Pembina PipelineがPhase III Expansionのパイプライン通油力拡大を発表

Pembina Pipeline Corporation

Pembina PipelineがPhase III Expansionのパイプライン通油力拡大を発表

AsiaNet 57842(0971)

【カルガリー(カナダ・アルバータ州)2014年9月11日PRN=共同通信JBN】契約される新たな通油量は、Pembinaがこれまでに発表したPhase III Expansionに新たに直径16インチのパイプラインを敷設することによる通油能力増を支援する-。

Pembina Pipeline Corporation(以下Peminaもしくは同社)(TSX:PPL、NYSE:PBA)は11日、顧客の強い需要に応えてカナダ・アルバータ州フォックスクリークからナマオへ通じる新しい直径16インチのパイプラインとアルバータ州ワピティからカクワに通じる新しい直径12インチのパイプライン(Wapiti to Kakwa Pipeline)を敷設することで、発表済みの第3段階パイプライン拡張(Phase III Expansion)を拡大する計画を発表した。


提案されたWapiti to Kakwa Pipelineは、Pembinaの既存のパイプラインシステムの一部のネックを解消するのが狙いである。その全長は約70キロメートルで、当初の通油能力は日量約9万5000バレルになる見込みである。このネック解消によって最終的にフォックスクリークからナマオまで、Phase III Expansionの同社コアセグメントに製品が輸送される。Pembinaはまたこのプロジェクトの一環として、2つの新しいポンプステーションを建設する計画である。Pembinaは規制認可を受けて、Wapiti to Kakwa Pipelineが当初拡大と同時期の2016年末から2017年半ばにサービスに入ることを期待している。

合わせてPembinaは、追加される直径16インチのパイプラインおよびWapiti to Kakwa Pipelineに約4億3500万ドルの追加資本支出負担を予測しており、Phase III Expansionも推定総資本支出は24億4000万ドルになると見込んでいる。

Pembinaのポール・マーフィー上級副社長(パイプライン&原油施設担当)は「Pembinaはこれら新たな通油量が物語るように、引き続きPhase III Expansionへの投資を継続する。われわれは顧客の(石油・天然ガス)輸送ニーズは、この通油量拡大ができる限り速く進むことで満たされるよう協議を進めている。本日承認されたパイプライン敷設の結果として、われわれは顧客の現行および将来の成長計画を支援する立場になる」と語った。





カルガリーに本社を置くPembina Pipeline Corporationは有力な輸送、中流サービスプロバイダーで、60年にわたって北米のエネルギー業界にサービスを提供している。Pembinaは在来および合成の原油、重油、オイルサンド製品、カナダ西部で生産されるコンデンセート(希釈)天然ガス、天然ガス液を含む多様な炭化水素液を輸送するパイプラインを所有、運営している。同社はまたガス集積・処理施設、石油、天然ガス液のインフラ、ロジスティクス事業も所有、運営している。Pembinaはさらに戦略的にカナダ西部およびカナダ東部と米国の天然ガス液市場に施設を配置し、その事業全体にまたがる全面的な中流サービスとマーケティング・サービスも提供している。その統合資産、商業事業によってPembinaは、炭化水素バリューチェーンとともにエネルギー部門が必要とするサービスを提供することができる。

Pembina PipelineはPembina Pipeline Corporationの登録商標である。

写真説明:「Pembina Pipeline Corporationが第3段階パイプライン拡張能力を強化して、通油量の増大を確保」(CNW Group/Pembina Pipeline Corporation)



Investor Inquiries:

Scott Burrows

Vice President, Capital Markets

(403) 231-3156



Media Inquiries:

Laura Lunt

Senior Manager, Regulatory, Environment & External Relations

(403) 231-7500


ソース:Pembina Pipeline Corporation

Pembina Pipeline Corporation Increases Capacity of Phase III Pipeline Expansion and Secures Additional Volumes


CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 11, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    -- New volumes under contract support increasing capacity of Pembina's

   previously announced Phase III Expansion; new 16" diameter pipeline to be


    Pembina Pipeline Corporation ("Pembina" or "the Company") (TSX: PPL; NYSE:

PBA) announced that due to strong customer demand, it plans to expand its

previously announced Phase III pipeline expansions (the "Phase III Expansion")

by constructing a new 16" diameter pipeline from Fox Creek, Alberta into Namao,

Alberta and a new 12" diameter pipeline from Wapiti, Alberta into Kakwa,

Alberta (the "Wapiti to Kakwa Pipeline").

