◎第2四半期の売上高は前期比3.8%増 インフォシス決算


◎第2四半期の売上高は前期比3.8%増 インフォシス決算

AsiaNet 54612

共同JBN 1199 (2013.10.15)


 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162












 *ADS 1株当たり20インドルピーの暫定配当率(1米ドル当たり62.61インドルピーという市場為替交換率で計算して暫定配当はADS 1株当たり約0.32ドルに相当)を公表。配当基準日は2013年10月18日。







 *当社は大型アウトソース契約を追及し、獲得している。Global Agile、Virtual Operations、Integrated Application Managementなどのサービス・イノベーションは引き続き市場で当社に高水準の差別化を提供し、産業バーティカルで契約を獲得した。当社はこのほど、トヨタモーターヨーロッパ(Toyota Motor Europe)と4年契約を締結し、同社の欧州全域のアプリケーション・サポートを管理する。この契約はマネージドサービス・モデルの下で基幹自動車プロセス、業務機能を含む主要な事業分野を対象としている。


 *当社はOracleとSAP業務の能力強化を継続している。当社はOracle Application ImplementationとApplication Management ServicesおよびSAP Application Managementサービスで、ガートナーのMagic Quadrantのリーダーとして評価された。


 *Finacle(商標)は南アジア、東南アジア、中東、欧州、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドで新規に18件の契約を獲得した。当社はFinacle(商標)汎用銀行業務ソリューションのエンタープライズエディションであるFinacle 11Eを公開した。Finacle 11Eはエンタープライズクラスのコンポーネントによって銀行業務の変革を容易にできる設計となっている。

 *当社はクラウドおよびビッグデータ製品によって市場での勢いをつけている。当社は前四半期に、これらのセグメントの顧客から新規に15件以上のプロジェクトを受注した。当社は4500人以上のクラウド専門家、200件の契約、35のパートナーを擁するクラウドサービスのリーダーである。これは、IDC MarketScapeのCloud Professional Servicesの主要企業としてインフォシスがIDCの認定を受けたことによって証明されている。


 *当社は米国で、Infosys Public Services Inc.を通じて大手ヘルスケア、公共セクター組織と提携し、患者重視の看護や目標達成に寄与している。Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan(ブルークロス/ブルーシールド・プラン)は、当社と3年間のマネージド・サービス契約を締結し、当社はIT業務のサポートとアプリケーション・メンテナンス、試験サービスを提供している。これによって、この顧客は効率とコストを最適化する一方、メンバーに対して向上した看護とサービスを提供している。当社はまた、複数の州のMedicaid/Medicare Planによって採用され、米医療保険改革制度の下でHealth Exchangeへの参加ために義務付けられたメンバー分担責任管理要件に対処するソリューションを実装した。



 *インフォシスは、インドのあらゆるセクターの全企業の中で2013年Institutional Investor Rankingsの1位となった。

 *Finacle(商標)は雑誌Banker(フィナンシャル・タイムス発行)が開催したInnovation in Technology and Transaction Banking Awards 2013で名誉あるBest Core Banking Technology賞を獲得した。

 *インフォシス・チャイナ(Infosys China)は第5回Annual China Sourcing Summitで中国の2013 Top 10 Global Services Providersに認められた。

 *Infosys Public Services Inc.は上級政策決定者のための有力ヘルスケア出版物であるModern HealthcareによってHealthcare's Hottest

http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20130805/INFO/130739981/healthcares-hottest-for-2013-40-of-the-healthcare-industrys-fastest)Companies for 2013


▽インフォシス(Infosys Ltd.)について


年間売上高74億ドルと15万5000人の雇員を擁するインフォシス(NASDAQ:INFY)が今日どのように「未来企業の構築(Building Tomorrow’s Enterprise、登録商標)」を目指しているかについては、以下のサイトを参照。http://www.infosys.comhttp://www.infosys.com/Pages/index.aspx

   Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                     September 30,    March 31,

                                                           2013           2013


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,601         $4,021

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     448            320

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    84              -

    Trade receivables                                     1,333          1,305

    Unbilled revenue                                        503            449

    Derivative financial instruments                          -             19

    Prepayments and other current assets                    389            391

    Total current assets                                  6,358          6,505

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,120          1,191

    Goodwill                                                352            364

    Intangible assets                                        62             68

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     165             72

    Deferred income tax assets                               88             94

    Income tax assets                                       222            201

    Other non-current assets                                 30             44

    Total non-current assets                              2,039          2,034

    Total assets                                         $8,397         $8,539


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                        $72              -

