
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation


AsiaNet 58546(1242)


*この支援は必要な基本物資と不可欠なインフラを提供する。Action Against Hunger(アクション・アゲンスト・ハンガー)、AmeriCares(アメリケアーズ)、Direct Relief(ダイレクト・リリーフ)がアレン氏の提供する1億ドルの一部を受け取って支援を実行する。

慈善運動家のポール・G・アレン(Paul G. Allen)氏は7日、西アフリカでエボラ出血熱拡大に脅かされている基本的な人道的必要に対応するため、緊急の人道的救援を提供する新たな寄付を発表した。7日からこれらの寄付によって援助組織は食料、補給品、予防キットを提供し、エボラ被害を受けている地域の地元治療センターを再建することができる。



*Action Against Hungerへの190万ドルの寄付は、孤立している患者への食料の提供、ウオーター・キオスクと手洗いステーションの建設、エボラ熱予防知識の向上、共同体の保健ボランティア訓練のためである。この寄付の特定の結果はシエラレオネの危険にさらされている共同体に20カ所のウオーター・キオスクの建設、リベリアの60の共同体公共スペースに手洗い用の洗面器、石けん、塩素の配布、リベリアの80の共同体、60の機関への1600部の情報・教育・通信資料の配布などになる。


*Direct Reliefへの100万ドルの寄付はエボラ感染が広がっている西アフリカ諸国でDirect Reliefによる地上での継続的な医療供給品と輸送サポートを支援するためである。これまでにDirect Reliefは空輸と海洋輸送コンテナで140トンの医療物資を送っている。











「Action Against Hungerはエボラの拡大を止めるためシエラレオネとリベリアで保健、援助機関と緊密に協力している。アレン氏からのサポートはウイルスについて共同体を教育し、保健施設での水の状態を改善し、エボラ患者と疑われる人をどのように発見し、それをどのように口に出すかについて共同体の保健要員を訓練し、対応する能力を身につけるという生命を救う仕事が続くことを保証する」(Action Against Hungerのアンドレア・タンブリニCEO)


「リベリアとシエラレオネのDirect Reliefの長期パートナーはすべてのもの、ほかのすべての人のために不可欠な保健サービスを維持しながらエボラと戦うために英雄的に働いている。アレン氏からのこのサポートは、ウイルスによって病気にかかった人を隔離し、治療するのに必要な重要補給品に対する膨大に広がった緊急の必要を満たし、さらにより幅広い保健システムに対する破滅的な波及効果に対応するためのDirect Reliefの協力による努力にとって不可欠である」(Direct Reliefのトマス・ティゲCEO)


エボラ出血熱が発生した初期の段階から、アレン氏とPaul G. Allen Family Foundation(ポール・G・アレン・ファミリー財団)は、最も重要なニーズに対処し、迅速な展開が可能な戦略的調整ソリューションを探し出し、それに対する資金提供と調整を行うことに焦点を当ててきた。アレン氏はTackleEbora.co(http://www.tackleebola.com/ )を立ち上げ、個々人が特定の団体向けに寄付ができて、さらに重要なニーズに応じることが可能な容易な方法を提供した。これまでアレン氏は以下に挙げたソリューションを実行するため、以下の資金援助を表明している。


*Global Givingに対するマッチング助成金。700人以上からの寄付金が上乗せ補助金により4日間で倍増した。10グループが助成金を受け、衛生用品の調達、教育・訓練セッションへの参加、公共サービス広報の費用に充てた(2014年8月)



*最も影響が大きいギニア、シエラレオネ、リベリアにCDC緊急オペレーションセンターを設立するためCDC foundationへの資金援助。センターはシステマチックな対策を開発し、データマネジメントや通信システムを改善して患者の接触履歴の追跡を通じて感染の拡大の検知と阻止を推進する(2014年9月)

*リベリアで活動しているMedical Team International(MTI)スタッフのための社会基盤整備、宿泊所、輸送ニーズに対応するための資金援助(2014年9月)


*一般の知識と自覚を向上させるための教育・コミュニケーション番組制作の支援のためのBBC Media Actionに資金援助し、危機への対応と地元の視聴者へのより安全な保健衛生の実践を促す政府の活動を支援(2014年10月)

*医療関係者の緊急避難用Ebola Medevac Fund設置の資金援助と開発。防護ユニット2セットは西アフリカから緊急避難する医療関係者のためのヘリコプター輸送にも利用できる(2014年10月)





@PaulGAllen on Twitter or Facebook


Alexa Rudin

Vulcan Inc.



Dana Lengkeek




ソース:Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Paul G. Allen Announces New Humanitarian Grants to Meet Real-Time Needs in Ebola-Stricken West Africa


SEATTLE, Nov. 7, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Support Will Provide Critical Basic Needs and Essential Infrastructure;

Action Against Hunger, AmeriCares and Direct Relief to Receive Portion of

Allen's $100 Million Commitment

Philanthropist Paul G. Allen today announced new grants to provide immediate

humanitarian relief to address basic human needs that are being threatened by

the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Beginning today, these grants will enable

aid organizations to provide food, supplies and prevention kits and rebuild

local treatment centers in Ebola-stricken areas.

Last month, Mr. Allen announced he is increasing his commitment to fight Ebola

to at least $100 million. With these latest grants, more than half of Mr.

Allen's $100 million pledge has now been committed to projects dedicated to

preventing, containing, treating and addressing the effects of Ebola.

Mr. Allen's new commitments to humanitarian efforts are:

-- A $1.9 million grant to Action Against Hunger, to provide food for isolated

patients, construct water kiosks and hand washing stations, improve Ebola

prevention awareness, and train community health volunteers. Among the specific

results of this grant will be the building of 20 water kiosks in at-risk

communities in Sierra Leone; the distribution of hand washing basins, soaps and

chlorine to 60 community public spaces in Liberia; and the sharing of 1,600

Information Education and Communication materials in 80 Liberian communities

and 60 institutions.