    The 16" diameter pipeline will span approximately 270 kilometres ("km") in

length and be built in the same right-of-way as the proposed 24" diameter

pipeline from Fox Creek to Namao. Pembina expects the two pipelines to

initially have a combined capacity of 420,000 barrels per day ("bpd") and an

ultimate capacity of over 680,000 bpd with the addition of midpoint pump

stations. Since December 2013, Pembina has secured an additional 59,000 bpd

under contract. With these commitments, total volumes under contract are

approximately 289,000 bpd, or 69 percent of the initial combined capacity.

    The proposed Wapiti to Kakwa Pipeline is intended to debottleneck a portion

of Pembina's existing pipeline system. It will be approximately 70 km in length

and is expected to have an initial capacity of approximately 95,000 bpd. This

debottleneck will ultimately allow product to be delivered into the Company's

core segment of the Phase III Expansion between Fox Creek and Namao. As part of

this project, Pembina also plans to build two new pump stations. Subject to

regulatory approval, Pembina expects the Wapiti to Kakwa Pipeline to be

in-service in late-2016 to mid-2017, consistent with the timing of the initial


    Combined, Pembina expects to incur additional capital expenditures for the

additional 16" diameter pipeline and the Wapiti to Kakwa Pipeline of

approximately $435 million, bringing total estimated capital for the Phase III

Expansion to $2.44 billion.

    "Pembina continues to see interest in the Phase III Expansion, as evidenced

by these new volumes," said Paul Murphy, Pembina's Senior Vice President of

Pipeline & Crude Oil Facilities. "We are in ongoing discussions with our

customers to ensure their transportation needs are addressed as early on in the

development of this expansion as possible. As a result of the pipelines

approved today, we will be in a position to support their existing and future

growth plans."

    Mick Dilger, Pembina's President and Chief Executive Officer added, "With

the 16" diameter pipeline, Pembina will have four pipelines in the Fox Creek to

Namao corridor with an ultimate capacity of over 1,000,000 bpd. This will allow

us to transport four distinct hydrocarbons - propane-plus, ethane-plus,

condensate and crude oil - each in its own segregated pipeline. This is great

for Pembina and for our customers as we will be able to realize operational

efficiencies, such as minimizing or eliminating batch interface between the

products and streamlining storage requirements. In addition, we will be able to

provide a ratable flow of propane-plus and ethane-plus into industry

fractionators, including our Redwater fractionator, which will help to optimize

operations at these facilities."

    Subject to regulatory approval, Pembina expects the 16" and 24" diameter

pipelines to be in-service between late-2016 and mid-2017. Pembina submitted

its regulatory application for both pipelines from Fox Creek to Namao on

September 2, 2014.

    Pembina will provide information updates during the development of these

assets and, if approved, during implementation so that stakeholders,

communities, Aboriginal communities and other groups or individuals with

interests in the area are informed of the Company's activities. Pembina has a

strong reputation for constructing and operating facilities which meet or

exceed safety and environmental protection regulations and guidelines, and the

Company is committed to responsible development throughout the life of these

and all of its projects.

