◎デルタ航空とアエロメヒコグループがメキシコに航空整備施設TechOps Mexico落成


◎デルタ航空とアエロメヒコグループがメキシコに航空整備施設TechOps Mexico落成

AsiaNet 56063

共同JBN 0263 (2014.3.7)


【ケレタロ(メキシコ)2014年3月7日PRN=共同JBN】デルタ航空(NYSE: DAL)とアエロメヒコ グループ(Gropo Aeromexico, S.A. de C.V. メキシコ証券取引所BMW: AEROMEX)は7日、エンリケ・ペーニャ・ニエト大統領率いる落成式で、両社の航空機保守、修理・オーバーホールセンターであるTechOps Mexicoを開設した。TechOps Mexicoはケレタロ国際空港の近くに建設されている。

  Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130315/MX77534LOGO

両航空はケレタロ エアロスペース パークの近くに設置された新施設を建設するため、均等出資で計5,500万米ドルを投資した。このプロジェクトはケレタロ州政府からも資金援助を受けている。



この施設でサービスを提供するクルーはケレタロ航空大学でトレーニングを受け、最新技術を習得する。ケレタロ航空大学はTechOps Mexicoと協力関係を持ち、最高のクオリティーを持つトレーニングを備えてこの業界に就業する卒業生を育てることに合意した。

中南米でこの種の最も現代的な施設を備えることに加えて、TechOps Mexicoは再生可能でクリーンなエネルギーを使う最新のシステムを配備して、従来型(化石)エネルギーの利用を3分の1に減らすとともに雨水貯蔵システム、リサイクリング計画、その他の環境に優しい構造を利用する。

アエロメヒコ グループのエデュアルド・トリシオ取締役会長は「TechOps Mexicoは海外とメキシコ国内の投資家がわが国に寄せる信頼の印である。今日はメキシコの航空機産業にとって非常に重要な日であり、これらの施設は世界の最前線に立ち、わが国が提供すべきビジネスチャンスのリーダー的存在へとなるだろう」と挨拶した。


落成式にはまた、ケレタロ州のホセ・カルサダ・ロビロッサ知事、アエロメヒコ グループのアンドレス・コネサ最高経営責任者(CEO)、デルタ航空の在メキシコ・セールスディレクターのカルロス・E・ヘルナンデス氏、TechOps Mexicoのミゲル・アンゲル・ウリベ最高経営責任者(CEO)他のスペシャルゲストが出席した。

TechOps Mexicoの開業は、当初2011年に設立されたデルタ・アエロメヒコ グループ アライアンスを強化する重要な一歩であり、両社のすべての顧客に質の高いサービス提供を継続するコミットメントを再確認するものである。

▽アエロメヒコ グループ(Gropo Aeromexico, S.A. de C.V.)について

アエロメヒコ グループ、Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V.はメキシコで民間航空事業やロイヤルティープログラム事業を行う子会社を傘下に置く持ち株会社である。メキシコ最大の航空会社であるアエロメヒコ航空は主要ハブ空港とするメキシコシティ国際空港の第2ターミナルから毎日600便以上を、メキシコ国内47都市、米国17都市、中南米12都市、欧州3都市、アジア2都市、カナダ1都市を含む3大陸80都市以上へ運航している。



▽デルタ航空(Delta Air Lines)について

デルタは中南米、カリブ諸国における最高の米航空会社になるよう努めており、ブラジルのGrupo CompanhiaのPremio Destaque Companhia de ViagemからBest Airline to North America(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1905)賞を受賞したばかりである。デルタ航空はこの目標の一環として、ブラジル国内便のGOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1260)と長期独占的提携関係を確立し、GOLに1億ドル余りを投資した。デルタ航空は同様に、長期独占商業提携関係の一環としてアエロメヒコに6500万ドル余り(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1426)を投資し、Aerolineas Argentinasとのコードシェアリング(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1425)協定を結び、中南米への足掛かりを固めた。

Executive Travel誌はメキシコへの航空旅行サービスで最優秀のGold Leading Edge Award for the Best Flight Experienceを与えてデルタ航空を顕彰した。デルタ航空は中南米/カリブ諸国との間で週1100便余りを運航して中南米地域の29カ国、50の都市にサービスを提供しており、スペイン語系のデルタ顧客は米東部標準時(EST)午前9時から午後7時の間、Twitterチャンネル@DeltaAssist_ES(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1481)と@DeltaAjuda(https://twitter.com/DeltaAjuda)を通じてスペイン語とポルトガル語によるリアルタイムの旅行途上の支援サービスを受けることができる。ブラジルの顧客はデルタ航空の専用Facebookページ、http://www.facebook.com/DeltaAirlinesBrasilにアクセスできる。

