

AsiaNet 57166







「MakerBot Replicator」デスクトップ3Dプリンタとスキャナのプレゼンスを拡大


3DプリンタメーカーのStratasys Ltd.(Nasdaq: SSYS、以下ストラタシス、http://www.stratasys.co.jp/)の子会社、株式会社ストラタシス・ジャパン(以下、ストラタシス・ジャパン)は本日、デスクトップ3DプリンティングのグローバルリーダーであるMakerBotの3Dプリンタおよびスキャナ製品の提供を開始することを発表しました。ストラタシス・ジャパンは、日本市場での強力なプレゼンス、インフラ、および専門性を活用し、MakerBotの既存の再販業者との関係強化を支援します。日本においてMakerBotの3Dプリンタ「MakerBot(R) Replicator(TM)」およびデスクトップ3Dスキャナ「MakerBot Digitizer(TM)」を販売する既存のMakerBotの再販業者(Brule、日本バイナリー)は、今後もMakerBot製品の取扱いを継続します。

Logo - http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/12/05/20121205155959811273-l.jpg

MakerBotの販売担当バイスプレジデントであるMark Schulzeは、次のように述べています。「当社は、ストラタシス・ジャパンの日本国内における強力なプレゼンスによるメリットを活用できることを楽しみにしています。ストラタシスの日本市場での強力なプレゼンスと専門性と付加価値のある既存の再販業者との連携は成功につながると考えています。」

MakerBotは2009年に設立され、デスクトップ3Dプリンタおよびスキャナ専門のパイオニアかつリーダーとして、3Dプリントに対応するファイルの発掘、作成、および共有を行う世界最大規模の3Dプリント・デザインのコミュニティであるThingiverse.com(http://www.thingiverse.com/)を生み出しました。MakerBotの製品には、受賞歴のある「MakerBot Replicator」シリーズ、「MakerBot Digitizer」、および「MakerBot PLAフィラメント」、「ABSフィラメント」などがあります。


ストラタシスのアジア太平洋地域および日本担当ゼネラルマネジャーであるJonathan Jaglomは、次のように述べています。「MakerBot製品を当社の提供するプロフェッショナル向け3Dプリンタ製品に加えることで、当社は3Dプリンティングソリューションの需要拡大に対処します。日本でのMakerBot製品の流通とサポートにおいてMakerBotと力を合わせることで相乗効果を達成し、よりよいサービスを日本のお客様に提供できるでしょう。当社にとって日本市場は戦略的に重要な市場の一つであり、この連携は日本市場の3Dプリンティングに対する様々なニーズを満たすための当社の取り組みの強化を意味しています。」



MakerBotは、Stratasys Ltd.の子会社として手頃な価格の信頼できるデスクトップ3Dプリンティングの標準として、新たな産業革命をリードしています。MakerBotは2009年に設立され、エンジニア、建築家、デザイナー、教育者、消費者などの革新的で業界をリードする世界中の顧客に対し、最大規模のデスクトップ3Dプリンタの普及基盤を構築しました。MakerBotの3Dエコシステムは、Thingiverse.com(http://www.thingiverse.com/)、デスクトップ3Dスキャナ「MakerBot Digitizer」(http://www.makerbot.com/digitizer)、デスクトップ3Dプリンタ「Replicator」シリーズ(http://www.makerbot.com/replicator2)、「MakerBot Desktop」(http://www.makerbot.com/desktop)、「MakerBot MakerCare(R) Protection Plan」(http://www.makerbot.com/makercare)、「MakerBot Retail Stores」(http://www.makerbot.com/retail-store)、および一流ブランドとの戦略的パートナーシップにより、3Dプリンティングの利用と迅速な導入を促進しています。また、Popular Mechanics誌の「オーバーオール・ウィナー・フォー・ベスト3Dプリンタ」、Time誌の 「ベスト・インベンション・オブ・2012」、Popular Mechanics誌の「エディターズ・チョイス・アワード」、Popular Scienceの「プロダクト・オブ・ザ・イヤー」、Fast Company誌の「最も革新的な家電メーカー世界上位10社」をはじめ、数多くの賞を受賞しています。MakerBotの詳細について、詳しくは、makerbot.comをご覧ください。


