◎総工費15億ドルのICONSIAM建設に着工 バンコクに新ランドマーク

Siam Piwat Co., Ltd.

◎総工費15億ドルのICONSIAM建設に着工 バンコクに新ランドマーク

AsiaNet 57244

共同JBN 0740 (2014.7.1)






ICONSIAMは2017年の完成予定。開発に携わっているのはSiam Piwat(サイアム・パラゴンなど有名住宅開発のオーナー兼管理会社)と、Magnolia Quality Development Corporation(マグノリア・ラチャダムリ・ブールバードといった最高級住宅の開発会社)、多国籍複合企業のCharoen Pokphand Groupというタイで最も成功した3企業である。

Siam Piwat Co., Ltdのチャダティップ・チュトラクル最高経営責任者(CEO)は「われわれが創っているのは、この国に今までなかった、バンコクの人の流れを変え、世界最高の訪問地としての街の魅力を高める最も素晴らしい不動産施設だ。ここで世界の最高がタイの最高と出合う。ICONSIAMはショッピング開発の最前線でも革命的な新アイデアをもたらす。例えば世界で最も有名なブランドはこのショッピング街で有名ブランド店を立ち上げ、その店はそれぞれのブランドの伝統と神髄を発揮することになる」と語った。

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Ltd.のチパポン・ジアラワノンCEOは「ICONSIAMは新しい街として、住宅とショッピング街、カルチャー的要素を包み込む。半径5キロメートル内に300万人が住み、高級住宅プロジェクトは200件、50の有名ホテルに1万室以上があり、国外からも地元からも人々が集まる地域の中心に位置している」と述べた。

同CEOはさらに「ICONSIAMのMagnolias Waterfront Residencesは世界最高の住宅に仲間入りし、バンコクの住宅開発の新基準になる。入居してもらいたいのは、国境を越えて切れ目なく交わる世界コミュニティーの人たちで、そうした人たちはロンドン、東京、ニューヨーク、バンコクなどどこに住んでも、求めるクオリティーや便利さ、サービスは世界最高水準である」と付け加えた。

Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltdの会長付きシニア・エクゼクティブ・アシスタントのナロン・ジアラワノン氏は「ICONSIAMは民間セクターと公共セクターとの最大規模のコラボレーションの中核となり、世界的に有名なバンコクのチャオプラヤ川を活性化する。10キロの川沿いにある30カ所以上の主要民間組織は、活性化や活動で協力し、リバーボート交通を共有する。各組織はこの川を世界的なアトラクションにして、世界で最も望ましい訪問地としてのバンコクの魅力を増やし、新しいASEAN経済共同体(AEC)のハブ都市としての地位を高めることを目指している。この組織には、小売業者、ホテル業者、リバーボート運営業者、歴史的・文化的遺跡などで構成されている」と話した。


Siam Piwat

Sireetorn Niyomsen

Tel: +66 2-658-1000

Bangkok Public Relations

Pathara Kwantientong

Tel: +66 2-664-9500

ソース:Siam Piwat Co., Ltd.

US$ 1.54 billion ‘ICONSIAM’ national landmark readies to rise in Thailand - begins piling


BANGKOK, Thailand, July 1/ InfoQuest=KYODO JBN / --

-    Largest property development ever undertaken in Thailand by the private  

          sector aims to be an iconic symbol of national pride

The owners of a property development that aims to be an iconic symbol of

national pride for Thailand and represents the largest investment ever made by

the private sector in a property endeavour in the country, today, presented the

first details of the mega-development’s key components and announced that the

dramatic new riverside landmark being constructed in Bangkok is to be named


The 750,000 square metre gross floor area (GFA) development, for which piling

has just begun, includes two glamorous retail complexes covering 525,000 square

metres, two super-luxury waterfront residential condominium buildings of 70 and

40 floors, a riverside event plaza of over 10,000 square metres, as well as

seven attractions that are the first of their kind in Thailand and which are

called the ‘Seven Wonders at ICONSIAM’.  Among the attractions is Southeast

Asia’s longest land-based multi-media water-and-fire feature at over 400 metres

in length.

The developers also announced that they have raised their investment to US$1.54

billion (Bht 50 billion), up 40% from the time when the decision to develop the

plot was first announced, in response to strong interest in the development’s

concept and the expansion of the project’s land area from 16 acres to 20 acres.

ICONSIAM, due for completion in 2017, is being developed by three of Thailand’s

most successful businesses, including Siam Piwat - owner and operator of

prestige retail developments such as Siam Paragon -Magnolia Quality

Development Corporation, a top-end residential developer with projects such as

Magnolias Ratchadamri Boulevard, and multi-national conglomerate Charoen

Pokphand Group.

Mrs. Chadatip Chutrakul, CEO of Siam Piwat Co., Ltd., said, “We are creating

the most sensational property development that this country has ever seen that

will change the axis of activity within Bangkok as well as boost the city’s

appeal as a top global destination.  It combines the best of the world with the

best of what Thailand has to offer.  ICONSIAM is also pioneering revolutionary

new ideas at the forefront of retail development.  For example, the world’s

most iconic brands will build their own iconic brand mansions inside our retail

complexes, with the mansions designed to represent the heritage and essence of

each brand.”

Ms. Tipaporn Chearavanont, CEO, Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Ltd.,

said, “ICONSIAM is like a new city and embraces residential, retail, and

cultural components.  It is located at the heart of a broad catchment area for

international and local customers, with 3 million residents, 200 upscale

residential projects and more than 10,000 rooms in 50 world-renown hotels

within a five kilometer radius.”  

She said, “The Magnolias Waterfront Residences at ICONSIAM will set new

benchmarks in residential development in Thailand and are among the world’s

best residential properties.   They are targeted at people who are a part of a

seamless global community operating without national boundaries, and their

expectations of quality, conveniences and services are at the highest levels,

regardless of whether they are living in London, Tokyo, New York, or Bangkok.”

The site has 400 meters of river frontage, the longest of any property in

central Bangkok.

Mr. Narong Chearavanont, Senior Executive Assistant to Chairman of Charoen

Pokphand Group Co., Ltd., said, “ICONSIAM also is at the heart of one of the

biggest collaborations between the private sector and the public sector to

revitalise Bangkok’s world-renown Chao Phraya River.  More than 30 important

establishments with riverfront sites along 10 kilometers of the river will

collaborate with joint promotions, activities, and shared river boat services.  

They aim to make the river into a global-scale attraction to further boost

Bangkok’s appeal as one of the world’s most desirable destinations as well as

enhance its standing as a hub city in the new ASEAN Economic Community.  The

establishments include retailers, hoteliers, river transport operators and

sites of historical and cultural significance.


Further information:

Siam Piwat

Sireetorn Niyomsen

Tel: +66 2-658-1000

Bangkok Public Relations

Pathara Kwantientong

Tel: +66 2-664-9500

SOURCE: Siam Piwat Co., Ltd.,




