◎Simbionixが虫垂切除モジュールLAP Mentorに切除事例を追加

Simbionix USA Corporation

◎Simbionixが虫垂切除モジュールLAP Mentorに切除事例を追加

AsiaNet 54521

共同JBN 1155 (2013.10.9)

【クリーブランド2013年10月5日PRN=共同JBN】腹腔鏡手術はさまざまな医療分野で、ますます伝統的なオープン・プロシージャに取って代わるようになっている。これらの医療行為には特別の訓練を必要とすることを認識して、医療シミュレーション訓練、教育製品の世界リーダーであるSimbionixは、医師に手広く実務を提供することを最優先している。包括的な虫垂切除モジュール(http://simbionix.com/simulators/lap-mentor/library-of-modules/appendectomy-procedure)に対する最新の事例を新たに加えたことは、ますます利用が広がっているモジュール在庫を豊かにし、現在200時間余りと推計されているLAP Mentorの訓練時間の提供を広げるSimbionixの継続的努力の一環である。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a

LAP Mentor(http://simbionix.com/simulators/lap-mentor)虫垂切除モジュールは、腹腔鏡による虫垂切除手術の主要コンポーネンツを含む最も包括的、構造的なカリキュラムを提供している、水準の異なる以下のような学習者のスキルに対応している。






LAP Mentor、LAP Mentor Express、GI Mentor およびBRONCH Mentorを実地体験するには、10月6-10日にワシントンで開かれるACS Exhibition会場で、Simbionixのブース#1341を訪れてほしい。

▽Simbionix USA Corporation(http://simbionix.com/company)について




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Rebecca Levy, Manager of Marketing Communications,


+1-216-229-2070 #128

ソース:Simbionix USA Corporation

New Appendectomy Cases on the Simbionix Lap Mentor




         Skills Training Now Exceeds 200 Hours of Simulator Training Time

    Laparoscopic surgery has increasingly come to replace more traditional

'open' procedures in a variety of medical fields. Recognizing that these

procedures require special training, Simbionix has made it a priority to

provide extensive practice for physicians. This new addition of the advanced

cases to the all-inclusive Appendectomy Module


] is a continuation of Simbionix's effort to enrich the ever expending library

of modules and enlarge the offering of the training hours on the LAP Mentor,

currently estimated by more than 200 hours.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a )

    The LAP Mentor [http://simbionix.com/simulators/lap-mentor ] Appendectomy

Module provides the most comprehensive, structured curriculum including the key

components of the laparoscopic appendectomy procedure and addressing different

levels of learner's skills. It includes:


    - Basic procedural tasks that focus on acquisition of the basic skills

      required for appendectomy

    - Guided, procedural techniques to gain experience with different

      approaches to the procedure and appropriate use of surgical instruments

      such as stapler, ligating loop and energy devices

    - Free-hand complete procedure cases to allow repetitive practice in a

      simulation environment.

    The new virtual cases include anatomical variations, such as a regular,

retrocecal and preileal appendix, as well as different levels of inflammation

such as a moderately inflamed, gangrenous and perforated appendix.

    The President of Simbionix, Ran Bronstein, added, "The most innovative

graphics and physics-based Simbionix technology were implemented in the

enhanced module. This resulted in unique true-to life visualization,

tools-tissue interaction, superior tissue dissection and exceptionally

realistic bleeding and inflammation liquid effects, leading to the entire

virtual reality procedure to simulate reality even closer than ever before."

    Visit Simbionix booth #1341 at the upcoming ACS Exhibition in Washington,

DC, between October 6-10 for a hands on experience of the LAP Mentor, LAP

Mentor Express, GI Mentor and the BRONCH Mentor.

    About Simbionix USA Corporation: [http://simbionix.com/company ]

    Simbionix is the world's leading provider of medical simulation training

and education products for medical professionals and the healthcare industry.

The company is committed to delivering high quality products, advancing

clinical performance and optimizing procedural outcomes.

    Visit: http://www.simbionix.com Follow us on Facebook

[https://www.facebook.com/pages/Simbionix/328515966636 ], Twitter

[http://twitter.com/#!/SimbionixUSA ] and LinkedIn




    Simbionix contact:

    Rebecca Levy, Manager of Marketing Communications,


    +1-216-229-2070 #128

    SOURCE: Simbionix USA Corporation




