ETSが「TOEFL(R)Young Students Series GO English!」プロジェクトを立ち上げ

Educational Testing Service-TOEFL

ETSが「TOEFL(R)Young Students Series GO English!」プロジェクトを立ち上げ

AsiaNet 58135 (1092)

【プリンストン(米ニュージャージー州)2014年10月10日PRN=共同通信JBN】Educational Testing Service(ETS)とTOEFL(R)プログラムは「自分の声で自分の街を(Our Town. In Our Words)」のキャッチフレーズで、世界の若い生徒向けに英語学習意欲の向上を図る「TOEFL(R)Young Students Series GO English!」プロジェクトを立ち上げる。この世界キャンペーンは2014年10月13日に開始され、2014年12月31日に終了する。同キャンペーンは、生徒が教室で英語教師の指導の元、英語を練習し、そのスキルを向上できるように設計されている。

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キャンペーンはETS TOEFLプログラムの一環である「TOEFL Young Students Series」の一つで、特に児童の英語学習のニーズに焦点をあてたものだ。シリーズには8歳以上の児童・生徒が英語のスキルを開発するために適切な基礎を構築できるよう設計された「TOEFL(R)Primary(TM)」テストや11歳以上の生徒向けの「TOEFL Junior(R)」テストが含まれる。

このプロジェクトについての詳しい情報は「TOEFL Young Students Series GO English!」のウェブサイト( )を参照。

▽TOEFL(R)Young Students Seriesについて

「TOEFL(R)Young Students Series」は英語のスキルを開発するための正しい基礎を作る目的で作られ、年齢に適した製品、サービス、評価を特色としているが、その中には若い生徒が次の学習レベルに進むためのガイダンスの手助けをする「TOEFL Junior(R)」や「TOEFL(R)Primary(TM)」 テストなどが含まれる。


ETSは厳格な調査に基づいた評価方法を創設し、世界の人々の教育の質および公平性を推進している。ETSは教職課程、英語学習、初等・中等・後期中等教育、および教育研究、分析、政策研究向けにカスタマイズされたソリューションなどを提供することで、個人、教育機関、および政府省庁に貢献している。ETSは1947年に非営利団体として創設され、年間を通して180カ国以上、9000以上の場所で5000万回以上のテストの開発、管理、採点を行っており、その中にはTOEFL(R)とTOEIC(R)テスト、GRE(R)テスト、The Praxis Series(R)評価などが含まれる。

ウェブサイトは 。

ソース:Educational Testing Service-TOEFL


Allyson Toolan, +1-609-759-5774,

TOEFL(R) Young Students Series GO English! Project to Promote English Language Learning in Classrooms Around the World


PRINCETON, N.J., Oct. 10, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the TOEFL(R) program are launching

the TOEFL(R) Young Students Series GO English! project ― "Our Town. In Our

Words." ― to promote the English language to young students around the world.

The global campaign kicks off on October 13, 2014, and ends December 31, 2014.

The campaign is designed to inspire students under the guidance of their

English language learning teachers to practice and improve their

English-language skills in the classroom.

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    "Now more than ever, teachers are introducing English as a second language

at earlier stages of learning," said Jennifer Brown, Executive Director of the

TOEFL program. "At ETS, we're committed to promoting teaching and learning that

engages students across all levels."

    Working together as a class over the course of a few weeks, students will

be using their English-language skills to share what is great about their town

by creating a video, radio, poster or newspaper column advertisement. Students

are encouraged to be creative and use their knowledge of the English language

to effectively communicate their messages.

    "What's great about this campaign is that it allows for students to have

fun and be creative while practicing English," said Brown. "The students can

take pride in showing off their English-language skills."

    Participating classes will receive promotional items, educational

materials, certificates and a plaque.

    The campaign is part of the TOEFL Young Students Series, an extension of

the ETS TOEFL program, and is specifically geared to the language-learning

needs of younger students. It includes the TOEFL(R) Primary(TM) tests, designed

for students ages 8+ to set the right foundation for successful development of

English-language skills, and the TOEFL Junior(R) tests, designed for students

ages 11+.

    For more information on the project, visit the TOEFL Young Students Series

GO English! website at

    About the TOEFL(R) Young Students Series  

    Designed to set the foundation for the successful development of

English-language skills, the TOEFL(R) Young Students Series features

age-appropriate assessments, products and services ― including the TOEFL

Junior(R) and TOEFL(R) Primary(TM) tests ― to help guide younger students to

the next steps of learning.

    About ETS

    At ETS, we advance quality and equity in education for people worldwide by

creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS serves individuals,

educational institutions and government agencies by providing customized

solutions for teacher certification, English language learning, and elementary,

secondary and postsecondary education, and by conducting education research,

analysis and policy studies. Founded as a nonprofit in 1947, ETS develops,

administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually ― including the

TOEFL(R) and TOEIC (R) tests, the GRE (R) tests and The Praxis Series(R)

assessments ― in more than 180 countries, at over 9,000 locations worldwide.

    SOURCE: Educational Testing Service-TOEFL

    CONTACT: Allyson Toolan, +1-609-759-5774,




