◎大学生の強い味方、IRISアプリケーション グローバルなコミュニケーションをサポート


AsiaNet 57779



ニュースリリース - 即時発表



米国カリフォルニア州アーバイン(2014年9月9日)  学生生活は意外に忙しいものです。講義に出席し、試験を受け、予習・復習に励むかたわら、家族や友達とのつきあいもおろそかにはできません。そのバランスと調整に苦労される方は多いのではないでしょうか。そんな皆さんに強力なコミュニケーション・ツールとして役立てていただけるのが、インターラッシュ(Interush, Inc.)が誇る主力商品、クラウドベースのIRIS Applications(TM)(IRISアプリケーション)です。



PHYTTERのスマートフォン対応版がiPhytter(TM)です。講義の合間や週末の空いた時間を利用して、手軽にご家族と連絡を取ることができるコミュニケーション・アプリとなっています。iTuneおよびGoogle Playからダウンロードでき、3Gもしくは4G回線、Wi-Fi環境があればどこからでもビデオ通話が可能なほか、円滑な学生生活の促進に役立つインスタント・メッセージ、オンライン会議、文書のやりとりが簡単にできるファックスなど豊富な機能を備えており、多種多彩な方法でご活用いただけます。

Phytter Dockは、課題などの大切なデジタルファイルを安全に保管し、共有できるオンライン・ストレージ・サービスです。また外出の多い学生にとって、友達と撮った思い出の写真や音楽ファイルの整理は欠かせません。こうした画像やファイルを手軽にアップロードして、紛失する恐れもなく安全に保管していただけます。

大学でのグループ・プロジェクトを効率良く進めていきたい方には、高品質のオンライン会議システムIRIS Meet2がお勧めです。会議の予約・設定は簡単。ゼミ仲間との共同作業を行うばかりではなく、遠く離れているご家族やお知り合いとまるで傍にいるかのような会話を楽しむなど、様々な用途にお使いいただけます。

こうした身近な方々の連絡先管理や、グループメッセージの送信を可能にするのが、IRIS eCommです。便利さを追求したIRIS eCommでは、お知り合いの連絡先をひとつのデータベースに整理して登録・管理することができます。また、大切な人の誕生日や記念日のお祝いに駆けつけることができない時は、IRIS VeMailで心を込めた動画付きメッセージを作成・送信できます。




IRISアプリケーションは、現在急成長を続ける日本、台湾、香港、中国のIT分野において事業を展開するInterush, Inc.(カリフォルニア州アーバイン)により運営されています。詳細についてはwww.interush.com をご覧ください。

# # #

Communications Connectivity for College Students


IRVINE, Calif., Sept. 9, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The life of a busy college student is a hectic one: trying to juggle class

schedules and study for exams, all while attempting to stay in touch with

family and friends, can be difficult. However, IRIS Applications Suite(TM),

Interush's core product of cloud-based applications, is a great and simple

communication solution for students who are trying to accomplish that.

The IRIS Applications Suite(TM) is a package of a wide variety of applications

designed to bring together the most productive and popular online software

applications around the world. All of the IRIS(TM) applications provide

specific and unique ways to improve the online communication experience, each

designed to make the life of even the busiest college student easier to


Included in the applications suite is PHYTTER(R), which offers a convenient way

for busy college students studying far from home to keep in contact with their

friends and family, by providing a wide variety of communication between

smartphones, laptops, landlines and desktops.

In addition to the PHYTTER application, iPhytter(TM) offers an advanced

opportunity for smartphone users to connect with friends and family in between

classes and during their free time on the weekends. Available for download on

iTunes or Google Play, students can talk and video chat other users on their

3G, 4G or Wi-Fi connections. The app provides numerous communication options,

such as instant messaging, conference calling and a fax function to send and

receive documents.

Phytter Dock lets students safely store and share their most valuable digital

files, keeping all of those papers and assignments they worked so hard on

secure. Phytter Dock is also a great way to upload and save photos of friends

and all the latest music, making sure it stays safe while students remain on

the go.

For students looking to keep class group projects simple, the IRIS Meet2

application provides advanced video conference calls, which makes scheduling

meetings with classmates much more efficient. It's also an excellent way for

students to stay connected to their loved ones, by organizing group video calls

with family members who are spread out and living in other places.  

Keeping personal information for friends and family all in one place and

sending group messages has never been easier than with IRIS eComm, which lets

users upload and organize their contacts into one database. The IRIS VeMail app

makes sharing videos with all of those loved ones a breeze, which works well

for students who can't always make it home for a loved one's birthday or

memorable celebration.

IRIS Applications Suite(TM) also has the tools to help students broaden their

opportunities, such as the ability to improve their English skills or create

their own unique blogs and a wide variety of digital media, including greeting

cards, banners, business cards, etc.

"These applications offer cost-effective solutions to enhance direct

correspondence between friends, family and colleagues," said Martin Matthews,

CEO of Interush. "IRIS Applications Suite(TM) provides an easily accessible

answer for student communications in a global world."

IRIS makes organizing the often hectic lives of students a simple task, so that

they're able to focus on their studies while still having a terrific college


IRIS Applications Suite(TM) is powered by Interush, Inc. of Irvine, California.

Interush, Inc. markets within the rapidly expanding information technology

sector in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. For more information, visit


SOURCE:  Interush Inc.




