Renault-Nissan Alliance Continues Progress in Closing the Global Gender Gap

Renault-Nissan Alliance

Renault-Nissan Alliance Continues Progress in Closing the Global Gender Gap


DEAUVILLE, France, Oct. 15/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - Female recruitment has particularly accelerated in emerging economies,

      helping to increase gender parity in key countries such as Russia and


    - Renault remains an industry benchmark for women at the senior executive

      level and has become a benchmark for women at the highest corporate level

      in France

    - Percentage of women managers at Nissan in Japan is more than double

      national average for manufacturers

    - Executive management teams of Renault and Nissan become even more diverse,

      reflecting the global scale of both brands

    The Renault-Nissan Alliance continues to make progress in closing the

gender gap, and in the past year the organization has particularly accelerated

recruitment and advancement of women in key growth markets.

    Russia and Brazil are among Renault-Nissan's most successful regions for

female recruitment and advancement into management positions. In Russia,

Renault's third-largest market, women account for 19% of the workforce and 25%

of managers. In 2013, 40% of all new Renault recruits in Russia were women, up

from 35% in the previous year.

    At Nissan, women account for 15% of the workforce in Russia and 27.7% of

managers, one of the highest ratios within the company.

    Brazil is another key growth market, where rapid hiring has helped increase

the ranks of women managers at Nissan. Nissan has almost tripled the number of

female managers in Brazil in just one year. Women now represent nearly 20% of

all Nissan Brazil managers. Thanks in part to Brazil's success, the number of

women managers has surged 70% in the last five years throughout Nissan's

operations in the Americas.

    "Because of the faster pace of growth and demand for talent, emerging

markets represent a historic opportunity to close the global gender gap," said

Renault-Nissan Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn. "But make no mistake: Closing the

gender gap is our objective worldwide, including in our home markets."

    Globally, Renault remains a leader in the industry in terms of women at the

senior executive management level. Two out of its ten-member executive

committee are women. Renault now has similar representation of women at all

levels of the company. Women comprise 17.4% of Renault's global headcount, 17%

of managerial positions and 16% of Renault's key 150 executive positions


    Full press release here:


    Mia Nielsen

    Renault-Nissan Alliance


    SOURCE: Renault-Nissan Alliance  