ストラタシス・ジャパンは、米国ミネソタ州ミネアポリスとイスラエルのレホボトに本社を置く、3Dプリンティングおよびアディティブ・マニュファクチャリング・ソリューションを提供する世界的なリーディングカンパニー、Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq: SSYS)の子会社です。 Stratasysの特許取得済みのFDM(R)およびPolyJet(TM)プロセスは、3D CADファイルなどの3Dコンテンツからプロトタイプや製品をダイレクトに生産します。 システムには、アイデア開発向けの手頃な価格のデスクトップ3Dプリンタ、プロトタイプ作成やDDM(ダイレクト・デジタル・マニュファクチャリング)向けのシステムが含まれています。Stratasysの子会社には、MakerBotやSolidscape、RedEyeデジタル・マニュファクチャリング・サービスがあります。Stratasysは世界中に1,900人以上の従業員と550件以上の取得済みまたは申請中の製造特許を有しており、その技術とリーダーシップについて25を超える賞に輝いています。

ストラタシスについて、詳しくはhttp://www.stratasys.co.jp/またはhttp://blog.stratasys.com をご覧ください。



担当: マーケティングマネージャ 吉澤 文

Tel: 03-5542-0042

E-mail: Aya.Yoshizawa@stratasys.com


担当: 岡田 吉功、中田 清光

TEL: 03-6858-7711 FAX: 03-6858-7712

E-mail: stratasysjp@edelman.com

Stratasys and Objet are registered trademarks, and Objet500, Connex, Connex3, PolyJet, Digital Materials, VeroCyan, VeroMagenta, VeroYellow, TangoBlack, and TangoBlackPlus are trademarks of Stratasys Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

MakerBot and Stratasys Announce Expanded Market Presence in Japan


TOKYO, June 25, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

MakerBot Taps Into Parent Company Stratasys to Leverage its Strong Local

Presence to Capture the Booming Japanese Market for MakerBot Replicator Desktop

3D Printers and Scanner

MakerBot, a global leader in the desktop 3D printing industry, and Stratasys

Japan Co., Ltd (http://www.stratasys.co.jp/), a subsidiary of Stratasys Ltd.

(Nasdaq: SSYS), a leading global provider of 3D printing and additive

manufacturing solutions, today announced that MakerBot 3D printing and scanning

products will be offered by Stratasys Japan, leveraging Stratasys' strong

presence, infrastructure and expertise in the Japanese market. Stratasys Japan

expects to help strengthen MakerBot's current Japanese value-added reseller

relationships. MakerBot's current Japanese resellers include Brule and Nihon

Binary, who have known and sold MakerBot(R) Replicator(TM) 3D Printers and the

MakerBot Digitizer(TM) Desktop 3D Scanner for years, and will continue to

represent MakerBot in Japan.

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/12/05/20121205155959811273-l.jpg )

"We are excited to leverage the existing advantages resulting from Stratasys

Japan's strong presence in Japan," noted Mark Schulze, Vice President of Sales

at MakerBot. "We believe combining Stratasys' powerful presence and expertise

in the Japanese market with our existing value added resellers is a winning


MakerBot was founded in 2009 and specializes in desktop 3D printers and

scanners. MakerBot is a pioneer and leader in this market space and created

Thingiverse.com (http://www.thingiverse.com/), the world's largest 3D printing

design community for discovering, creating, and sharing of 3D printable files.

MakerBot products include the award-winning MakerBot Replicator line of 3D

printers and the MakerBot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner, as well as MakerBot PLA

and ABS Filaments.

Stratasys has been providing its customers in Japan with cutting-edge 3D

printing solutions since 1992, and has offices in Tokyo and Osaka. Driven by

the growing demand for desktop 3D printers, and to broaden its support

capability, Stratasys Japan is adding selected MakerBot products into its

current product offering to Japanese customers. This move continues to

demonstrate Stratasys' commitment to providing a wide selection of 3D printing

solutions -- from entry level desktop 3D printers to advanced professional

systems, contributing positively to the 3D printing ecosystem in Japan, in our

effort to continue promoting a wider adoption of 3D printing technologies.

"By adding MakerBot products to our professional 3D printer offerings, we are

addressing the growing demand for 3D printing solutions," Jonathan Jaglom,

General Manager, Asia Pacific & Japan of Stratasys AP commented. "By joining

forces with MakerBot in distribution and support of MakerBot products in Japan,

we believe that we can achieve synergy and better serve our Japanese customers.

Japan is one of our key strategic markets and this cooperation signifies our

commitment to meet the various 3D printing needs of this market."