    Trade payables                                           16             35

    Current income tax liabilities                          305            245

    Client deposits                                           3              6

    Unearned revenue                                        135            152

    Employee benefit obligations                            142            113

    Provisions                                               71             39

    Other current liabilities                               698            568

    Total current liabilities                             1,442          1,158

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          11             23

    Other non-current liabilities                            44             27

    Total liabilities                                     1,497          1,208


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,402,566 each, net of

    2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    September 30, 2013 and March 31, 2013,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           704            704

    Retained earnings                                     8,159          7,666

    Other components of equity                          (2,027)        (1,103)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,900          7,331

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,900          7,331

    Total liabilities and equity                         $8,397         $8,539

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                                         Three     Three       Six       Six

                                        months    months    months    months

                                         ended     ended     ended     ended

                                     September September September September

                                      30, 2013  30, 2012  30, 2013  30, 2012

    Revenues                            $2,066    $1,797    $4,057    $3,549

    Cost of sales                        1,337     1,114     2,633     2,173

    Gross profit                           729       683     1,424     1,376

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses         120        92       223       178

    Administrative expenses*               158       119       282       237

    Total operating expenses               278       211       505       415

    Operating profit                       451       472       919       961

    Other income, net                       81       129       184       216

    Profit before income taxes             532       601     1,103     1,177

    Income tax expense                     149       170       302       330

    Net profit                            $383      $431      $801      $847

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss

    Re-measurement of the net

    defined benefit

    liability/(asset)                       $5         -        $6         -

    Items that may be reclassified

    subsequently to profit or loss

    Fair value changes on

    available-for-sale financial

    asset, net of tax effect              ($4)        $1      ($4)         -

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign operations       (316)       324     (935)     (228)

    Total other comprehensive income    ($315)      $325    ($933)    ($228)

    Total comprehensive income             $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                 $383      $431      $801      $847

    Non-controlling interests                -         -         -         -

                                          $383      $431      $801      $847

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company                  $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Non-controlling interests                -         -         -         -

                                           $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                             0.67      0.75      1.40      1.48

    Diluted ($)                           0.67      0.75      1.40      1.48

    (*) Administrative expenses for quarter and half year ended September 30,

2013 include a provision of $ 35 million towards visa related matters.


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and six

months ended September 30, 2013 has been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on October 11, 2013

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

    Fact Sheet:


    INR: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/prne/operations/InfosysINR.pdf


Investor Relations

Gargi Ray, India



Sandeep Mahindroo, US



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



Ken Montgomery, Golin Harris, US



ソース:Infosys Ltd

Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter ended September 30, 2013


BANGALORE, India, Oct. 11 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    Q2 revenues grew by 15.0% year-on-year; 3.8% quarter-on-quarter

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

    Financial Highlights

    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended September 30, 2013

    - Revenues were $2,066 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2013

      QoQ growth was 3.8%

      YoY growth was 15.0%

    - Net profit was $383 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2013

      QoQ decline was 8.4%

      YoY decline was 11.1%

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) was $0.67 for the quarter

      ended September 30, 2013 QoQ decline was 8.2%

      YoY decline was 10.7%

      EPADS for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 is $0.73 per share,

      excluding the provision of $35m for visa related matters. EPADS for the

      quarter is $0.67 per share, including the provision of $35m for visa

      related matters. The difference is $0.06 per share.

    - Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale

      financial assets, and government bonds were $4.3 billion as on September

      30, 2013 versus $4.1 billion as on June 30, 2013

    Other highlights:


    - Infosys and its subsidiaries added 68 clients during the quarter

    - Gross addition of 12,168 employees (net addition of 2,964) for the


      by Infosys and its subsidiaries

    - 160,227 employees as on September 30, 2013 for Infosys and its


    - Declared an interim dividend of `20 per ADS (equivalent to an interim

      dividend of $0.32 per ADS, at the prevailing exchange rate of `62.61 per

      US$). The record date for the payment of dividend is October 18, 2013

    "During the quarter we witnessed broad-based volume growth, robust client

additions, five large deal wins and increased sales momentum of our big data

and cloud offerings. This growth is a result of our focus on execution, which

helps our clients achieve their objectives," said S. D. Shibulal, CEO and

Managing Director. "We will continue with planned investments and initiatives

to explore new avenues of growth. We remain watchful of the sustainability of

improving global economic fundamentals," he added.