デルタ航空は毎年、ほぼ1億6500万人の顧客にサービスを提供している。デルタ航空は今年、Air Transport World誌から2014年間最優秀航空会社(2014 Airline of the Year)に指名され、10年にして初めて北米を拠点とする航空会社が最優秀の栄誉に輝いた。デルタおよびデルタ・コネクション(http://www.delta.com/planning_reservations/plan_flight/flight_partners/delta_connection_carriers/index.jsp)は業界をリードする世界的ネットワーク(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&cat=36)を持ち、6大陸59カ国の322都市にサービスを提供する。デルタ航空はアトランタに本社があり、世界でほぼ8万人を雇用、700機余りの幹線向け航空機群を運航している。同航空は航空連合スカイチーム(SkyTeam、http://www.skyteam.com)の創設メンバーであり、エールフランスとKLM共同経営のエールフランス-KLM(http://www.airfranceklm-finance.com/en)、アリタリア航空(http://www.alitalia.com)さらには新しく結成されたVirgin Atlantic  との業界最大手となる大西洋横断合弁企業(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=131)に参加している。デルタ航空は世界連合パートナーを含めて、毎日1万5000便余りを顧客に提供、以下のような空港をハブ空港としている。

 Amsterdam (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=108

 Atlanta (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=100

 Cincinnati (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=106


 Minneapolis-St. Paul (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=102

 New York-LaGuardia (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=103

 New York-JFK (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=103

 Paris-Charles de Gaulle (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=107

 Salt Lake City (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=104

 Tokyo-Narita (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=109


 delta.com (http://www.delta.com),

 Twitter @Delta (https://twitter.com/Delta),

 Google.com/+Delta (https://plus.google.com/+Delta/posts

 Facebook.com/delta (https://www.facebook.com/delta

 Delta's blog takingoff.delta.com (http://takingoff.delta.com/


Delta Air Lines and Grupo Aeromexico Inaugurate TechOps Mexico


QUERETARO, Mexico, Mar. 7, 2014/PRN=KYODO JBN/--

  -- New aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul facility is largest of its

    kind in Latin America; capacity allows up to nine aircraft to be serviced


   Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) and Grupo Aeromexico (BMV: AEROMEX) inaugurated

their aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul center, TechOps Mexico, in a

ceremony led by the President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto. TechOps Mexico is

located near the Queretaro Intercontinental Airport.

   Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130315/MX77534LOGO

   Both airlines invested a total of US $55 million, divided into equal shares,

to construct these new facilities, which are located next to the Queretaro

Aerospace Park. This project also received support from the state government of


   The facility is the largest aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul center

in Latin America, with its total surface area measuring over 100,000 square

meters. Its three hangars can accommodate up to nine aircraft simultaneously.

Aircrafts will be serviced with cutting-edge technology and the highest quality

and safety standards.

   This project represents one of the most important investments in aviation

infrastructure of its kind and adds value to the aeronautic cluster the state

of Queretaro has been developing over the last few years.

   The crew that will service the airplanes is being trained and updated in the

classrooms of the Aeronautics University of Queretaro, which collaborated with

TechOps Mexico and agreed to prepare its graduates to enter the labor market

with training of the highest quality.

   In addition to featuring the most modern facilities of its kind in Latin

America, TechOps Mexico is equipped with advanced systems for renewable and

clean energy that reduce the use of traditional energy by one third, as well as

a rainwater harvesting system, a recycling program, and other

environmentally-friendly mechanisms.

   "TechOps Mexico is a sign of the confidence foreign and domestic investors

have in our country," said Eduardo Tricio, Chairman of the Board of Directors

of Grupo Aeromexico. "This is a very important day for the aviation industry in

Mexico, as these facilities put it at the global forefront and transform it

into a leader of the business opportunities that our nation has to offer."

   "The inauguration of this facility reflects the strong alliance between

Aeromexico and Delta," said Gil West, Delta's Executive Vice President and

Chief Operating Officer. "We have an outstanding team of Delta and Aeromexico

technicians certified to meet Federal Aviation Administration standards and

committed to provide top maintenance to our fleet in an environmentally

sustainable facility featuring use of solar energy, rain water harvesting

system and its reuse and recycling."

   The ceremony was also attended by the state governor of Queretaro, Jose

Calzada Rovirosa, the CEO of Grupo Aeromexico, Andres Conesa, and the Director

of Sales for Delta in Mexico, Carlos E. Hernandez. The ceremony included the

CEO of TechOps Mexico Miguel Angel Uribe, and other special guests.

