


AsiaNet 55269

共同JBN 1491 (2013.12.12)





アルセニオ・パグリニアーニ社長は「MaxyAllは教授、テクノロジー、マーケティング、電子商取引のグローバルな集合の場を通じて、個々人の能力と成果を最大限に高める使命を掲げて創設された」と述べた。MaxyAllの最高経営責任者である同社長はPackard Bell Computers(http://www.packardbell.com/)南米部門の社長、BuscaPe(http://www.buscape.com.br/)の副社長を歴任、その経歴を通じて広範な経験を積み、また、米国、欧州、中東で事業経営に当たった。



構想: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWlqwwPEkc

組織: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4PEr5hGMZQ


Fernando Baddini

電子メール marketing@maxyall.com

電話 +55-15-9-8166-3100


MaxyAll Commences Operations


SAO PAULO, Dec. 12, 2013 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- A new promise in distance learning

   In a pre-operational phase, MaxyAll (http://www.maxyall.com/) is introducing

to the market a proposition that is innovative to say the least: a global

distance learning platform different from anything else currently available.  

According to Arsenio Pagliarini, the company's world president, this

combination of technology and self-instruction will allow knowledge to assume

new forms never seen before.  

   Accompanying the hyper-trend of distance learning, already demonstrated by

Google's entrance into the sector, (http://www.google.com/edu), MaxyAll will

have an ecosystem of applications for iOS systems (www.apple.com/br/ipad) and

Android (http://www.android.com/), providing a better experience both for

users, who will be able to purchase courses and Interact with e-commerce, as

well as for distributors, who will be able to conduct training sessions and

keep track of transactions.  

   "MaxyAll has been created with the mission of maximizing individual ability

and success through the global venues of instruction, technology, marketing and

e-commerce," notes Arsenio. MaxyAll's chief executive was formerly President of

Packard Bell Computers in Latin America (http://www.packardbell.com/), Vice

President of Buscape (http://www.buscape.com.br/), and has accumulated

extensive experience along the way, having also managed businesses in the U.S.,

Europe and the Middle East.   

   "This is the moment to invest in one of the fastest-growing markets in the

world, education, especially in this era when knowledge is increasingly

valued," Arsenio concludes.    

   The official launch of MaxyAll is scheduled for coming months, but it is

already possible to watch the pre-launch videos:  

   Conceptual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BWlqwwPEkc

   Institutional: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4PEr5hGMZQ


Fernando Baddini



   SOURCE:  MaxyAll