    "The global currency market remains volatile with the Indian Rupee

depreciating by 11% during the quarter. We have an active hedging program to

minimize its impact on our margins. We will continue our focus on optimizing

costs and enhancing the efficiency of our operations," said Rajiv Bansal, Chief

Financial Officer.


    The company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31,

2014, under IFRS is as follows:

    Revenues are expected to grow 9% to 10%;

    Business Highlights

    - We are pursuing and winning large outsourcing deals. Service innovations

like Global Agile, Virtual Operations and Integrated Application Management

continue to provide high levels of differentiation for us in the marketplace

and have enabled wins across industry verticals. We have recently entered into

a four-year engagement with Toyota Motor Europe to manage its Pan-European

application support. This contract covers key operational areas including core

automotive processes and corporate functions, under a managed service model.

    - On the Business Transformation front, we have enhanced our scale in

emerging markets and our non-linear revenues by leveraging new business models

and pricing structures. We continue to leverage our alliances and are driving

innovation through industry leading intellectual property and solutions.

    - We continue to strengthen our competencies in Oracle and SAP practices.

We have been rated as a leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Oracle

Application Implementation and Application Management Services, and for SAP

Application Management services.

    - Our Products and Platforms business continues to grow at a steady pace

with 15 wins this quarter (excluding Finacle(TM)).

    - Finacle(TM) had 18 new wins across South Asia, South East Asia, the

Middle East, Europe, and Australia-New Zealand this quarter. We launched

Finacle 11E, the enterprise edition of Finacle(TM) universal banking solution.

Finacle 11E is designed to simplify banking transformation with

enterprise-class components.

    - We are building momentum in the market with our Cloud and Big Data


      Last quarter, we won over 15 new projects with clients in these segments.

We are a leader in Cloud services with more than 4,500 Cloud experts, 200

engagements and 35 partners. This was validated by IDC's recognition of Infosys

as a Major Player in its IDC MarketScape for Cloud Professional Services.

    - We are engaging with clients to create innovative solutions around the

mobile device. This quarter we began over 25 different engagements in various

areas such as Mobile strategy consulting, Mobile field service, customer

engagement, and enterprise productivity, among others.

    - In the U.S., we are partnering with leading healthcare and public sector

organizations through Infosys Public Services Inc., to help them deliver

patient-centric care and mission outcomes. A Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan

awarded us a three year managed services contract to support its IT operations

and provide application maintenance and testing services. This will enable the

client to optimize efficiency and cost while delivering enhanced care and

services to members. We have also been selected by a multi-state

Medicaid/Medicare Plan to implement a solution that meets shared member

liability management requirements, as mandated for participation in health

exchanges under the U.S. Affordable Care Act.

    - During the second quarter, Infosys applied for 21 unique patent

applications in India and the U.S. With this, we have 536 patent applications

undergoing various stages of patent prosecution in India, the U.S. and other

jurisdictions. We have been granted 119 patents by the United States Patent and

Trademark Office and 3 patents by the Luxembourg patent office.

    Awards and Recognition

    - Infosys topped the 2013 Institutional Investor Rankings among all Indian

companies across sectors.

    - Finacle(TM) won the prestigious Best Core Banking Technology award in the

Innovation in Technology and Transaction Banking Awards 2013, organized by The

Banker (a Financial Times publication).

    - Infosys China was recognized among the '2013 Top 10 Global Services

Providers' in China at the 5th Annual China Sourcing Summit.

    - Infosys Public Services Inc. has been named in the 'Healthcare's Hottest



test-for-2013-40-of-the-healthcare-industrys-fastest ]

      Companies for 2013


test-for-2013-40-of-the-healthcare-industrys-fastest ]' list by Modern

Healthcare, a leading healthcare publication for senior decision-makers.