-- A $1.35 million grant to AmeriCares, to provide additional supplies and

services to under-resourced clinics to improve the county health system in

Grand Bassa County in Liberia. Specifically, the grant will allow for the

provision of personal protective equipment throughout the most affected

countries, as well as stronger communication among local clinics and care

centers, and Ebola training and capacity building for local health care

workers. This work will allow the central hub for Grand Bassa to plug in to

Ebola Treatment Units and county health systems in four neighboring counties

and provide technical assistance for similar interventions.

-- A $1 million grant to Direct Relief, to support the continued delivery by

Direct Relief of medical supplies and logistical support on the ground in

Ebola-affected West African nations. To date, Direct Relief has sent 140 tons

of medical materials via airlifts and ocean freight containers.

Mr. Allen's support will ensure protection of medical professionals in the

field through the provision of medicines, preventive supplies, and personal

protective equipment, provide transportation of medical supplies from

healthcare supply manufacturers to Africa, and assist in the setup of an

end-to-end coordinated procurement and supply distribution system to guarantee

efficient distribution of medical supplies to limit the spread of Ebola.

Supplies will be distributed to four partner organizations working in 47

primary health and Ebola treatment centers in Liberia and Sierra Leone. These

supplies will also support the work of 800 community health workers in 500

villages in both countries and allow them to do their jobs safely without fear

of catching the disease.

To date, more than half of Mr. Allen's $100 million pledge has been allocated

to the fight against Ebola. These funds have enabled:

-- The delivery of 60,000 protection kits to West Africa.

-- More than 8,500 people trained to help.

-- Nearly 200,000 pounds of supplies sent.

-- Approximately 250 healthcare clinics to be supported.

-- Twenty aid flights, to deliver needed equipment and supplies, scheduled to

take place by the end of 2014.

-- Three emergency operations facilities under construction and to be staffed.

Supporting Quotes:

"The effects of Ebola extend well beyond those infected," said Mr. Allen. "The

side effect is depriving people of basic human needs. These grants will enable

the people of West Africa to quickly receive essential care and supplies they

need to get through this crisis."

"Action Against Hunger is working closely with health and aid agencies in

Sierra Leone and Liberia to stop the spread of Ebola," said Andrea Tamburini,

CEO of Action Against Hunger. "Support from Mr. Allen ensures the lifesaving

work of educating communities about the virus, improving water conditions in

health facilities, training community health workers on how to detect and refer

suspected Ebola patients, and building the capacity to respond will continue."

"The best way to halt the epidemic is to support frontline health workers in

West Africa, and Mr. Allen has taken a real leadership role in that regard,"

said AmeriCares President and CEO Michael J. Nyenhuis. "With the foundation's

support AmeriCares will make lasting change in health care delivery and restore

confidence for patients and health workers."

"Direct Relief's longstanding partners in Liberia and Sierra Leone are working

heroically to combat Ebola while maintaining essential health services for

everything and everyone else," said Thomas Tighe, CEO of Direct Relief. "This

support from Mr. Allen is essential to Direct Relief's collaborative efforts to

meet the vastly expanded, urgent need for critical supplies necessary to

contain and treat those sickened by the virus - and address its shattering

ripple effects on the broader health system."

Mr. Allen's Contributions to Date:

From the early days of the outbreak, Mr. Allen and the Paul G. Allen Family

Foundation have focused on finding, funding and coordinating strategic

solutions that address the most critical needs and can be deployed quickly. Mr.

Allen has also created TackleEbola.com [http://www.tackleebola.com/ ] to

provide an easy way for individuals to contribute to specific organizations and

fund critical response needs. To date, Mr. Allen has committed funding towards

implementing the following solutions:

-- A contribution to the American Red Cross to fund equipment, volunteers and

educational materials in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. (August 2014)

-- A matching grant to Global Giving, which more than 700 donors doubled in

only four days. Ten groups received funding to distribute sanitation supplies,

conduct training sessions and produce public service announcements. (August


-- A partnership with UNICEF to airlift 50,000 protection kits into Liberia.

(September 2014)

-- A partnership with Airlink to execute a continuous air bridge to deliver

critically needed medical protective gear and pharmaceuticals. (September 2014)

-- A grant to the CDC Foundation to establish CDC emergency operations centers

in the most-affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. These centers

are helping to develop a systematic response with improved data management and

communication systems for disease and patient contact tracing, which will

ultimately help to detect and stop the disease from spreading. (September 2014)

-- Funding to Medical Teams International (MTI) to help provide infrastructure,

housing and transportation needs for MTI's staff in Liberia. (September 2014)

-- A partnership with Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres to

support their existing Ebola emergency programs in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra

Leone. (September 2014)

-- A grant to BBC Media Action to support education and communications programs

in the affected countries aimed at increasing public knowledge and awareness,

supporting the government in responding to the crisis and instilling safer

health practices among local audiences. (October 2014)

The establishment of the Ebola Medevac Fund to fund and develop two Medevac

containment units that can be used to safely evacuate medical professionals

from West Africa. (October 2014)

-- A partnership with University of Massachusetts Medical School to help

provide training, medical workers, and lab equipment for relief efforts in

Liberia. (October 2014)

For more information, visit www.tackleebola.com and follow @TackleEbola and

@PaulGAllen on Twitter or Facebook.

Press Contacts:

Alexa Rudin

Vulcan Inc.



Dana Lengkeek




SOURCE  Paul G. Allen Family Foundation  




