◎シンガポールで第6回世界起業家フォーラム 10月30日から11月2日まで


◎シンガポールで第6回世界起業家フォーラム 10月30日から11月2日まで

AsiaNet 54557

共同JBN 1176 (2013.10.15)

【2013年10月15日PRN=共同JBN】第6回世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)が10月30日から11月2日までシンガポールで開催される。会員(80%がビジネス、社会事業の起業家、20%が政策立案者、専門家、研究者)はそれぞれの国における起業家としての業績と社会貢献度によって選ばれ、ENTREPRENEURS:Navigating change for sustainable growth(起業家たち;持続的成長のための変革を探求する)をテーマにブレーンストーミングする。



(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131015/643979








同日夕のガラ晩さん会では「2013年世界起業家賞」(World Entrepreneurs 2013)の授賞式が行われ、国際級の人物5人に賞が贈られるが、これにはシンガポールのターマン・シャムンガラトナム副首相兼財務相が出席する。

11月1日の行事は世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)会員限定で、Eco-systems in Transition(移行期のエコシステム)についての3つのケーススタディーを基調とするシンクタンク・セッションが目玉となる。ケーススタディーは以下の通り。





▽世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)について

2008年、EMLYONビジネススクールとKPMGフランスによって創設された後、シンガポールのAction Community for Entrepreneurship、ナンヤン理工大学、フランスのリヨン都市共同体、リヨン商工会議所、中国の淅江大学が加わった。世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)にはこれまでに75カ国から600人以上の会員が加入、起業家精神のソリューションで現代世界の最緊急課題に取り組んでいる。



世界起業家フォーラム(World Entrepreneurship Forum)に関するさらなる情報と公式取材登録については以下へ。

Stephanie Kergall



ソース:World Entrepreneurship Forum

The 6th Edition of the "World Entrepreneurship Forum" will Take Place in Singapore from Oct. 30th to Nov. 2nd


LYON, France, Oct. 15, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -

     Selected for their entrepreneurial achievements and commitment to society

in their respective countries, the members (80% of whom are business or social

entrepreneurs and 20% policy-makers, experts and academics) will brainstorm on

the following thematic:


              Navigating change for sustainable growth

    On October 31st the debate will be completely open to the public:

    During the opening morning conference there will be a master class on

daring and inspiration featuring speakers of international renown

[http://www.world-entrepreneurship-forum.com/program ]. The guest speakers, who

have diverse profiles and come from around the world, including France, Brazil,

Jordan, Mexico, China, USA, and Singapore, will share their fascinating tales

of success with the audience.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131015/643979 ).

    In the afternoon, there will be 6 workshops on the following topics:

     - From start-up to scale-up: financing for sustainable growth    

     - Creating opportunities with and for the Bottom of the Pyramid

     - Municipal strategies to attract entrepreneurs

     - From start-up through growth: the role of incubators and accelerators

     - Global best practices to boost women in entrepreneurship

     - Using Singapore as a bridge between China and ASEAN


    In the evening the "World Entrepreneurs 2013" award ceremony will reward

five international figures during a gala dinner attended by Mr. Tharman

Shanmugaratnam, who is Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Singapore.

    The event on November 1st will be open exclusively to members of the World

Entrepreneurship Forum and will feature "think-tank" sessions based around

three case-studies of Eco-systems in Transition:

     - Post-conflict development: case-study of Sri-Lanka

     - Entrepreneurship in the face of conflict: case-study of Medellin,


     - BoP in the city: case-study of an experience undertaken in Bangalore,


    A white paper will be published after the forum.

    About the World Entrepreneurship Forum

    Founded in 2008 by EMLYON Business School and KPMG France, later joined by

Action Community for Entrepreneurship and Nanyang Technological University in

Singapore, Greater Lyon and Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France,

and Zhejiang University in China, the World Entrepreneurship Forum has already

brought together more than 600 members from 75 countries to tackle our world's

most pressing issues with entrepreneurial solutions.



                          Press contact:

   For more information or to request official accreditation for the World

                      Entrepreneurship Forum

                         Stephanie Kergall



Source: World Entrepreneurship Forum




