
Covington & Burling LLP


AsiaNet 57033

共同JBN 0651 (2014.6.13)


【ブリュッセル2014年6月12日PRN=共同JBN】国際的な公共政策プロフェッショナルであるセバスティアン・ボース(Sebastian Vos)氏が、コヴィントン&バーリング法律事務所(Covington & Burling LLP)に参加して、同法律事務所の世界的公共政策、政府問題プラクティスの欧州部門を指導する。

 Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140611/117177

 Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120423/CL92331LOGO

ボース氏はコヴィントン&バーリングのブリュッセル事務所にパートナーとして加わり、競争とテクノロジー関連の公共政策問題を中心にして、新しいテクノロジーとサービスに関係する同氏の公共政策上の仕事を継続する。ボース氏は以下のチームを率いる。欧州連合(EU)へのベルギー常任代表委員として勤めたジャン・ドルイ(Jean De Ruyt)元大使(http://www.cov.com/jderuyt)、EU公共政策グループのパートナー兼プラクティショナーだったリサ・ペーツ(Lisa Peets)氏(http://www.cov.com/lpeets)、欧州議会議員でEPP Group副社長を勤めたウィム・ファンフェルゼン(Wim van Velzen)氏(http://www.cov.com/vanvelzen)、欧州公共問題の著名人であるポール・アダムソン(Paul Adamson)氏(http://www.cov.com/padamson)。

ボース氏のコヴィントンへの移籍は、ブリュッセル事務所にヨハン・イセウィン(Johan Ysewyn)(http://www.cov.com/jysewyn)とピーター・カメザスカ(Peter Camesasca)(http://www.cov.com/pcamesasca)両氏が競争問題パートナーとして入社したのに次ぐもので、欧州における一流のアドバイザー能力をさらに開発するというコヴィントンのコミットメントを反映している。







ボース氏はワシントンにあるジョンズ・ホプキンス大学・高等国際関係大学院の国際関係・国際経済の修士号を修得する一方、フルブライト奨学金を得て、ユトレヒト大学で欧州法および経済法、公法、会社法の法学修士を取得している。ボース氏はコヴィントンに入社する前、国連、欧州委員会、ゴールドマン・サックス、フレッシュフィールズ法律事務所(Freshfields)など、さまざまな公共部門と民間機関で働いてきた。同氏はアムステルダムとブリュッセルの弁護士会会員であり、オランダ語、英語、ドイツ語、フランス語に堪能である。同氏は、行方不明の子供を支援する非営利団体Missing Children Europeの無料奉仕活動を続ける。



Maria Ivy



ソース:Covington & Burling LLP

Covington Expands European Public Policy and Government Affairs Practice with Sebastian Vos


BRUSSELS, June 12, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN /

Sebastian Vos, an international public policy professional, is joining

Covington & Burling to lead the European division of the firm's global public

policy and government affairs practice.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140611/117177

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120423/CL92331LOGO

Mr. Vos joins the firm as a partner in its Brussels office where he will focus

on competition and technology related public policy issues and continue his

public policy work involving emerging technologies and services. Mr. Vos will

lead a team that includes: former Ambassador Jean De Ruyt

[http://www.cov.com/jderuyt ] , who served as Belgium's permanent

representative to the European Union; Lisa Peets [http://www.cov.com/lpeets ],

a partner and practitioner in the firm's EU public policy group, Wim van Velzen

[http://www.cov.com/vanvelzen ], who served as a member of the European

Parliament and was the vice-president of the EPP Group; and Paul Adamson

[http://www.cov.com/padamson ], a senior figure in European public affairs.

Mr. Vos' move to Covington follows the recent additions of competition partners

Johan Ysewyn [http://www.cov.com/jysewyn ] and Peter Camesasca

[http://www.cov.com/pcamesasca ] to the Brussels office, reflecting Covington's

commitment to further developing the firm's top tier advisory capability in


"Sebastian will play an integral role in expanding our global presence. He

brings extensive experience in the European Union and can skilfully advise

clients as they navigate and manage today's global regulatory and policy

challenges," said Timothy Hester [http://www.cov.com/thester ], chair of the

firm's management committee. "As European legislators re-cast priorities for

the next five years, we feel our clients will particularly appreciate

Sebastian's insight, experience and vision."

