The Start of a European Digital Valley: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Lays the Foundations for a Digital Business Platform in Europe - Terra Nume

Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

AsiaNet 58989

The Start of a European Digital Valley: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Lays the Foundations for a Digital Business Platform in Europe - Terra Numerata(TM)



    - Europe is losing the digital business race to the US and Asia: None of the

      20 biggest Internet companies are European (by market cap)

    - Roland Berger Strategy Consultants' Terra Numerata(TM)platform aims at

      supporting and connecting companies to digitalize their business and to

      invent and develop new business models

    - Networking, innovation and an open source approach are the basis for

      capitalizing on Europe's diversity

    - Roland Berger Strategy Consultants forms partnerships with large

      technology providers, digital agencies, investors, start-ups, incubators

      and all digital experts and players

    Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, the leading global consultancy of

European origin, has founded the digital business platform Terra Numerata(TM).

This venture is to become the core of a wide-ranging European digital business

network that is open to incubators, investors, technology providers, and all

digital players. The goal is to bring together firms of different sizes from

different segments to help them form alliances and push digital innovation,

e.g. by inventing new business models, and thus support the digitalization of

the European business world. "Looking at the world's top 20 Internet companies

by market capitalization, the need for such a platform becomes apparent: None of

them are of European origin, while 13 of those companies come from the US and 7

from Asia," says Charles-Edouard Bouee, CEO of Roland Berger, adding, "boosting

Europe's share in this market is the key mission of Terra Numerata(TM)."

    One key characteristic of Europe's digital world is the extent of its

complexity when it comes to relevant players and institutions. Bringing them

together under the umbrella of Terra Numerata(TM) will increase the productive

exchange among them. "Europe's digital business landscape is highly

heterogeneous, with expertise and resources spread across the different

countries," says Charles-Edouard Bouee. "However, we should not see this as a

disadvantage: Networking this diversity among companies, incubators, investors

and experts from the different countries, supported by policymakers, may

actually be the key to creating new opportunities in tomorrow's digital world."

Sharing and connecting creativity, capabilities and resources can lay the

groundwork for Europe's digital success story.

    Talks with leading European politicians, CEOs and business associations

from different countries have clearly proven the support that exists for the

establishment of this platform. With deep roots in and a profound understanding

of the European business world, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants will provide

their clients with essential insights that even "go beyond classical

consulting", as Roland Berger CEO Bouee puts it: "Through Terra Numerata(TM) we

will unite primarily European scattered resources and capabilities on a

joint platform, of course making the link to Palo Alto and China. New business

models are just one of the challenges, data security is another - not only

individuals, but also companies and entire states need to be able to keep their

information safe."

    Many European companies are aware of the need for digitalization - and many

of them have successfully begun the efficient adaptation of their existing

business models. "Yet when it comes to discovering and developing new economic

opportunities in the digital world, we can still see a great need for

counseling and support," says Roland Berger CEO Bouee. Partnerships with

renowned companies as well as start-ups will further expand Terra

Numerata's(TM) expertise and increase its support capacities. Initial joint

ventures are to be announced at the end of December 2014 and in the first

months of 2015.

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    Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, founded in 1967, is the only leading

global consultancy with German heritage and of European origin. With 2,400

employees working from 36 countries, we have successful operations in all major

international markets. Our 50 offices are located in the key global business

hubs. The consultancy is an independent partnership owned exclusively by 220



    For further information, please contact:

    Susanne Horstmann

    Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

    Tel.: +49-89-9230-8483


    SOURCE: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants




