◎Pembina Pipelineが5月の月間普通株配当増額を発表

Pembina Pipeline Corporation

◎Pembina Pipelineが5月の月間普通株配当増額を発表

AsiaNet 56704

共同JBN 0511 (2014.5.9)

【カルガリー(カナダ・アルバータ州)2014年5月9日PRN=共同JBN】Pembina Pipeline Corporation (TSX: PPL、NYSE: PBA)は9日、同社役員会が月間普通株配当の3.6%引き上げ(普通株1株当たり0.14ドルから0.145ドルへ増額)を承認し、2014年6月13日に適用される法律で認められれば2014年5月25日の登録株主に対し0.145ドルが支払われると表明したと発表した。この配当はカナダの所得税の対象となる「適格配当(eligible dividend)」に指定されている。非居住者の株主についてはPembinaの普通株配当は「適格配当(qualified dividend)」とみなされ、源泉徴収税の対象となる。

Pembinaのミック・ディルジャー社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「月間普通株配当の引き上げを発表できるのはうれしい。この引き上げはわが社の堅実な基礎的条件、既存事業と最近開始された新たな資産と拡大からの増大する持続可能なキャッシュフロー、総額70億ドルに達する可能性のあるプロジェクトの個別支払いに集中した成長プロファイルを反映している。Pembina はつねに株主の長期的利益を強化することへのコミットメントを続けている」と語っている。





カルガリーに本社を置くPembina Pipeline Corporationは有力な輸送、中流サービスのプロバイダーで、60年にわたって北米のエネルギー業界に奉仕している。Pembinaは在来および合成の原油、重油、オイルサンド製品、カナダ西部で生産される濃縮液(希釈液)、液化天然ガスを含む多様な液体炭化水素を輸送するパイプラインを所有、運営している。また同社はガス収集、処理施設、石油、液化天然ガスのインフラ、ロジスティクス事業も所有、運営している。施設はカナダ西部およびカナダ東部と米国の液化天然ガス市場に戦略的に配置されており、Pembinaはその事業全般にわたる全面的な中流、マーケティング・サービスも提供している。その統合資産、商業事業によってPembinaは炭化水素バリューチェーンとともにエネルギー分野が必要とするサービスを提供することができる。



Hayley Nelson



e-mail: investor-relations@pembina.com



ソース:Pembina Pipeline Corporation

Pembina Pipeline Corporation Announces May 2014 Dividend and Dividend Increase


CALGARY, Alberta, May 9, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Pembina Pipeline Corporation ("Pembina" or the "Company") (TSX: PPL; NYSE: PBA)

announced today that its Board of Directors approved a 3.6 percent increase in

its monthly common share dividend rate (from $0.14 per common share to $0.145

per common share) and declared a monthly dividend of $0.145 payable, subject to

applicable law, on June 13, 2014 to shareholders of record on May 25, 2014.

This dividend is designated an "eligible dividend" for Canadian income tax

purposes. For non-resident shareholders, Pembina's common share dividends are

considered "qualified dividends" and are subject to Canadian withholding tax.

"We are pleased to announce an increase in our monthly common share dividend,"

said Mick Dilger, Pembina's President and Chief Executive Officer. "This

increase reflects our ongoing confidence in the Company's solid fundamentals,

growing and sustainable cash flows from existing businesses and new assets and

expansions that have been recently placed into service, and our fee-for-service

focused growth profile totaling over $7 billion of potential projects. As

always, Pembina remains committed to enhancing long-term returns for our


For shareholders receiving their common share dividends in U.S. funds, the May

2014 cash dividend is expected to be approximately U.S. $0.1335 per share

(before deduction of any applicable Canadian withholding tax) based on a

currency exchange rate of 0.921. The actual U.S. dollar dividend will depend on

the Canadian/U.S. dollar exchange rate on the payment date and will be subject

to applicable withholding taxes.

Confirmation of Record and Payment Date Policy

Pembina pays cash dividends on its common shares in Canadian dollars on a

monthly basis to shareholders of record on the 25th calendar day of each month

(except for the December record date, which is December 31st), if, as and when

determined by the Board of Directors. Should the record date fall on a weekend

or a statutory holiday, the effective record date will be the previous business

day. The dividend payment date is the 15th of the month following the record

date. Should the payment date fall on a weekend or on a holiday the business

day prior to the weekend or holiday becomes the payment date.

About Pembina

Calgary-based Pembina Pipeline Corporation is a leading transportation and

midstream service provider that has been serving North America's energy

industry for 60 years. Pembina owns and operates pipelines that transport

various hydrocarbon liquids including conventional and synthetic crude oil,

heavy oil and oil sands products, condensate (diluent) and natural gas liquids

produced in western Canada. The Company also owns and operates gas gathering

and processing facilities and an oil and natural gas liquids infrastructure and

logistics business. With facilities strategically located in western Canada and

in natural gas liquids markets in eastern Canada and the U.S., Pembina also

offers a full spectrum of midstream and marketing services that spans across

its operations. Pembina's integrated assets and commercial operations enable it

to offer services needed by the energy sector along the hydrocarbon value


Forward-Looking Information and Statements

This news release contains certain forward-looking information and statements

that are based on Pembina's current expectations, estimates, projections and

assumptions in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends.

In this news release, such forward-looking information and statements can be

identified by terminology such as "to be", "expects", and similar expressions.

In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements and

information relating to: future dividends which may be declared on Pembina's

common shares, Pembina's corporate strategy, and capital expenditure estimates.

These forward-looking statements are being made by Pembina based on certain

assumptions that Pembina has made in respect thereof as at the date of this

news release, regarding, among other things: oil and gas industry exploration

and development activity levels; the success of Pembina's operations and growth

projects; prevailing commodity prices, margins, volumes and exchange rates;

that Pembina's future results of operations will be consistent with past

performance and management expectations in relation thereto; the continued

availability of capital at attractive prices to fund future capital

requirements relating to existing assets and projects, including but not

limited to future capital expenditures relating to expansion, upgrades and

maintenance shutdowns; the success of growth projects; future operating costs;

that any third party projects relating to Pembina's growth projects will be

sanctioned and completed as expected; that any required commercial agreements

can be reached; that all required regulatory and environmental approvals can be

obtained on the necessary terms in a timely manner; that counterparties to

material agreements will continue to perform in a timely manner; that there are

no unforeseen events preventing the performance of contracts; and that there

are no unforeseen material construction, integrity or other costs related to

current growth projects or current operations. These forward-looking statements

are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to a number of known

and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to: the

regulatory environment and decisions; non-performance of agreements in

accordance with their terms; the impact of competitive entities and pricing;

reliance on key industry partners, alliances and agreements; the strength and

operations of the oil and natural gas production industry and related commodity

prices; the continuation or completion of third-party projects; actions by

governmental or regulatory authorities including changes in tax laws and

treatment, changes in royalty rates or increased environmental regulation;

adverse general economic and market conditions in Canada, North America and

elsewhere; fluctuations in operating results; construction delays; labour and

material shortages; and certain other risks detailed from time to time in

Pembina's public disclosure documents including, among other things, those

detailed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Pembina's management's discussion

and analysis and annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2013,

which can be found at www.sedar.com.

Accordingly, readers are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause

results to differ materially from those predicted, forecasted or projected.

Such forward-looking statements are expressly qualified by the above

statements. Pembina does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or

revise any forward looking statements or information contained herein, except

as required by applicable laws.

For further information:

Investor Relations

Hayley Nelson



e-mail: investor-relations@pembina.com



SOURCE:  Pembina Pipeline Corporation




