◎M・リンドストローム氏がインドでワークショップを開催 Buy-ology

UBM India

◎M・リンドストローム氏がインドでワークショップを開催 Buy-ology

AsiaNet 54744

共同JBN 1267 (2013.10.23)

【ムンバイ(インド)2013年10月23日PRN=共同`JBN】12月4日に開かれるBuy-ology Symposium はインドにおけるマーケティングとブランディングのプロフェッショナルにとって間違いなく一流の、刺激的な、情報量にあふれたイベントの1つになることが約束されている。

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130930/642888

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131023/10078340













Buy-ology Symposiumでは、参加者はリンドストローム氏が行った実験で得られた2つの極端な結果が紹介される。1番目は驚きと皮肉な結果に終わった1年間におよぶリンドストローム氏の試みであるブランド、デトックス。2番目は 革命的な数百万ドルのゲリラマーケティング体験の素晴らしい成果で、リンドストローム氏が特に最新の著作のために行ったものだ。リアルライフの台本のないリアリティー・テレビショー番組は最もパワフルに説得する人々の姿を暴露した:われわれの友人や隣人である。


ベストセラー、「Click: What Millions do Online and Why it Matters」の著者であるビル・タンサーは「ブランドマーケティングのブラックボックスのツアーガイドとしてこれ以上のものはないと思う。ひいきにしていたあらゆるブランドに対して、もうこれまでと同じ見方ができなくなった」と述べた。

▽UBM Indiaについて

UBM Indiaはロンドン証券取引所に上場されているUBM plcの子会社である。世界で2位の独立系見本市・展示会イベントのオーガナイザー。インド国内では最大の展示会オーガナイザーであり、13業種で146のイベントに責任を持っている。UBM India はNGO India のオーガナイザーでもあり、企業、政府、NGOを共通のCSRプラットフォームで1つにまとめている。詳細は UBM India のウエブサイトを参照。 http://www.ubmindia.in


Ms Rakhi Singh, Marketing Manager,

UBM India T: +91(022)6172-7077, e-mail: rakhi.singh@ubm.com

Buy-ology Symposium については、http://www.buy-ology.co.in/prを参照。

ソース:UBM India

Martin Lindstrom Presents his Award Winning Workshop in India


MUMBAI, India, October 23 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ -

     Buy-ology Symposium on the 4th December arguably promises to be one of the

most prestigious, inspiring and information rich events on the calendar for

marketing and branding professionals in India.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130930/642888 )

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131023/10078340 )

     Honoured by Time Magazine in 2009 as one of the 100 most influential

people - the people who most affect our world.

    Martin Lindstron will not only present his findings from his $7million

buy-ology experiment which shocked the world of marketing, but he will also

share with his audience his latest findings about social branding and the power

of peers. Lindstrom reveals the lengths to which marketers will go to exploit

guilt, desire, fear, insecurity, nostalgia, and more to move us to buy. As he

claims, the chances are, you've fallen for it and you've been brandwashed.

    Those who will be lucky enough to attend the 6-hour long workshop will find

out fist-hand:

     - How marketers are targeting younger and younger children, exploiting

findings that show babies recognize brands by eighteen months and can hear and

remember ad jingles from the womb

    - How companies hijack information from our Facebook profiles, cell phones

and computer history to secretly mine our digital data for the most intimate

details of our private lives so they can target our vulnerabilities

    - Who Justin Bieber's wildly successful marketing is actually targeting

(hint: not teens)

     - How certain brands-like one popular lip gloss-purposely make their

products chemically addictive

    - How retailers capitalize on our panicked responses to viruses, weather

events, and food- contamination scares (guess where the $402 million market for

hand sanitizers came from?)

    - The surprising results of an fMRI study uncovering what heterosexual men

really think about when confronted with sexually provocative advertising (hint:

not their girlfriends)

    - How grocery brands create an illusion of freshness for products that have

in reality been on the shelves for months or even years

    - How mothers dictate 60 percent of the brands their children will use

regularly for the rest of their lives

    - How Muzak gets programmed differently throughout the day to

subconsciously persuade us to buy based on our mood

    During the Buy-ology Symposium, the audience will learn about two extreme

experiments Lindstrom embarked on to test his findings-first, the surprising

and ironic outcome of his attempt at a yearlong brand detox; and second, the

fascinating results of a revolutionary multimillion-dollar guerilla marketing

experiment he conducted specifically for his latest book. This real-life,

unscripted reality-TV show revealed the most powerful persuader of all: our

friends and neighbors.

    According to Lindstrom, "Even before 6% of the next generation is born they

have a digital foot print. An average iPhone user is tracked 129,000 times per

year. The quality of friends you have determine the type of online ads you'll

be exposed for in gMail..."

    "I can't think of a better tour guide to take us into the black box that is

brand marketing. I'll never look at my favorite brands the same way again!"

Bill Tancer, bestselling author of Click: What Millions do Online and Why it


    About UBM India

    UBM India is a subsidiary of London Stock Exchange listed UBM plc, which is

the second largest independent exhibition organiser in the world. It is the

largest trade exhibition organiser in India, responsible for 146 events in

across 13 industry verticals across the country. UBM India is the organiser of

NGO India which brings together corporates, government and NGOs on a common CSR

platform. For further details please visit the UBM India website,


    For further information please contact: Ms Rakhi Singh, Marketing Manager,

UBM India T: +91(022)6172-7077, e-mail: rakhi.singh@ubm.com

    Find out more about Buy-ology Symposium http://www.buy-ology.co.in/pr

    Source: UBM India




