◎パロアルトネットワークス、高度なサイバー攻撃を検知防御する 次世代FW向け最新OS「PAN-OS(TM) 6.0」を発表


AsiaNet 55534



パロアルトネットワークス、高度なサイバー攻撃を検知防御する 次世代FW向け最新OS「PAN-OS(TM) 6.0」を発表

東京、2014年1月16日 /PRNewswire/ --次世代ファイアウォールベンダーのパロアルトネットワークス合同会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:金城 盛弘、以下パロアルトネットワークス)は、本日、サイバー攻撃の脅威検知と防御機能を向上させた次世代ファイアウォール向け最新OS「PAN-OS(TM) 6.0」を提供開始します。「PAN-OS 6.0」では、クラウド型マルウェア分析仮想サンドボックス「WildFire(TM)」の拡張として、未知のマルウェア、ゼロデイ攻撃、標的型攻撃(APT)の迅速な検知とブロックが強化されます。

(写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130508/SF04701LOGO )




「PAN-OS 6.0」のWildFireにおける主な機能強化


・ゼロデイ脆弱性攻撃の検出:クラウド型のWildFireでは、新しくWindows 7およびAndroidでのサンドボックス分析に対応し、アプリケーションやOSに対するゼロディ攻撃も振る舞いベースの分析で迅速に検知






ノバスコシア MOMA IT責任者 フィル・カミングズ


パロアルトネットワークス プロダクトマネジメント

バイスプレジデント リー・クラリッチ

 これら新機能はパロアルトネットワークスのプラットフォームの中核である次世代ファイアウォール向け最新OS「PAN-OS 6.0」で提供されます。サポート契約を締結しているパロアルトネットワークスのお客様すべてに提供されます。

パロアルトネットワークスのエンタープライズセキュリティプラットフォームとWildFireサービスの詳細については、下記のWebサイトをご覧ください。 http://www.paloaltonetworks.jp/solutions/wildfire.html


パロアルトネットワークス(NYSE: PANW)は、サイバー攻撃から数多くの企業、行政機関、プロバイダのネットワークを守るサイバーセキュリティのリーディングカンパニーです。当社の提供する次世代ファイアウォールは、変化の激しい今日のIT業界で重要となるアプリケーションやユーザー、コンテンツを基にセキュリティの保護を行い、お客様のビジネス展開をサポートします。詳しくはhttp://www.paloaltonetworks.jp をご覧ください。

Palo Alto Networks、"The Network Security Company"、Palo Alto Networksロゴ、WildFireは米国におけるPalo Alto Networksの商標です。本書に記述されているその他すべての商標、商号、サービスマークは、各所有者に帰属します。

情報元:  Palo Alto Networks

問い合わせ先: 【お客様からのお問い合わせ先】パロアルトネットワークス合同会社, Tel: 03-3511-4050, Email: infojapan@paloaltonetworks.com; 【報道関係者からのお問い合わせ先】パロアルトネットワークスPR事務局, 株式会社アクティオ, Tel: 03-5771-6426, Email: paloalto-pr@actioinc.jp

Palo Alto Networks Raises the Bar on Battling Sophisticated Cyber Attacks


TOKYO, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Palo Alto Networks(R) (NYSE: PANW), the leader in enterprise security,

today announced enhancements to its enterprise security platform that increase

advanced threat detection and prevention capabilities for its customers

worldwide.  Most significantly, this includes enhancements to the Palo Alto

Networks WildFire(TM) service that enable quick discovery and elimination of

previously unknown malware, zero-day exploits, and advanced persistent threats


    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130508/SF04701LOGO )

    Cyber criminals are employing new stealth methods to evade traditional

security measures, such as stateful firewalls, intrusion prevention systems and

anti-virus (AV) systems.  These legacy approaches often address only a single

threat vector across a limited range of network traffic, resulting in a higher

attack penetration rate and costly human incident response.  

    To better detect sophisticated attacks, a highly automated and scalable

"closed loop" approach is required. One that begins with positive security

controls to reduce the attack surface; inspects all traffic, ports, and

protocols to block all known threats; rapidly detects unknown threats; then,

automatically employs new protections back to the front line to ensure

previously unknown threats are known to all and blocked.

    The Palo Alto Networks enterprise security platform is pioneering this

approach; it starts with its next-generation firewall as the core enforcement

vehicle within the network, and is extended by the advanced detection and

analysis capabilities delivered by the WildFire service, which is now used by

more than 2,400 customers worldwide.  New advancements include:

    -- Extended file visibility - all common file types, including PDFs, Office

       documents, Java, and APKs, operating systems, and applications

       (encrypted or not) are now seen and filtered.

    -- Zero-day exploit detection - using behavioral analysis, this signature

       independent capability in the WildFire cloud quickly identifies exploits

       in common applications and operating systems and distributes the

       intelligence to subscribing customers in as little as 30 minutes to

       prevent future attacks.

    -- Discovery of malicious domains - blocks the critical command-and-control

       phase of an advanced attack by building a global database of compromised

       domains and infrastructure.

    -- Single "pane of glass" view into incident response data - in a single

       view, security administrators have access to a wealth of information on

       malware, its behavior, compromised hosts, and more, so that incident

       response teams can quickly address threats and build proactive controls.

    These advancements increase unknown threat detection capabilities at each

step in the attack lifecycle. Combined with automated blocking and in-line

enforcement, the new capabilities can dramatically reduce the number of threats

that penetrate an organization and require human incident response.  And, in

the unlikely event a threat does penetrate an organization, incident response

teams have relevant data in a single view to take quick action.

    -- "Quickly detecting and eliminating previously unknown threats across all

       applications is key to protecting an organization from today's advanced

       threats; only Palo Alto Networks offers its customers the closed loop

       capabilities to most efficiently and effectively stop sophisticated


       - Lee Klarich, senior vice president of product management, Palo Alto



    The enhancements are accessible via Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS(TM) version

6.0 - the operating system that is the heart of the Palo Alto Networks

platform, which will be available for all Palo Alto Networks customers with

valid support contracts.  These new advancements will also be spotlighted at

the Palo Alto Networks Ignite user conference, March 31 - April 2, Las Vegas,

NV; to register, visit:  


    To learn more about Palo Alto Networks security platform and WildFire

service, visit:  



    Palo Alto Networks is leading a new era in cybersecurity by protecting

thousands of enterprise, government, and service provider networks from cyber

threats.  Unlike fragmented legacy products, our security platform safely

enables business operations and delivers protection based on what matters most

in today's dynamic computing environments: applications, users, and content.  

Find out more at http://www.paloaltonetworks.com.

    SOURCE: Palo Alto Networks


    Jennifer Jasper-Smith, Head of Corporate Communications, Palo Alto




     or Tim Whitman, Voce Communications,

     +1-617-897-8255, twhitman@vocecomm.com




