◎エネルギーと水の関連コミュニティーの連携を要請 世界水週間


◎エネルギーと水の関連コミュニティーの連携を要請 世界水週間

AsiaNet 57723

共同JBN 0925 (2014.9.2)

【ストックホルム2014年9月1日PRN=共同JBN】第24回世界水週間(World Water Week)に出席するため世界のリーダーが1日ストックホルムに集まり、エネルギーと水の関連コミュニティーが連携して現代の主要課題に立ち向かい、増加する世界の人々にクリーンな飲料水とエネルギーを提供しようと呼び掛けた。






ストックホルム国際水研究所(SIWI)は、水に関する賢明な政策と持続可能な発展に向けた知見を積み重ね、政策決定者にそれを提供する政策研究所である。SIWIはストックホルムで世界水週間(World Water Week)を開催し、ストックホルム水大賞、ストックホルム青少年水大賞、ストックホルム産業水大賞を主催する。

報道関係の問い合わせ、インタビューの要請、詳細な情報はウェブサイトhttp://www.worldwaterweek.org/pressroom を参照。

ソース:Stockholm International Water Institute

World Water Week: Energy and Water Communities Must Cooperate to Meet Global Challenges




    Global leaders gathered in Stockholm today for the 24th annual World Water

Week, urging the energy and water communities to work together to face some of

the main challenges of our time, providing clean drinking water and energy for

a growing world population.

    The theme of 2014 World Water Week is "Energy and Water". Water and energy

are interdependent in more ways than not. We need energy for pumping, storing,

transporting and treating water, we need water for producing almost all sorts

of energy. An increase or decrease in one will immediately affect the other.

The two resources are also inseparable from sustainable development and must be

tirelessly promoted in global decision-making.

    Addressing the opening session of the Week, Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive

Director of World Water Week organiser Stockholm International Water Institute,

said: "The challenges are immense. With the global demand for water projected

to grow by 55 per cent between 2000 and 2050 and electricity demand expected to

increase by 50 per cent in the next two decades, there is an urgent need for a

closer relationship between the energy and water communities if we are to

provide solutions for all peoples to prosper."

    Professor John Briscoe, this year's Stockholm Water Prize laureate, spoke

about water as a platform for growth, both of other sectors and society as a

whole, and said that "developing countries face big challenges. They have yet

to mobilise those resources." He added that there is "no eternal solution [to

the water crisis], neither here nor there. Instead, there is a cycle of

challenges and responses."

    In over 100 seminars, workshops and events spread throughout the week,

delegates will discuss ongoing and future work and collaboration between the

energy and water communities.

    Professor John Briscoe, a native of South Africa, will receive the

Stockholm Water Prize from H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, during a

ceremony in Stockholm City Hall on Thursday 4 September.

    Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is a policy institute that

generates knowledge and informs decision-makers towards water wise policy and

sustainable development. SIWI organises World Water Week in Stockholm and hosts

the Stockholm Water Prize, the Stockholm Junior Water Prize and the Stockholm

Industry Water Award.

    Press contacts, interview requests and further information:


    SOURCE: Stockholm International Water Institute