   The launch of TechOps Mexico is a significant step towards strengthening the

Delta-Grupo Aeromexico alliance, originally established in 2011, and

reaffirming their commitment to continue to provide quality services to all

their customers.

   About Grupo Aeromexico

   Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V. is a holding company whose subsidiaries are

engaged in commercial aviation in Mexico and the promotion of passenger loyalty

programs. Aeromexico, the largest airline in Mexico, operates more than 600

daily flights from its main hub in Terminal 2 at the Mexico City International

Airport. Its destinations network features more than 80 cities on three

continents, including 47 destinations in Mexico, 17 in the United States, 12 in

Latin America, three in Europe, two in Asia and one in Canada.

   The Group's fleet of more than 115 aircraft is comprised of Boeing 787, 777,

767 and 737 jet airliners and next generation Embraer 145, 170, 175 and 190

models. In 2012, the airline announced the most significant investment strategy

in aviation history in Mexico, to purchase 100 Boeing aircraft including 90 MAX

B737 jet airliners and 10 B787-9 Dreamliners.

   As a founding member of the SkyTeam airline alliance, Aeromexico offers

customers 1,000 destinations in 178 countries served by the 19 SkyTeam airline

partners rewarding passengers with benefits including access to 530 premium

airport lounges around the world. Aeromexico also offers travel on its

codeshare partner flights with Delta Air Lines, Alaska Airlines, Avianca, LAN,

TACA and TAM with extensive connectivity in countries like the United States,

Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia and Peru. www.aeromexico.com  www.skyteam.com  

   About Delta Air Lines

   Delta is working to become the best U.S. airline in Latin America and the

Caribbean and was just recognized with the Best Airline to North America

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1905) award by Premio Destaque

Companhia de Viagem, by Grupo Companhia.  As part of that goal Delta has

established a long-term exclusive alliance with GOL Linhas Aereas Inteligentes

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1260) investing more than US $100

million in GOL. Likewise, Delta has invested more than US $65 million in

Aeromexico (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1426) as part of a

long-term exclusive commercial alliance and entered a code sharing agreement

with Aerolineas Argentinas (http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1425)

solidifying its footprint in Latin America. Executive Travel magazine

recognized Delta with the Gold Leading Edge Award for the Best Flight

Experience to Mexico. Delta provides service to 29 countries and 50

destinations in the region offering over 1,100 weekly flights between Latin

America/Caribbean and the U.S. Spanish speaking Delta customers can receive

real-time, on-the-go travel assistance in Spanish and Portuguese through its

Twitter channels @DeltaAssist_ES (

http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=43&item=1481 ) and @DeltaAjuda

(https://twitter.com/DeltaAjuda) 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST. Brazilian customers can

also access Delta's dedicated Brazil Facebook page visiting


   Delta Air Lines serves nearly 165 million customers each year. This year,

Delta was named the 2014 Airline of the Year by Air Transport World magazine,

marking the first time in a decade that a North American-based carrier has

earned the distinction. With an industry-leading global network

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&cat=36), Delta and the Delta Connection (


) carriers offer service to 322 destinations in 59 countries on six continents.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Delta employs nearly 80,000 employees worldwide and

operates a mainline fleet of more than 700 aircraft. The airline is a founding

member of the SkyTeam (http://www.skyteam.com/) global alliance and

participates in the industry's leading trans-Atlantic joint venture (

http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=131 ) with Air France-KLM

(http://www.airfranceklm-finance.com/en) and Alitalia

(http://www.alitalia.com/) as well as a newly formed joint venture with Virgin

Atlantic. Including its worldwide alliance partners, Delta offers customers

more than 15,000 daily flights, with hubs in Amsterdam

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=108), Atlanta

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=100), Cincinnati

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=106), Detroit

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=101), Minneapolis-St. Paul

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=102), New York-LaGuardia

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=103), New York-JFK

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=103), Paris-Charles de Gaulle

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=107), Salt Lake City

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=104) and Tokyo-Narita

(http://news.delta.com/index.php?s=18&item=109). Delta has invested billions of

dollars in airport facilities and global products, services and technology to

enhance the customer experience in the air and on the ground. Additional

information is available on delta.com (http://www.delta.com/), Twitter @Delta

(https://twitter.com/Delta), Google.com/+Delta

(https://plus.google.com/+Delta/posts), Facebook.com/delta

(https://www.facebook.com/delta) and Delta's blog takingoff.delta.com


   SOURCE:  Aeromexico




