


AsiaNet 57743

共同 JBN 0928 (2014.9.5)

【メキシコ市2014年9月5日PRN=共同 JBN】




Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130315/MX77534LOGO





▽アエロメヒコグループ(Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V.)について

GrupoAeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V.は、メキシコで商用航空事業やマイレージサービス事業を行う子会社を傘下に置く持ち株会社である。アエロメヒコ航空はメキシコ最大の航空会社であり、主要ハブ空港であるメキシコシティ国際空港の第2ターミナルから毎日600便以上を運行する。その目的地はメキシコ国内44都市、米国15都市、中南米13都市、欧州3都市、アジア2都市、カナダ1都市を含め、3大陸の78都市に運航している。

グループが運用する航空機は115機のボーイング787、777、767、737ジェット旅客機および最新世代のエンブラエル145、170、175、190である。アエロメヒコ航空は2012年に、ボーイングから90機の737 MAXジェット、10機の787-9ドリームライナーの合計100機を購入するという意向を示して、メキシコ航空史上で最大規模の投資戦略を発表した。

アエロメヒコ航空は航空連合スカイチーム(SkyTeam)の創設メンバーとして、加盟20航空会社が就航する178カ国、1000都市余りにサービス網を広げ、乗客は世界564カ所の空港プレミアムラウンジを利用できるなどの特典がある。デルタ航空、アラスカ航空、アビアンカ航空、ラン航空、TACA航空、TAM航空とはコードシェアで提携し、米国、ブラジル、カナダ、チリ、コロンビア、ペルーなどの国々へは幅広いネットワークがある。詳細はwww.aeromexico.com 、www.skyteam.com 、http://disfrutaam.tumblr.com/ 、を参照。


Aeromexico Announces the Possibility of Using Electronic Devices Throughout its Flights


MEXICO CITY, Sept. 5, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- Passengers will now be able to use the authorized electronic devices

from the time they board the airplane and throughout all phases of the flight

    -- This new policy is implemented in conformity with domestic and

international safety standards

    Aeromexico, Mexico's global airline, announced that as of this month of

September, passengers can keep their mobile electronic devices, such as

tablets, ebooks, video games, digital music players and smartphones turned on

throughout their flights, provided all data transmission functions are turned

off and their devices are kept in "flight mode."

    Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130315/MX77534LOGO

    Corneel Koster, Chief Operating Officer at Aeromexico, noted that the use

of electronic devices on board during the flight means a technological

breakthrough for the airline.

    "We are the first airline in Mexico to apply this measure on our flights.

With this important step, Aeromexico joins the leading carriers across the

globe in offering the ease of use of technology and on board entertainment

systems in a safe environment. This is great news for our customers, who will

not have to interrupt their personal entertainment or work flows at any time

during the flight," he added.

    The Mexican Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) recently approved the rules

needed to apply this measure, similar to the safety provisions approved by the

Federal Aviation Administration of the United States (FAA), and other

authorities worldwide.

    Thus, Aeromexico stays at the forefront with the technology and safety

needed to continue offering its passengers the best experience of travel,

comfort and tranquility.

    About Grupo Aeromexico

    Grupo Aeromexico, S.A.B. de C.V. is a holding company whose subsidiaries

are engaged in commercial aviation in Mexico and the promotion of passenger

loyalty programs. Aeromexico, the largest airline in Mexico, operates more than

600 daily flights and its main hub is in Terminal 2 at the Mexico City

International Airport. Its destinations network features 78 cities on three

continents, including 44 destinations in Mexico, 15 in the United States, 13 in

Latin America, three in Europe, two in Asia and one in Canada.

    The Group's fleet of more than 115 aircraft is comprised of Boeing 787,

777, 767 and 737 jet airliners and next generation Embraer 145, 170, 175 and

190 models. In 2012, the airline announced the most significant investment

strategy in aviation history in Mexico, to purchase 100 Boeing aircraft

including 90 MAX B737 jet airliners and 10 B787-9 Dreamliners.

    As a founding member of the SkyTeam airline alliance, Aeromexico offers

customers 1,000 destinations in 178 countries served by the 20 SkyTeam airline

partners rewarding passengers with benefits including access to 564 premium

airport lounges around the world. Aeromexico also offers travel on its

codeshare partner flights with Delta Air Lines, Alaska Airlines, Avianca, LAN,

TACA and TAM with extensive connectivity in countries like the United States,

Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia and Peru. www.aeromexico.com www.skyteam.com


    SOURCE: Aeromexico