    About Pembina

    Calgary-based Pembina Pipeline Corporation is a leading transportation and

midstream service provider that has been serving North America's energy

industry for 60 years. Pembina owns and operates pipelines that transport

various hydrocarbon liquids including conventional and synthetic crude oil,

heavy oil and oil sands products, condensate (diluent) and natural gas liquids

produced in western Canada. The Company also owns and operates gas gathering

and processing facilities and an oil and natural gas liquids infrastructure and

logistics business. With facilities strategically located in western Canada and

in natural gas liquids markets in eastern Canada and the U.S., Pembina also

offers a full spectrum of midstream and marketing services that spans across

its operations. Pembina's integrated assets and commercial operations enable it

to offer services needed by the energy sector along the hydrocarbon value


    Forward-Looking Statements & Information

    In particular, this document contains forward-looking statements,

pertaining to, without limitation, the following: Pembina's corporate strategy;

planning, construction, capital expenditure estimates, schedules, expected

capacity, incremental volumes, in service dates, and operations with respect to

the Phase III Expansion and related infrastructure; expectations regarding

future demand for transportation services; expectations regarding supply and

demand factors; anticipated transportation strategies and services; and

anticipated corporate efficiencies and synergies. These forward-looking

statements and information are being made by Pembina based on certain

assumptions that Pembina has made in respect thereof as at the date of this

document including those discussed below.

    With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this document,

Pembina has made assumptions regarding, among other things: that counterparties

will comply with contracts in a timely manner; that there are no unforeseen

events preventing the performance of contracts or the completion of the Phase

III Expansion or any of its related infrastructure; that Pembina will obtain

required regulatory approvals on a timely basis; maintenance of operating

margins; anticipated changes in interest rates, foreign currency exchange,

inflation rates and commodity prices; ongoing utilization and future expansion,

development, growth and performance of Pembina's business and asset base;

future demand for transportation services; future levels of oil and natural gas

development in proximity to Pembina's pipelines and other assets (which could

be affected by, among other things, possible changes to applicable royalty and

tax regimes); the amount of future liabilities related to environmental

incidents; additional throughput potential on additional connections and other

initiatives on the Conventional Pipelines systems; expected Phase III Expansion

and related infrastructure start-up and construction dates; and future

financing capability and sources.

    Although Pembina believes the expectations and material factors and

assumptions reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of

the date hereof, there can be no assurance that these expectations, factors and

assumptions will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned that events or

circumstances could cause results to differ materially from those predicted,

forecasted or projected. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve

numerous assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute

to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other

forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause actual performance

and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any

projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such

forward-looking statements and information.

    The actual results of Pembina could differ materially from those

anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of material risk

factors including, but not limited to: the regulatory environment and

decisions, and the inability to obtain required regulatory approvals; the

impact of competitive entities and pricing; reliance on key relationships and

agreements; the strength and operations of the oil and natural gas production

industry and related commodity prices; the continuation or completion of third-

party projects; non-performance or default by counterparties to agreements

which Pembina or one or more of its affiliates has entered into in respect of

its business; actions by governmental or regulatory authorities including

changes in tax laws and treatment, changes in royalty rates or increased

environmental regulation; fluctuations in operating results; unexpected

increases in capital costs for the Phase III Expansion or related

infrastructure; adverse general economic and market conditions in Canada, North

America and elsewhere, including changes in interest rates, foreign currency

exchange rates, inflation rates and commodity prices; lower than anticipated

results of operations and accretion from Pembina's business initiatives; and

the ability of Pembina to raise sufficient capital (or to raise capital on

favourable terms) to complete future projects and satisfy future commitments.

    These factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Unless required by

law, Pembina does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any

forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future

events or otherwise. Any forward-looking statements contained herein are

expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

    Pembina Pipeline(R) is a registered trademark of Pembina Pipeline


    Image with caption: "Pembina Pipeline Corporation Increases Capacity of

Phase III Pipeline Expansion and Secures Additional Volumes (CNW Group/Pembina

Pipeline Corporation)". Image available at:

    For further information:

    Investor Inquiries:

    Scott Burrows

    Vice President, Capital Markets

    (403) 231-3156



    Media Inquiries:

    Laura Lunt

    Senior Manager, Regulatory, Environment

    & External Relations

    (403) 231-7500

    (PPL. PPL.DB.C. PBA)

    SOURCE: Pembina Pipeline Corporation