Previously a partner and board member at a leading global public affairs

consultancy, Mr. Vos' experience spans public affairs as well as trade and

competition law. A qualified lawyer, he advises on government affairs and

legislative issues, providing clients with public policy, regulatory, strategic

and communications advice on a range of competition, trade, transactional and

sectoral issues. Mr. Vos has particular expertise in advising companies in the

technology, financial services, energy and transport sectors.

"The recent European Parliament elections and forthcoming changes within the

European Commission will significantly alter the landscape for businesses

hoping to enter into a dialogue with the European institutions. Now is the time

to engage, and Sebastian's arrival significantly increases our ability to do so

for our clients," said Dan Bryant [http://www.cov.com/dbryant ], chair of

Covington's global public policy and government affairs practice group.

In his new role, Mr. Vos will work closely with the U.S.-based members of the

firm's group, including: Stuart Eizenstat [http://www.cov.com/seizenstat ], who

served as U.S. Ambassador to the EU and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury during

the Clinton Administration; Senator Jon Kyl [http://www.cov.com/jkyl ], the

second-highest ranking Republican senator when he left Congress in 2013;

Congressman Howard Berman [http://www.cov.com/hberman ], the former chairman of

the House Foreign Affairs Committee; former Homeland Security Secretary Michael

Chertoff [http://www.cov.com/mchertoff ]; Holly Fechner

[http://www.cov.com/hfechner ], who served as a senior aide to Senator Edward

Kennedy; John Dugan [http://www.cov.com/jdugan ], the former U.S. Comptroller

of the Currency; John Veroneau [http://www.cov.com/jveroneau ], who served as

deputy U.S. Trade Representative; Dan Spiegel [http://www.cov.com/dspiegel ],

former U.S. Ambassador to the European Office of the United Nations; and

Muftiah McCartin [http://www.cov.com/mmccartin ], former staff director of the

House Committee on Rules.  

Having representation in Brussels is increasingly important for companies based

in Asia, Latin America and Africa. In his new role, Mr. Vos will also work

closely with colleagues in the firm's offices in Seoul, Beijing and Shanghai to

provide guidance on European policy and regulatory issues as well as with

former U.S. State Department officials and policy advisors such as former

Ambassador Alan Larson [http://www.cov.com/alarson ]; Witney Schneidman

[http://www.cov.com/wschneidman ], former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State

for African Affairs in the Clinton Administration; and Arturo Valenzuela

[http://www.cov.com/avalenzuela ], former Assistant Secretary for Western

Hemisphere Affairs during the first Obama administration.

"What sets Covington apart is its ability to combine the tremendous strength of

the legal expertise in its litigation, investigations, corporate and regulatory

practices with a deep knowledge of policy and policymakers," Mr. Vos said. "I

am delighted to be joining Covington after a number of years dedicated purely

to public affairs consultancy. I believe that in an increasingly complex and

regulated world, clients facing tough challenges are best served by advisers

who are able to combine multiple disciplines under one roof, and can provide

clients with input from both legal and government affairs perspectives."

Mr. Vos earned a master's degree in International Relations and International

Economics from Johns Hopkins SAIS in Washington, D.C. while on a Fulbright

scholarship, and has an L.L.M in European law and economic, public, and

corporate law from Utrecht University. Prior to joining Covington, Mr. Vos

spent time working for a variety or public sector and private institutions,

including the United Nations, the European Commission, Goldman Sachs, and

Freshfields. He is a member of the Amsterdam and the Brussels bars and speaks

Dutch, English, German and French. In his new role, he will continue to do pro

bono work for Missing Children Europe.

In an increasingly regulated world, Covington & Burling LLP provides corporate,

litigation, and regulatory expertise to help clients navigate through their

most complex business problems, deals and disputes. Founded in 1919, the firm

has more than 800 lawyers in offices in Beijing, Brussels, London, New York,

San Diego, San Francisco, Seoul, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and Washington.

Contact: Maria Ivy



SOURCE:  Covington & Burling LLP




