
International Foundation for Better Governance (IFBG)

AsiaNet 57246

共同JBN 0738 (2014.7.2)


【モスクワ2014年7月1日PRN=共同JBN】International Foundation for Better Governance(IFBG)の専門家は1日、ロシアとウクライナの国境にある主要な拠点を両国で監視するとするロシア政府の提案について、ウクライナ情勢正常化のための重要なステップであると歓迎した。IFBGは、ウクライナでの和平計画をサポートするのに不可欠なイニシアチブであり、衝突を解決につながる議論や協議を重ねるための環境作りであるとして歓迎している。








ソース:International Foundation for Better Governance (IFBG)

Experts Welcome Russian Proposals to Support Ukrainian Peace Process




    Experts at the International Foundation for Better Governance (IFBG)

welcomed Russian Government proposals for joint monitoring of key points on the

Russian-Ukrainian border today as a key step towards normalising the situation

in Ukraine. The IFBG welcomes this initiative as crucial to support of the

peace programme for the troubled region, and creating the climate in which

further discussion and negotiation can resolve the conflict.

    Following talks between the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine,

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced Russian proposals for

increased collaboration with Ukrainian border control representatives and

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers. Such

efforts will help increase transparency and support the peace process.

    "We will be ready to submit a draft resolution to the OSCE's Permanent

Council shortly, authorizing the deployment of OSCE observers at Russian border

checkpoints, which is expected to guarantee control over their transparency and

to demonstrate that these border checkpoints are not being used for illegal

purposes," Sergey Lavrov said.

    Under the proposals Russia will allow Ukrainian representatives to be

present at all border check point on the Russian side. Both OSCE observers and

Ukrainian representatives may be present at all Russian border check points not

controlled from the opposite side by Ukrainian border guards. The invitation to

Ukrainian border guards and OSCE observers will remain open provided the

cease-fire is maintained.

    According to the IFBG, the plans are a welcome gesture of goodwill on

Russia's part and reaffirm the country's commitment to the peace process in


    It is to be hoped that this initiative will prove to be one of many

illustrations of multi-lateral collaboration to support the Ukrainian peace

process and ultimately enable the country to provide a stable and supportive

environment for its citizens.

    Practical implementation is expected to follow shortly. According to Mr

Lavrov, Russia expects consultations to "start very soon between the Russian

and Ukrainian border guard services in order to agree parameters for the

presence of Ukrainian border guard monitors at Russian checkpoints."


    SOURCE: International Foundation for Better Governance (IFBG)  




