-9605


             Jacqui O'Sullivan

             GM: Group Communication

             Direct telephone +27-(11)-441-3252

             Mobile +27-(0)-82-883-9697


     SOURCE: Sasol




