


AsiaNet 58496 (1216)



米国において初めて、サンフランシスコのアジア美術館(Asian Art Museum)は評価の高い日本人画家石田徹也の博物館初になる個展を開催する。「Tetsuya Ishida: Saving the World with a Brushstroke(石田徹也:世界を救う絵筆)」展は2014年11月14日から2015年2月22日まで開催される。

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141031/155950



2005年、石田は31歳で亡くなり、重要な業績を残して画家としての短い命を終えた。画家はブラックユーモアのタッチで抑制しているが、暗く強烈な絵は現代の脱工業化社会におけるアイデンティティーの性格や生きることの意味といった普遍的な疑問を投げかけている。「Saving the World with a Brushstroke」展では8点の作品が展示されるが、これらは画家が主なテーマとして取り組んだ分野、職場や学校におけるプレッシャー、アイデンティティーの探求、社会的混乱などをすべてカバーしている。



アジア美術館が主催した「Tetsuya Ishida: Saving the World with a Brushstroke」展のキュレーターは日本美術キュレーターであるローラ・アレン博士と同アシスタント・キュレーターのユキ・モリシマ博士である。この展覧会は同美術館だけで開催される。

詳しい情報はウェブサイト(www.asianart.org )を参照。

ソース:Asian Art Museum


Tim Hallman



Annie Tsang



Tetsuya Ishida: Saving The World With A Brushstroke



  Asian Art Museum presents first U.S. museum exhibition of Japanese painter

                                 Tetsuya Ishida

    For the first time in the United States, visitors can view paintings by the

acclaimed Japanese painter Tetsuya Ishida, in an intimate museum exhibition at

San Francisco's Asian Art Museum. Tetsuya Ishida: Saving the World with a

Brushstroke will be on view in the museum's Tateuchi Gallery beginning Nov. 14,

2014, through Feb. 22, 2015.

    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141031/155950

    The life of Ishida, who was born in 1973, spanned a period of rapid social

change in Japan: the soaring rise of its "bubble economy" in the 1980s; its

crash from 1990 to 1991; and a time when such grim events as the sarin gas

incident of 1995 unsettled the nation. Ishida's paintings offer a unique

approach to the tensions of his generation, which came of age amid rising

social and academic expectations and uncertain future prospects.

    In 2005 Ishida's death at age 31 ended a brief but significant career as a

painter. While touches of bleak humor temper his work, Ishida's darkly powerful

imagery poses universal questions about the nature of identity and the meaning

of life in the modern, post-industrial world. The eight paintings shown in

Saving the World with a Brushstroke cross the spectrum of the artist's major

themes: workplace and academic pressures, the search for identity, and social


    Ishida's paintings combine fantasy and hyperrealistic detail to often

surreal effect. In them home, office, parks and city streets are invaded by

mysterious intrusions of bodies, tree limbs and urban debris. A face with short

hair, seemingly a self-portrait, appears in most of the paintings, attached to

a young man's body, or sometimes fused with machines and inanimate objects.

Unnatural and unnerving, these strange juxtapositions evoke strong reactions

from many viewers.

    The exhibition title derives from the artist's words recorded in a notebook

at age 25: "I am strongly drawn to saint-like artists. The people who truly

believe that 'the world is saved a little with each brushstroke.' " Whether

Ishida believed his own works offer any salvation is left for each viewer to

consider. But whether by means of humor or pain, they unequivocally force us to

confront-and perhaps empathize with-his vulnerable, solitary subjects.

    Organized by the Asian Art Museum, Tetsuya Ishida: Saving the World with a

Brushstroke is curated by Dr. Laura Allen, curator of Japanese art, and Dr.

Yuki Morishima, assistant curator of Japanese art. This is the only venue for

the exhibition.

    For more information visit www.asianart.org.


    Tim Hallman



    Annie Tsang



SOURCE  Asian Art Museum




