◎発展途上国のがん疼痛緩和剤の利用促す 欧州臨床医学会主導の研究


◎発展途上国のがん疼痛緩和剤の利用促す 欧州臨床医学会主導の研究

AsiaNet 55155

共同JBN 1451(2013.11.28)




 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131128/654773

グローバル・オピオイド・ポリシー・イニシアチブ(Global Opioid Policy Initiative、GOPI)(http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/content/24/suppl_11.toc)プロジェクトによるこの調査研究は、規制によってがん患者が極度の痛みにさらされたまま放置されている国々に40億人余りの人々が住んでいることを示した。欧州臨床腫瘍学会(ESMO)は22のパートナーとともに、がんの痛みを管理するためオピオイドの入手と利用可能性を評価する初の世界的調査を開始して、各国政府は緊急に行動をとるべきであると指摘している。



イスラエルのシャーレ・ツェデック総合病院(Shaare Zedek Medical Center)所属でESMO苦痛緩和治療作業グループ報告書の主執筆者であるネイサン・チェルニー氏は「GOPIは多くの発展途上国にある過剰規制のまん延状態を掘り起こした。これらの国では、強いがんの痛みを緩和する基本的な薬物投与が恐ろしいほど難しい状態にある。世界人口の多くはがん性疼痛処理と苦痛管理治療に必要なオピオイドを利用できない」と語った。


同研究はアフリカ、アジア、中南米、中東で実施され、世界保健機関(WHO)の必須医薬品モデルリスト(http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/essentialmedicines/18th_EML_Final_eb_8Jul13.pdf)および国際ホスピス緩和ケア協議会(International Association for Hospice Palliative Care: IAHPC)によるがん性疼痛緩和に必須とみなされる7種のオピオイド薬物、すなわちコデイン、経口オキシコドン、経皮フェンタニル、即時放出および緩慢放出経口モルヒネ、モルヒネ注射、経口メタドンの可用性を評価した。



米ウィスコンシン州のウィスコンシン大学(UW)Carbone Cancer CenterのPain and Policy Studies Groupディレクター兼Palliative Medicine Foundingディレクター、そして報告書の共同執筆者であるジェームズ・クリアリー氏は「次の段階はこれらの問題に思慮深く対処するため、国際および国内組織が政府と規制当局者と協力することである」と付言した。







ESMO Press Office,



ソース:European Society for Medical Oncology

Untreated Cancer Pain a 'Scandal of Global Proportions', ESMO-led Survey Shows


LUGANO, Switzerland, Nov. 28,2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     - New global study reveals a pandemic of intolerable pain affecting

billions, caused by pain medicines overregulation

    A ground-breaking international survey published today, shows that more

than half of the world's population live in countries where regulations aiming

to stem drug misuse leave patients without access to opioid medicines for

managing cancer pain.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131128/654773 )

    The results from the Global Opioid Policy Initiative (GOPI)

[http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/content/24/suppl_11.toc ] project show that

more than 4 billion people live in countries where regulations leave cancer

patients suffering excruciating pain. National governments must take urgent

action to improve access to these medicines, says ESMO, with 22 partners that

launched the first global survey to evaluate opioids availability and

accessibility for cancer pain management.

    Photo with Summary map for number of regulatory barrier types [


    "The GOPI has uncovered a pandemic of overregulation in much of the

developing world that is making it catastrophically difficult to provide basic

medication to relieve strong cancer pain," says Nathan Cherny, ESMO Palliative

Care Working Group Chair, lead author of the report, Shaare Zedek Medical

Center, Israel. "Most of the world's population lacks the necessary access to

opioids for cancer pain management and palliative care."

    "When one considers that effective treatments are cheap and available,

untreated cancer pain and its horrendous consequences for patients and their

families is a scandal of global proportions," Cherny says.

    The study conducted in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East

assessed the availability of the seven opioid medications considered essential

for cancer pain relief by the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines


_8Jul13.pdf ] and the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care

[http://www.hospicecare.com ]: codeine, oral oxycodone, transdermal fentanyl,

immediate and slow release oral morphine, injectable morphine, oral methadone.

    While there are problems with the supply in many countries, the main

problem is overregulation that makes it difficult for healthcare professionals

to prescribe and administer them for legitimate medical use.

    "This is a tragedy born out of good intentions," says Cherny. "When opioids

are overregulated, the precautionary measures to prevent abuse and diversion

are excessive and impair the ability of healthcare systems to relieve real


    "The next step is for international and national organisations working

alongside governments and regulators to thoughtfully address the problems,"

adds co-author James Cleary, Pain and Policy Studies Group Director and

Palliative Medicine Founding Director, UW Carbone Cancer Center, Wisconsin, USA.

    "Regulatory reform must be partnered with healthcare providers education in

the safe and responsible use of opioid medication, education of the public to

destigmatize opioid analgesics and improved infrastructure for supply and


    Read full story here:


    About ESMO

    The European Society for Medical Oncology is the leading European

professional organisation committed to advancing the specialty of medical

oncology to advance cancer care and cure. http://www.esmo.org

    Media contact:

    ESMO Press Office, media@esmo.org,


    SOURCE: European Society for Medical Oncology




