

AsiaNet 57351







ホテルズドットコム ジャパン

オンラインホテル予約サイト世界最大手のHotels.com(R)(本社:アメリカ合衆国テキサス州、代表取締役社長:デイビット ロシェ)は、本日、中国人海外旅行客の動向についての調査『Chinese  International Travel Monitor (CITM)』の最新版を発表しました。前回に続き中国が世界で最も旅行にお金を費やす国となった一方で、中国人旅行者が意思決定を行なう際にテクノロジーが非常に強力な要素となってきていることが明らかになりました*1。









*1: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-01/09/content_17224806.htm

*2: http://thenextweb.com/asia/2014/01/16/chinas-internet-population-numbered-618m-end-2013-81-connecting-via-mobile/



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Email: hotelsteampr@kyodo-pr.co.jp、 TEL: 03-3571-5326、 FAX: 03-3574-0316

・Zoe Chan、ホテルズドットコム アジア・パシフィック シニア PR マネージャー

Email: zchan@hotels.com、  TEL: +852 3607 5719

Technology a Compelling Factor Behind Chinese Outbound Travel Surge


LONDON, July 15 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    More Travel, Higher Spending, Greater Independence Fuelled by Online and

Mobile, The Latest Hotels.com Report Reveals

    The latest Hotels.com[TM] Chinese International Travel Monitor (CITM),

published today, reveals just how much technology has become a powerful element

in the decision-making mix of this critical sector, following another record

year for travel and spending[1].

    Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120628/540164

    For the first time, more than half of the Chinese travellers surveyed say

they now book their hotel accommodation either via the web or mobile apps, up

from 45 per cent in 2013. Just under half use online accommodation websites and

online reviews sites to research their trips and a third check social media.

Eighty-four per cent share their photos and experiences on social media during

and after an international trip. The provision of free Wi-Fi is chosen as the

most important service in a hotel by 59 per cent.

    Surveying more than 3,000 Chinese international travellers and 3,000

hoteliers around the world, the third annual CITM reveals significant insights

into all aspects of the changing behaviour of Chinese travellers and how the

global hotel industry is adapting to maximise the benefits of this new market.

    With 97 million Chinese travelling abroad in 2013[1], up 14 million on

2012, more than half of the hoteliers surveyed say that they have seen an

increase in the number of Chinese guests in the previous 12 months while 36 per

cent believe that the influx of Chinese tourists is one of the factors that

will have the most impact on their business in the next 12-24 months.

    With internet penetration in the country climbing to 45.8 percent, China

ended the year with 618 million internet users, 500 million of these choosing

to access the web via a mobile device[2], according to the China Internet

Network Information. More than 90 per cent of internet users reportedly have a

social media account.

    Abhiram Chowdhry, Vice President and Managing Director APAC of the

Hotels.com brand, said: "There are many factors driving the desire of the

Chinese people to explore the world. The rising affluence of the growing middle

class with higher disposable incomes, the upward trend in the numbers of repeat

travellers, more relaxed visa conditions and improved local infrastructure are

all dovetailing to expedite this growth. However, our report quantifies another

factor: the rate at which technology is transforming the landscape of Chinese

overseas travel."


    1. Source:


    2. Source:


    There is also a growing confidence shown by these new travellers,

particularly amongst the young. Two-thirds of the Chinese consumers questioned

say that they now prefer to travel independently, up five percentage points on

2013, while more than 60 per cent of hoteliers have seen a boost in the number

of independent travellers in the last two years.

This is the clearest indication yet of the move away from the previous

preference for group travel.

    Note to editors:

    To view and download a copy of the full report, visit


    About Hotels.com

    Part of Expedia, Inc., one of the world's largest online travel companies,

Hotels.com is a leading online accommodation booking website with more than

290,000 properties around the world, together with all the information needed

to book the perfect stay.

    (c) 2014 Hotels.com, LP. All rights reserved. Hotels.com and the Hotels.com

logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hotels.com, LP in the U.S.

and/or other territories. All other trademarks are property of their respective


    For more information, press enquiries or spokespeople for any global

region, please contact Hotels.com: press@hotels.co.uk, +44(0)20-7019-2428

    Source: Hotels.com




