◎「人体器官再生科学」の発明でスー博士にGolden Biatec賞


◎「人体器官再生科学」の発明でスー博士にGolden Biatec賞

AsiaNet 54674

共同JBN 1128 (2013.10.18)



ロンシャン・スー(Rongxiang Xu)(徐栄祥)博士(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rongxiang_Xu)は「人体器官再生と寿命延長の科学的ルートとソリューション」の発明に対して、欧州のスロバキアにある「インフォーマル経済フォーラム(IEF)経済クラブ」(http://www.hospodarskyklub.sk/?ankety2013)から熱望されているGolden Biatec 2013国際賞の受賞者に指名された。Golden はスロバキア共和国内、国外における経済、公共、政治生活に対する特別な貢献をたたえるものである。賞は毎年IEFが「民族、国家間関係の平和と発展」に貢献した国家指導者、世界の人々の福祉に最も貢献した人物を7人程度受賞者として授与する。

 (Photo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131017/LA98988


Golden Biatec賞のこれまでの著名な国際的受賞者には、ブッシュ前米大統領、プーチン・ロシア大統領、シラク元フランス大統領、H・コール元ドイツ首相、J・サンテール元欧州議会議長、世界経済フォーラムの創設者で会長のK・シュワブ教授、J・D・ウォルフェンソン元世界銀行総裁、A・クワシニェフスキ元ポーランド大統領、1996年ノーベル平和賞受賞者のM・ヤヌス教授らが含まれている。国内の受賞者では初代受賞者はM・コバーチ初代スロバキア大統領だった。ヤン・クリゾストム・カレッチ枢機卿はGolden Biatec賞と名誉クラブメンバー権を贈られた。



ロンシャン・スー博士は「人体再生回復科学」(HBRRS)の創設者で、損傷器官再生の科学的ルート-オバマ米大統領の2013年年頭教書で最優先事項とされた-の特許権所有者であり、ヒトの体細胞を多能性幹細胞に転換し、生理学的組織と器官を再生する特許の技術的ルートの発明者であり、再生可能性細胞(Potential Regenerative Cell)(PRC)特許の発明者である。


Jane Westgate: +1-336-209-9276, Jane@westgatecom.com

Cheryl Riley: +1-703-683-1798, cherylrileypr@comcast.net

ソース:Dr. Rongxiang Xu

Dr. Rongxiang Xu Is Awarded with the International Golden Biatec 2013 for the Invention of "Human Organ Regeneration Science"


LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

            -- Dr. Xu Joins the ranks of previous winners including

   Former U.S. President George W. Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin

                 and Former French President Jacques Chirac

    Dr. Rongxiang Xu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rongxiang_Xu ) has been

named as a recipient of the highly coveted Golden Biatec 2013 international

award by the Informal Economic Forum (IEF) Economic Club (

http://www.hospodarskyklub.sk/?ankety2013 ) located in Slovakia in Europe for

his invention of "the scientific route and solution for human organ

regeneration and life extension".  The Golden Biatec recognizes exceptional

contribution to economic, public, and political life in the Slovak Republic and

internationally. The prize is awarded annually by the IEF to approximately

seven recipients who are leaders in their country for their contribution to

"peace and development in relations between the nations and their states," and

to those who have made the most contribution to the well-being of the world


    (Photo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131017/LA98988 )

    The Economic Club based their nomination of Dr. Xu on their recognition for

his research and contribution to inventing the scientific route and solution

for regeneration of damaged human organs and prolonging human lives. The

nomination letter stated: "We would like to show our recognition and

appreciation for your contribution to finding a solution for the regeneration

of human organs. The information regarding your unique patent is game-changing

not only in biology, but also in general science."

    Previous prominent international laureates of the Golden Biatec annual

award includes: former U.S. President G.W. Bush, Russian President V. Putin,

former French President J. Chirac, former German Chancellor H. Kohl, President

of the European Commission J. Santer, founder and President of the World

Economic Forum Prof. K. Schwab,  former President of the World Bank J. D.

Wolfensohn, former Polish President A. Kvasniewski, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize

laureate Prof. M. Yunus. As for the domestic laureates, the first laureate was

the first president of the Slovak Republic, M. Kovac.  Cardinal Jan Chryzostom

Korec was also  granted with Golden Biatec and honorary club rights.

    The Economic Club announced the award presentation ceremony will be held in

Bratislava, Slovakia on October. 24, 2013 (2:30pm central Europe Time, 8:30am

U.S. Eastern Time) with worldwide online streaming access (


http://www.telepresence.sk/portal/event/detail/event/17/ ) . The live ceremony

will include a one-hour speech by Dr. Xu addressing organ regeneration science

to tell the world that a type of cells having regenerative potential exist in

human organs, which can be awakened to regenerate the organ's own cells by

which to cure the damage and disease of the organ, as well as to prolong the

life of the organ, a new innovative life science development in human health


    About Dr. Rongxiang Xu:

    Dr. Rongxiang Xu is the inventor and founder of "Human Body Regenerative

Restoration Science" (HBRRS) and the patentee of damaged organ regeneration

scientific route- a top priority claimed in President Obama's 2013 State of the

Union, the inventor of patent technological route that human somatic cells

convert into pluripotent stem cells and regenerate physiological tissues and

organs, as well as the inventor of Potential Regenerative Cell (PRC) patent.  


    Jane Westgate: +1-336-209-9276, Jane@westgatecom.com

    Cheryl Riley: +1-703-683-1798, cherylrileypr@comcast.net

    SOURCE: Dr. Rongxiang Xu




