


AsiaNet 54826

共同JBN 1311 (2013.10.30)



バミューダ政府のクレイグ・キャノニア首相は今週、ロンドンでの第9回世界イスラム経済フォーラム(World Islamic Economic Forum)に出席し、シャリア(イスラム法体系)を順守する金融ハブとしての位置を強く訴える意向である。












▽世界イスラム経済フォーラム(World Islamic Economic Forum)について

第9回世界イスラム経済フォーラム(World Islamic Economic Forum WIFE)が2013年10月29日から31日まで、ロンドン・エクセルで開催され、急速に変わりつつある世界で国境、宗教、文化を横断して国家間に新たな経済的リンケージが生成するのを大切に育てて行くため、テーマとして「変わりつつある世界、新しい諸関係」(Changing World New Relationships)を掲げている。今年、WIFEは先進的な各国政府指導者、業界指導者、学者、企業経営者、政策立案者、革新的技術者、実業家、投資家を集めてレベルの高い意見交換の場を設け、イスラム世界においてビジネスパートナー関係を結ぶ機会について意見交換する。

同フォーラムは世界イスラム経済フォーラム財団(World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation http://www.9thwief.org/Home.aspx)によって組織される。

ソース:Government of Bermuda

Bermuda to Become a Leading Centre for Islamic Finance




     Bermuda's Premier Craig Cannonier at World Islamic Economic forum in

London, 29-31 October

    The Government of Bermuda plans to become a leading Western destination for

Islamic finance, building on its world-leading position in insurance and


    The Hon. Craig Cannonier, Premier of the Government of Bermuda, is

attending the 9th World Islamic Economic Forum in London this week, to promote

Bermuda's position as a hub for Sharia-compliant finance.

    Bermuda has rapidly built its capability in and infrastructure for Islamic

finance and has established partnerships with the financial centres of a range

of Muslim countries.

    Bermuda has signed a double taxation agreement with Bahrain and Qatar.

    Premier of Bermuda, Hon. Craig Cannonier, said: "We are at the World

Islamic Economic Forum to continue the talks and further the relationships that

were established two years ago when we first announced our becoming a

Sharia-compliant financial hub.

    "We recognise that not only is the world around us changing, but that the

economy is changing with it. Bermuda is well recognised as the leading offshore

financial centre for the insurance and reinsurance industries, with world-class

support services such as legal and accounting, which make extension in to

Islamic finance a logical development where we have a leading global

competitive edge."

    Islamic finance is one of the fastest growing financial sectors and counted

approximately $1.2 trillion global Islamic banking assets at the end of 2012.

    Notes to editors

    About Bermuda

    The Islands of Bermuda ("Bermuda") is a self-governing British Overseas

Territory (BOT), located in the North Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of the

United States. Bermuda has a population of some 65,000 and has the

fourth-highest income per capita in the world. Its capital city is Hamilton.

    Executive authority is held by the Crown and is exercised on her behalf by

the Governor of Bermuda. The United Kingdom controls the foreign affairs of the

territory and an elected government, modelled on the bicameral parliamentary

system, administers to the internal interests of territory. The Government of

Bermuda is led by the office of Premier and a cabinet which is appointed by the

Governor on the Premier's suggestion. The Hon. Craig Cannonier is the Premier

of Bermuda and was elected to the position in 2012.

    The economy of Bermuda is centred on international business and the

provision of financial services to that sector. It is a world capital for the

insurance and reinsurance industries due to the territory's unique business

regulations and lower levels of taxation. The territory maintains strong

interests in transparency and proactive cooperation on matters of international

taxation, holding bilateral Tax Information Exchange Agreements with 90% of the

members of the G20; 76% of OECD and 52% of EU member states.

    Bermuda accounts for some 100,000 jobs in the UK, more than that of the

economy of Japan.

    In September of 2013, Bermuda joined the OECD Multilateral Convention on

Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters to facilitate cooperation between

jurisdictions in the assessment and collection of taxes, in particular to

combat tax avoidance and evasion. Bermuda has long been recognised as the gold

standard for offshore financial centres in terms of compliance and transparency.

    About The World Economic Islamic Forum

    The 9th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) will be held at Excel London on

29 - 31 October 2013, bearing the theme "Changing World, New Relationships" to

encapsulate the emergence of new economic linkages between nations across

borders, religions and cultures in a fast changing world. This year, WIEF will

provide a high level platform for leading global government leaders, captains

of industries, academic scholars, regional experts, professionals, corporate

managers, policy makers, innovators, business leaders and investors to discuss

opportunities for business partnerships in the Muslim world.

    The Forum is organised by the World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation.


    SOURCE: Government of Bermuda




