GfK Launches Powerful "Dual Perspective" Approach for Identifying Innovation Spaces


GfK Launches Powerful "Dual Perspective" Approach for Identifying Innovation Spaces


NUREMBERG, Germany, Nov. 5 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    GfK today launched GfK FutureWave, an approach that identifies innovation

spaces by harnessing cultural shifts and new market activity that will

influence tomorrow's market.

    Using a framework that links evolving consumer needs with new market

activity and experiences, GfK's solution helps companies predict where their

category is heading and what new benefits will resonate with their consumers.

It assists the creation of successful innovation strategies by offering a

complete picture of potential changes on the horizon, together with an

understanding of how these forces will shape a category and influence future

consumer needs.

    GfK FutureWave is unique in that it affords a powerful dual perspective

from both within, and beyond, a brand's competitive set. The 'inside-out' view

shows the dynamics that are driving change from within a specific category. And

the 'outside-in' view assesses the benefits emerging in the broader market,

which can identify and inspire new growth opportunities inside a company's own


    Marilyn Raymond, global head of Market Opportunities & Innovation at GfK,

comments, "Our advanced approach to identifying innovation spaces delivers

three key benefits. It helps our clients to future-proof their growth

strategies by identifying which new ideas have the highest potential for

success. It pinpoints the tipping points for change that are likely to address

evolving needs within a category. And it jumpstarts a company's innovation

journey by leveraging new ideas already gaining traction with target consumers."

    GfK FutureWave is an integral part of GfK Innovation Roadmap, a strategic

innovation process that guides an organization's entire innovation journey from

growth plans to launch, helping you in the "fuzzy front end" to "See the

Future" and then "Be the Future" with a pipeline of new propositions that help

build brands' value.  

    For more information about GfK FutureWave, please visit or contact Marilyn Raymond via


    Marilyn Raymond

    Global Head

    Market Opportunities ・ Innovation

    +1-905-277-2669 x361





