

AsiaNet 57889










FuuzleのIT スペシャリストやマーケティング担当者たちは18ヶ月間以上にわたって数百万通のニュースレターとRSSフィードを追跡するために、システム改善に努力して参りました。Fuuzleのスペシャル・タスク・フォースのお陰で、毎月、1億件以上のRSSフィードと500万通以上のニュースレターが利用可能になりました。このほかに、すべての情報の翻訳とFuuzleデータベースが追加され、今年の春以来、毎月27.5億件ほどのドキュメントが追加されています。






Fuuzleは広告を通して収入を得ていますので、サービスは無料です。 各広告主はFuuzle AdMasterを通して広告を出したい地理的地域、重点的に取り組みたい検索語、予算の上限などを表示します。ユーザーは広告だらけのスクリーンを心配される必要はありません。Fuuzleのユーザーの使いやすさを保証するために、広告は小さく、広告文字数が35文字以下に制限されています。Fuuzleは米国やヨーロッパ(英国)、日本、韓国など、知識ベース経済の成長を予想しています。本社はオランダ・ウィレムスタット(キュラソー)にありますが、間もなく米国やヨーロッパ(オランダ)のオフィスも開設する予定です。


Fuuzle: New Supplier of Information From Across the Globe


WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Sep. 18, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Millions of newsletters and RSS feeds available in real time, in 26

languages, free of charge

    The digital world is teeming with information, yet a lot of it cannot be

found via search engines or only after many hours of painstakingly surfing the

net. The innovative company Fuuzle fills this gap. Fuuzle collates and makes

available the contents of millions of newsletters and RSS feeds from across the

globe and translates them into 26 languages to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

This involves information - often of a high interest value - which can hardly

or not be found via search engines. Fuuzle aims to have 15 to 90 million

regular users in the near future.

    The Fuuzle site went live on 2 September (Beta version). This means that,

from that date, companies, authorities, organisations and consumers have access

to an immense database of specific information, originating from millions of

newsletters and RSS feeds from across the globe. The tracing and bundling of

newsletters in particular and the release of that information are innovative


    Smart translation software

    Anyone can access this information through Fuuzle and filter on the basis

of subjects that are of interest to him or her. What remains are current,

relevant news messages that can be supplied in no fewer than 26 languages, i.e.

covering 92% of all languages on the Internet. Fuuzle works with software that

translates both on a word-by-word basis and per phrase, resulting in a properly

readable text that is true to the original. Although it still falls short of

the standards met by professional linguists, people are working hard every day

to further improve the service.

    2.75 billion documents

    For more than 18 months now, a group of IT specialists and marketers at

Fuuzle have been working on the development of a system in order to trace those

millions of newsletters and RSS feeds. Each month, thanks to the Fuuzle Special

Task Forces, more than 100 million unique RSS feeds are made available and more

than 5 million newsletters. Add to this the translations of all that

information and the Fuuzle database has been growing by around 2.75 billion

documents per month since this spring.

    Feed readers

    Fuuzle offers more compared to existing feed readers. First of all, the

combination with newsletters and the translation thereof in the different

target languages are innovative features. The same applies to the specific word

search and combinations thereof in feeds and newsletters. Fuuzle offers a

so-called alert service, which forwards on relevant information to users at

times specified by them. Fuuzle is much more than 'a feed reader with a limited

number of URLs'. Every few minutes, millions of feeds are checked, translated

and forwarded in real time.

    Versatile information

    The information that is currently made available by Fuuzle is highly

versatile, ranging from scientific accounts from Harvard University to the

latest news on offers by a web shop. Soon Fuuzle users will hardly lose any

time: by entering search words or search word combinations (Fuuzle alerts),

billions of documents are scanned and filtered for exactly the required

information and offered in the appropriate language.

    Offices in the US and Europe

    Fuuzle is offered free of charge. The company will generate its income

through advertising. Through Fuuzle AdMaster, each advertiser can indicate in

which geographic area he wishes to advertise, what search words he wishes to

focus on and what his maximum budget is. Users need not fear they will be

inundated with screen-filling advertisements. In order to guarantee the

user-friendliness of Fuuzle, the advertisements are small, with a maximum of 35

characters. Fuuzle expects its main growth to be in the fields of the

knowledge-based economies: the US, but also in Europe (Great Britain), Japan

and South Korea. The company's head office is located in Willemstad (Curacao),

yet will soon open offices in the US and Europe (the Netherlands).


    SOURCE: Fuuzle




