◎千代田化工建設がARES PRISMを選択

ARES Project Management, LLC

◎千代田化工建設がARES PRISMを選択

AsiaNet 55270

共同JBN 1489 (2013.12.10)

【バーリンゲーム(米カリフォルニア州)2013年12月10日PRN=共同JBN】プロジェクトマネジメント・ソリューション提供で業界をリードするARES Project Management, LLCは10日、世界的なエンジニアリング企業千代田化工建設株式会社が世界規模のプロジェクトの成功を確かなものにするため、全事業分野にわたるエンタープライズ・プロジェクト管理およびコスト・マネジメントの標準規格としてARES PRISMを採用することになったと発表した。




ARES Project Management, LLCのマイケル・R・ジャクソン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「千代田化工建設はエンタープライズ全体にわたって共通する効果的なプロジェクト管理を確かなものにするためのステップを踏んでいる企業の良い例だ。この投資は千代田のグローバル・エクセレンスに対するコミットメントである。ARES Project Management、CST、千代田が共にパートナーとしてスムーズなロールアウトを確かなものにしているが、その中にはトレーニングやサードパーティーのソリューションをカスタム対応で統合することも含まれている」と語った。







▽ARES Project Management, LLCについて

ARES Project Management, LLCはARES Holding Companyの子会社の子会社で、統合計画管理ソリューションの世界的なプロバイダーである。世界50カ国以上の団体がPRISMを使って資本プロジェクトのエンジニアリングと建設を管理し、コスト削減、リスク軽減、プロジェクト・パフォーマンス向上を図っている。同社顧客には世界トップ5の防衛業者のうち4社、トップ10鉱山企業のうち8社、その他数多くのエネルギー、石油・ガス、航空宇宙、エンジニアリング、建設会社がある。ARESは100%の顧客満足の実現を目指す結果本位の企業パートナーである。


ソース:ARES Project Management, LLC


Nicole Stephano, ARES Project Management, LLC, +1 610-662-6145

Chiyoda Corporation Chooses ARES PRISM as Enterprise Project Cost Management Solution


BURLINGAME, Calif., Dec. 10, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   ARES Project Management, LLC, a leading project management solutions

provider, today announced that Chiyoda Corporation, the world-leading

engineering company, will standardize on ARES PRISM for enterprise project

controls and cost management across its operations to help ensure success of

their global projects.  

   Chiyoda has wide-ranging business interests in such fields as energy,

chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, social

infrastructure and industrial facilities.

   Chiyoda previously used a range of solutions - including desktop solutions,

spreadsheets and internally developed applications.  Consequently, Chiyoda

looked for an improved system to gain a comprehensive view of projects' cost

and visualized the associated risks at the enterprise level.

   "Recognizing that we needed a consistent project and portfolio management

environment to improve global operation for competitive advantage in global EPC

market," said Junichi Masukawa, General Manager of IT Management Unit at

Chiyoda Corporation. "In collaboration with Chiyoda System Technologies

Corporation (CST), a PRISM reseller, we were confident that PRISM would best

meet our needs to establish Chiyoda global standard project management platform

to manage all EPC projects in Chiyoda group. Our PRISM is completely integrated

with SAP, our financial management environment, and ability to have visibility

and right decision aligned to corporate management and global operation."  With

their site license, Chiyoda and their subsidiaries are deploying PRISM as their

corporate standard for project controls including budget management, revenue

tracking, contract administration, and change management to enable accurate

forecasting and on time project delivery.  

   "Chiyoda Corporation is a great example of an organization taking steps to

ensure common and effective project controls enterprise-wide," said Michael R.

Jackson, CEO, ARES Project Management, LLC. "This investment demonstrates

Chiyoda's commitment to global excellence.   Together, ARES Project Management,

CST and Chiyoda are partnering to ensure a smooth roll-out, which includes

training and custom integration with 3rd party solutions."

   About Chiyoda Corporation

   Chiyoda Corporation is the world-leading engineering company, has

world-ranging business interests in such fields as energy, chemicals and

petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, environmental technology, social

infrastructure and industrial facilities.Since its founding in 1948, Chiyoda

has built various plants and executed numerous projects in over 40 countries

around the world.

For more information about Chiyoda Corporation see:  


   About Chiyoda System Technologies Corporation (CST)

   Chiyoda System Technologies Corporation (CST) was established in 2012 by

merging Chiyoda Keiso Co., Ltd. ("CKC") and IT Engineering Limited ("IT&E").

CST provides EPCm services for electrical and instrumentation facilities, IT

business such as system consulting, development, integration and operation

support, and EPCm services for Mega Solar facilities. CST established a firm

position in project portfolio management solution provider in Japan as IT&E

with global project management expertise, and has over 100 customers in each

industry, such as Engineering and Construction, Oil and Gas, Utility,

Government, Manufacturing, Financial, IT, etc.

For more information about Chiyoda System Technologies see:


   ARES Project Management, LLC

   ARES Project Management, LLC, a subsidiary of ARES Holding Company, is a

world-class provider of integrated project management solutions.  Organizations

in more than 50 countries rely on PRISM to manage the engineering and

construction of capital projects to lower cost, mitigate risk and improve

project performance.  Our customers include 4 of the 5 top defense agencies, 8

of the top 10 mining companies and countless energy, oil and gas, aerospace and

engineering and construction firms from around the world.  With more than 95%

repeat business each year, ARES is a results-oriented business partner with a

drive towards 100% customer satisfaction.  www.aresprism.com

   SOURCE: ARES Project Management, LLC

   CONTACT: Nicole Stephano, ARES Project Management, LLC, +1 610-662-6145




