


AsiaNet 57491

共同JBN 0848 (2014.7.31)

【上海(中国)2014年7月31日PRN=共同JBN】Santanderと中国における戦略的パートナー、上海銀行(Bank of Shanghai)は2014年5月、上海自由貿易区(FTZ)の登記企業に対する1年総額4億4000万人民元に達する初の国際運転資金融資を完了した。




▽Banco Santanderについて

Banco Santander(SAN.MC、STD.N、BNC.LN)はスペインに本拠を置く小売・商業銀行で、主要10市場で活動しているSantanderは時価総額でユーロ圏最大の銀行である。1857年に設立されたSantanderは2013年末で運用ファンド総額1兆2400億ユーロ、顧客1億300万、支店は他の国際銀行のどこよりも多い1万3927店、従業員18万2958人を誇る。同行はスペイン、中南米最大の金融グループで、英国、ポルトガル、ドイツ、ポーランド、米国北東部で重要な位置を占めている。Santanderの2013年の帰属利益は前年比90%増の43億7000万ユーロを記録した。


上海銀行は1995年12月29日に創立された株式商業銀行で、揚子江デルタ、珠江デルタ、渤海湾および中部、西部の主要都市に294の支店、営業所を開設している。同行は海外進出の最初のステップとして2013年6月にBank of Shanghai (Hong Kong) Co Ltdを設立した。上海銀行はザ・バンカー誌が2013年に発表した「世界のトップ1000行」で158位にランクされている。


Santander and Bank of Shanghai Completed the First Cross-border RMB Loan


SHANGHAI, July 31, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Santander and its Chinese strategic partner Bank of Shanghai completed the

first cross-border one year working capital loan in the amount of RMB

440,000,000 to a corporate entity incorporated in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone

(FTZ) in May this year.

This is the first cross-border loan involving an entity incorporated in

Shanghai FTZ to both Santander and Bank of Shanghai, and signifies a key

milestone of the strategic partnership of Santander and Bank of Shanghai,

announced in December 2013.

The collaboration between various departments in both banks was key to win the

deal and achieve it on time.

Shanghai FTZ was launched on 29 September 2013 and is the first free trade zone

in mainland China being used as a testing ground for a number of economic

reforms to create a preferential environment for foreign investment.

Note to editors

Banco Santander (SAN.MC, STD.N, BNC.LN) is a retail and commercial bank, based

in Spain, with a presence in 10 main markets. Santander is the largest bank in

the euro zone by market capitalization. Founded in 1857, Santander had EUR 1.24

trillion in managed funds, 103 million customers, 13,927 branches - more than

any other international bank - and 182,958 employees at the close of 2013. It

is the largest financial group in Spain and Latin America. It also has

significant positions in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, Poland and the

northeast United States. Santander registered EUR 4.37 billion in attributable

profit in 2013, an increase of 90% from the previous year.

Bank of Shanghai, founded on 29 December 1995, is a joint-stock commercial

bank, with 294 branches and outlets covering the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl

River Delta, the Bohai Bay, and the key cities in central and western regions.

As the first milestone of expanding into overseas market, Bank of Shanghai

(Hong Kong) Co Ltd was established in June 2013. Bank of Shanghai ranked No.

158 in 2013 in the list of the "Top 1,000 Banks in the world" released by The


SOURCE  Santander