    About Infosys Ltd

    Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing

solutions. We enable clients, in more than 30 countries, to stay a step ahead

of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We help them

transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough solutions

that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

    Visit http://www.infosys.com [http://www.infosys.com/Pages/index.aspx ] to

see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$7.4 billion in annual revenues and

155,000+ employees, is Building Tomorrow's Enterprise(R) today.

    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements.

The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not

limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings,

fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth, intense

competition in IT services including those factors which may affect our cost

advantage, wage increases in India, our ability to attract and retain highly

skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame

contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry

segment concentration, our ability to manage our international operations,

reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in

telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully

complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our

service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made

strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal

incentives, political instability and regional conflicts, legal restrictions on

raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of

our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our

industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are

more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission

filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended

March 31, 2013 and on Form 6-K for the quarter ended June 30, 2013.

These filings are available at http://www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to

time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including

statements contained in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange

Commission and our reports to shareholders. The company does not undertake to

update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or

on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)

                                                     September 30,    March 31,

                                                           2013           2013


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,601         $4,021

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     448            320

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    84              -

    Trade receivables                                     1,333          1,305

    Unbilled revenue                                        503            449

    Derivative financial instruments                          -             19

    Prepayments and other current assets                    389            391

    Total current assets                                  6,358          6,505

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,120          1,191

    Goodwill                                                352            364

    Intangible assets                                        62             68

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     165             72

    Deferred income tax assets                               88             94

    Income tax assets                                       222            201

    Other non-current assets                                 30             44

    Total non-current assets                              2,039          2,034

    Total assets                                         $8,397         $8,539


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                        $72              -

    Trade payables                                           16             35

    Current income tax liabilities                          305            245

    Client deposits                                           3              6

    Unearned revenue                                        135            152

    Employee benefit obligations                            142            113

    Provisions                                               71             39

    Other current liabilities                               698            568

    Total current liabilities                             1,442          1,158

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          11             23

    Other non-current liabilities                            44             27

    Total liabilities                                     1,497          1,208


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,402,566 each, net of

    2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    September 30, 2013 and March 31, 2013,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           704            704

    Retained earnings                                     8,159          7,666

    Other components of equity                          (2,027)        (1,103)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,900          7,331

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,900          7,331

    Total liabilities and equity                         $8,397         $8,539

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                                         Three     Three       Six       Six

                                        months    months    months    months

                                         ended     ended     ended     ended

                                     September September September September

                                      30, 2013  30, 2012  30, 2013  30, 2012

    Revenues                            $2,066    $1,797    $4,057    $3,549

    Cost of sales                        1,337     1,114     2,633     2,173

    Gross profit                           729       683     1,424     1,376

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses         120        92       223       178

    Administrative expenses*               158       119       282       237

    Total operating expenses               278       211       505       415

    Operating profit                       451       472       919       961

    Other income, net                       81       129       184       216

    Profit before income taxes             532       601     1,103     1,177

    Income tax expense                     149       170       302       330

    Net profit                            $383      $431      $801      $847

    Other comprehensive income

    Items that will not be

    reclassified to profit or loss

    Re-measurement of the net

    defined benefit

    liability/(asset)                       $5         -        $6         -

    Items that may be reclassified

    subsequently to profit or loss

    Fair value changes on

    available-for-sale financial

    asset, net of tax effect              ($4)        $1      ($4)         -

    Exchange differences on

    translating foreign operations       (316)       324     (935)     (228)

    Total other comprehensive income    ($315)      $325    ($933)    ($228)

    Total comprehensive income             $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                 $383      $431      $801      $847

    Non-controlling interests                -         -         -         -

                                          $383      $431      $801      $847

    Total comprehensive income

    attributable to:

    Owners of the company                  $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Non-controlling interests                -         -         -         -

                                           $68      $756    ($132)      $619

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                             0.67      0.75      1.40      1.48

    Diluted ($)                           0.67      0.75      1.40      1.48

    (*) Administrative expenses for quarter and half year ended September 30,

2013 include a provision of $ 35 million towards visa related matters.


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and six

months ended September 30, 2013 has been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on October 11, 2013

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

    Fact Sheet:


    INR: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/prne/operations/InfosysINR.pdf


    Investor Relations

    Gargi Ray, India



    Sandeep Mahindroo, US



    Media Relations

    Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



    Ken Montgomery, Golin Harris, US



    Source: Infosys Ltd




