


AsiaNet 54587

共同JBN 1185 (2013.10.10)

【パリ2013年10月10日PRN=共同JBN】専門分野で権威ある科学誌Lancet Neurologyは、「ナルコレプシー(どこでも居眠り症状になる睡眠障害、過眠症)患者におけるプラセボおよび治療薬モダフィニルと対照試験したピトリサント(ヒスタミンH3受容体拮抗薬):二重盲検無作為試験」と題する論文を同誌最新号の中で発表した。論文の著者は、この希少疾患に対する最新の治療法を提案するHARMONY I研究グループのY・ドビリエ(Y. Dauvilliers)氏ら。論文には「ナルコレプシーの新しい治療法の必要性」と題する解説が付いている。



HARMONY I臨床試験は重度のEDSに苦しむナルコレプシー患者95人で構成され、ピトリサントを1日一度経口投与されて2カ月間治療されたが、これら患者は自己申告と研究室評価によって、ナルコレプシーの2つの主たる症状であるEDSとともに脱力発作の頻度についてプラセボ投与より症状に顕著な改善を示した。一方、EDSに関するピトリサントの効能結果は、現在比較対照に使われているモダフィニルを1日2回投与した結果と大きな差異はなく、アンフェタミンのようなタイプの代表的な精神刺激剤の使用に関連して、依存症(中毒)になるうる兆候は一切なかった。




Jean-Charles Schwartz:




Novel Therapeutic Opportunity in Narcolepsy


PARIS, Oct 10, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Lancet Neurology, a prestigious journal in its domain, publishes in its

last issue, an article entitled "Pitolisant versus placebo and modafinil in

patients with narcolepsy: a double-blind randomised trial" authored by Y.

Dauvilliers and others from the HARMONY I study group which proposes a novel

treatment for this orphan disease. It is accompanied by a Commentary entitled

"A need for new treatments in narcolepsy".

    Narcolepsy is a rare disabling disorder mainly characterised by Excessive

Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) and cataplexy, a sudden loss of muscular tone

following various emotions. Present treatments comprise psychostimulants, like

modafinil or amphetamine-like compounds, to fight EDS and sodium oxybate or

antidepressants against cataplexy attacks. However these treatments are not

fully satisfactory in terms of efficacy, tolerance or administration.

    Pitolisant is the first representant of a new class of drugs to be

introduced in the clinics, the histamine H3-receptor antagonists; it was

designed in 3 European academic laboratories and developed by Bioprojet, a

small independent French pharmaceutical company.

    The HARMONY I trial comprised 95 narcoleptic patients suffering from severe

EDS, among which those treated during 2 months with pitolisant, once a day

orally, showed significant improvement over placebo on self-reported and

laboratory-assessed EDS as well as on frequency of cataplexy attacks, i.e. the

two major symptoms of narcolepsy. Whereas the pitolisant results on EDS did not

differ significantly from those of twice-a-day modafinil, a currently used

comparator, it was well tolerated compared with modafinil and did not show any

manifestation of addiction potential associated with the use of typical

psychostimulants of the amphetamine type.

    If these findings are substantiated in further, currently ongoing, studies,

pitolisant could offer a new treatment option for patients with narcolepsy.

    For more details see below:


    Jean-Charles Schwartz:



    SOURCE: Bioprojet




