Smartwatches Face Challenges as Payment System


Smartwatches Face Challenges as Payment System


NUREMBERG, Germany, Oct. 13, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    A recent GfK survey in China, Germany, South Korea, the UK and the US

indicates that people in these countries see potential in using smartwatches to

'carry' tickets for passenger transport or as security keys to their computers

and online accounts. The ability to transmit healthcare data via a smartwatch

is also of particular interest to the majority of people. In America and China,

there is openness for using smartwatches as identity cards and payment systems,

although Europeans are much more hesitant about these functions.  

    These are findings from an international study in which GfK asked 1,000

smartphone owners in each market if they would be interested in being able to

carry out specific functions via a smartwatch, assuming they could save and

send their data securely.

    The survey reveals that smartwatches have the potential for a wide range of

uses. Gathering sports activities, navigation, phone calls and apps are the

main applications that surveyed consumers are interested in at present. Due to

the nature of a smartwatch being worn on the wrist, it could also serve as

proof of identity, a travel ticket holder or a method of making payments at the


    - Smartwatches could carry healthcare data

    Nearly half of everyone surveyed across the five countries say they would

be interested in using a smartwatch to provide doctors or hospitals with their

personal healthcare data - for example, during a doctor's appointment or in a

medical emergency situation. However, people in different countries differ

widely in how far they are ready to entrust sensitive health information to a

smartwatch; 69 percent of those surveyed in China said they are interested in

this compared with just 50 percent in the US and 43 percent in South Korea.

European consumers are more hesitant, with around one third of respondents in

the UK expressing an interest and just one quarter in Germany. Men are rather

more open to this idea than women and the difference between age groups is even

more marked, with interest in using a smartwatch for their health data

increasing with age.  

    - Asians and Americans see potential for smartwatches as travel tickets

GfK's findings also show that smartwatches have clear potential as travel

tickets. Just less than half those surveyed across all five countries say they

would be happy to use a smartwatch for this purpose. The Chinese (63 percent),

Koreans (54 percent) and US citizens (41 percent) were the most interested.

European consumers were again more reticent with only 32 percent of respondents

in the UK and 31 percent in Germany saying they would use a smartwatch as a

travel ticket.

    - Older generations open to using smartwatches for online identification

Faced with rising cybercrime levels, there is a general desire for ways to

improve security and this is reflected in GfK's findings. Overall, 45 percent

of respondents say they would be interested in using a smartwatch as secure

identification to log on to personal computers or access online accounts.

Interest in this function increases with age, starting at 42 percent of those

aged 16-29, and rising to 46 percent of 30-49 year-olds and 48 percent of the

over-50s. On a country by country basis, China shows most interest in this

function, with over two thirds (68 percent) saying they would be happy to use a

smartwatch as secure identification on their computers. They are followed by

the US with just under a half (49 percent), South Korea with 37 percent and the

UK with 33 percent. Germany again shows more hesitation, with just one quarter

of all Germans surveyed saying they would be happy to use a smartwatch as

secure identification on their computers.

    - Chinese happy to use smartwatches as identity cards

Across all five countries, 38 percent of those asked say they would be

interested in using a smartwatch as an ID card when going abroad or visiting

the authorities. Once again, China and the US are out in front in being open to

this idea, with 57 and 41 percent respectively, followed by South Korea and the

UK, with 33 and 28 percent. The Germans are again the most critical; just one

fifth say would use a smartwatch as an ID card.

    - Paying by smartwatch? Only the US and China are interested to date

Mobile payment, i.e. using a smartphone to pay at the checkout with near field

communication (NFC) technology, hasn't proved very popular so far. In theory,

using a smartwatch at the checkout would be even more convenient than getting

out a smartphone; but only 35 percent of respondents across the five countries

surveyed are interested in this facility at present. The real potential for

this is in China, where interest increases to 54 percent of those surveyed,

compared with 40 percent in the US and only 28 percent in South Korea and 27

percent in the UK. In Germany, just 20 percent of those asked say they would

use a smartwatch to make payments.    

    - Infographic on Smartwatches

    An infographic on smartwatches in high-resolution can be downloaded here:

    About the study

    The data was collected in a study of smartphone owners in China, Germany,

South Korea, the UK and the USA which was conducted in August 2014. In each

country, 1,000 respondents were surveyed online.

    For more information, please visit or follow GfK on


    Contact:, +49-(0)-911-395-4440