"Today marks a significant milestone for Stratasys Japan," Hiroaki Katayama,

President & CEO of Stratasys Japan remarked. "We believe the Japanese 3D

printing market has a huge growth potential, especially in the desktop 3D

printing and scanning space. With MakerBot 3D Ecosystem, 3D printing will

become even more affordable and accessible not only to businesses and schools,

but also to individuals and the younger generation, allowing their creativity

to flourish and come to life. 3D printing is revolutionizing the education,

design and manufacturing landscapes and we are excited to be at the forefront

driving this development."

About MakerBot

MakerBot, a subsidiary of Stratasys Ltd., is leading the Next Industrial

Revolution by setting the standards in reliable and affordable desktop 3D

printing.  Founded in 2009, MakerBot has built the largest installed base of

desktop 3D printers sold to innovative and industry-leading customers

worldwide, including engineers, architects, designers, educators and

consumers.  The MakerBot 3D Ecosystem drives accessibility and rapid adoption

of 3D printing and includes Thingiverse.com, the MakerBot Digitizer

(http://www.makerbot.com/digitizer) Desktop 3D Scanner, the MakerBot Replicator

(http://www.makerbot.com/replicator2) line of Desktop 3D Printers, MakerBot

Desktop (http://www.makerbot.com/desktop), the MakerBot MakerCare(R) Protection

Plan (http://www.makerbot.com/makercare), the MakerBot Retail Stores

(http://www.makerbot.com/retail-store) and strategic partnerships with top-tier

brands.  MakerBot has been honored with many accolades, including Popular

Mechanics' "Overall Winner" for best 3D printer, Time's "Best Inventions of

2012," Popular Mechanics' "Editor's Choice Award," Popular Science's "Product

of the Year," Fast Company's "One of the World's Top 10 Most Innovative

Companies in Consumer Electronics" and many more.  Join the Next Industrial

Revolution by following MakerBot at makerbot.com.

Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq:SSYS), headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and

Rehovot, Israel, is a leading global provider of 3D printing and additive

manufacturing solutions. The company's patented FDM(R) and PolyJet(TM) 3D

Printing technologies produce prototypes and manufactured goods directly from

3D CAD files or other 3D content. Systems include 3D printers for idea

development, prototyping and direct digital manufacturing. Stratasys

subsidiaries include MakerBot and Solidscape, and the company operates the

RedEye digital-manufacturing service. Stratasys has more than 1900 employees,

holds over 550 granted or pending additive manufacturing patents globally, and

has received more than 25 awards for its technology and leadership. Online at:

www.stratasys.com or http://blog.stratasys.com.

Stratasys, FDM and Objet are registered trademarks, and PolyJet is a trademark

of Stratasys Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information included or incorporated by reference in this press may be

deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of

1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking

statements are often characterized by the use of forward-looking terminology

such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "continue,"

"believe," "should," "intend," "project" or other similar words, but are not

the only way these statements are identified.  These forward-looking statements

may include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the company's

objectives, plans and strategies, statements regarding the expected performance

and impact of our products, statements that contain projections of results of

operations or of financial condition (including, with respect to the MakerBot

acquisition) and all statements (other than statements of historical facts)

that address activities, events or developments that the company intends,

expects, projects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future.  

Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are

subject to risks and uncertainties. The company has based these forward-looking

statements on assumptions and assessments made by its management in light of

their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions,

expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate.  

Important factors that could cause actual results, developments and business

decisions to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking

statements include, among other things: the company's ability to efficiently

and successfully integrate the operations of Stratasys, Inc. and Objet Ltd.

after their merger as well as MakerBot after its acquisition and to

successfully put in place and execute an effective post-merger integration

plans; the overall global economic environment; the impact of competition and

new technologies; general market, political and economic conditions in the

countries in which the company operates; projected capital expenditures and

liquidity; changes in the company's strategy; government regulations and

approvals; changes in customers' budgeting priorities; litigation and

regulatory proceedings; and those factors referred to under "Risk Factors",

"Information on the Company", "Operating and Financial Review and Prospects",

and  generally in the company's annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended

December 31, 2013 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and in

other reports that the company has filed with the SEC. Readers are urged to

carefully review and consider the various disclosures made in the company's SEC

reports, which are designed to advise interested parties of the risks and

factors that may affect its business, financial condition, results of

operations and prospects. Any forward-looking statements in this press release

are made as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to

publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result

of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Media Contacts


Jenifer Howard

+1-347-676-3932 (o)

+1-203-273-4246 (m)


Stratasys AP

Janice Lai



Stratasys Japan

Aya Yoshizawa



Edelman Japan

Kiyomitsu Nakata



SOURCE  Stratasys AP




