


AsiaNet 57353

共同JBN 0795 (2014.7.16)

【香港2014年7月15日新華=共同JBN】四川省観光局は7月10日、香港で四川省観光・投資誘致会合(Sichuan Tourist and Investment Promotion)を開催した。四川省は豊富な観光資源と優れた市場環境を擁し、外国からの投資を歓迎するとともに同省の美しい山河、素晴らしい文化、そしておいしい食品を満喫するよう外国からの観光客を呼び込んでいる。






ソース:Sichuan Provincial Tourism Administration



Sichuan Tourism Welcomes Your Participation


Hong Kong, China, July 15 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --

On July 10, the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province held the Sichuan

Tourist and Investment Promotion in Hong Kong. With its abundant tourist

resources and excellent market environment, Sichuan welcomes foreign investment

and invites foreign tourists to appreciate its beautiful mountains and rivers,

splendid culture and nice food.

Signed on the day were a series of Sichuan-Hong Kong cooperation agreements,

including Sichuan-Hong Kong tourist promotional cooperation agreement, Sichuan

charter tour agreement and Sichuan-Hong Kong entertainment cooperation

agreement. Joseph Tung, executive director of the Travel Industry Council of

Hong Kong, said that there are many tourist spots which are worth travelling,

and this promotional event has brought some new things. He hoped that there

would be more exchanges between Sichuan and Hong Kong.

Hao Kangli, Director-general of the Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province,

said that the Sichuan tourist market is highly competitive and contains

numerous commercial opportunities. He listed the five advantages for investing

in Sichuan tourist industry, which includes perfect location, convenient

transportation, huge consumer population, complete service infrastructure, rich

rewards and so on.

According to Hao Kangli, Sichuan attaches great importance to the development

of tourist industry and considers it an important industrial pillar of its

construction of a strong economic province. Sichuan has set the goal of

building a province with strong tourist economy and as a world travel

destination. In 2013, the total revenue of Sichuan tourist industry reached

387.7 billion Yuan, an 18 percent year-on-year increase. He also noted that

Hong Kong is an important source of tourists. In 2013, the number of Hong Kong

tourists to Sichuan, although affected by the earthquake in Lushan, Ya'an, was

nearly 300,000, roughly the same as 2012.

Hong Kong becomes the first leg of this year's Sichuan key tourist promotion

campaign. The Tourism Administration of Sichuan Province hopes that foreign

capital could participate in the development of Sichuan tourist market,

especially the exploitation of the tourist market of Greater Chengdu and

Greater Mount Emei. Sichuan has adopted a series of new measures to promote

tourism, particularly the "1,000 Charter Flight Tours to Sichuan", which will

be launched this year. The move will subsidize and reward the travel agencies

and airliners. There are also some supporting measures concerning publicity and


For more information:


SOURCE: Sichuan Provincial Tourism Administration

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