Another Solid Result for Social Investment Pioneer, Oikocredit

Oikocredit International

Another Solid Result for Social Investment Pioneer, Oikocredit


AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands, Mar. 24 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Social investor and worldwide cooperative, Oikocredit, today announced another

set of solid results for the full year ended 31 December 2014.

Result highlights include:

- Net consolidated result after addition to funds of 17.1 million euros, up 28%

- Development financing portfolio reached 734.6 million euros, up 24%

- Disbursements up 10%, to 337.9 million euros

- Net inflow of lendable funds up 1.4% to 81.5 million euros

- Proposed 2% dividend

- 1.9 million euros in capacity building engagements

With a portfolio of 805 partner organizations across 63 countries, Oikocredit

continued its strategic investment focus on inclusive finance, agriculture and

renewable energy in 2014. After a solid year, investors will share in

Oikocredit's net result of 17.1 million euros, with 13.2 million euros proposed

as dividend.

In 2014, Oikocredit grew its development financing portfolio to 734.6 million

euros, a rise of 24% from 590.5 million euros in 2013. Loan approvals were at

record levels, reaching 383.8 million euros, up 29% from 297.3 million euros in

2013 and disbursements increased 10% to 337.9 million euros, up from 306.1

million euros the previous year.

Oikocredit managing director, Mr David Woods, said the results were testament

to a sound business model that balances social, environmental and financial

goals. "In 2014 we were well positioned to diversify into new sectors as well

as strengthen our operations which in turn lowered our risk profile," said Mr

Woods. "Our investments in agriculture, particularly in Africa, and renewable

energy, generated immediate results," Mr Woods said. "To provide our partner

organizations with resources to responsibly grow their businesses, we also took

a 'plus' approach to development financing," added Mr Woods.

In 2014, Oikocredit remained committed to providing social performance and

support to partner organizations. Throughout the year, Oikocredit carried out

over 189 capacity building engagements, totalling 1.9 million euros.

Strong investor base

In 2014, net inflow of lendable funds reached 81.5 million euros, up 1.4% from

2013. Total investors grew to 53,000 from 52,000 in 2013, reaffirming

Oikocredit's strong and loyal investor base. Over the last 40 years, Oikocredit

has invested in 1,670 partner organizations, and disbursed over 2.1 billion

euros in development financing; with over half being disbursed in the last five



In 2015, Oikocredit will remain committed to growing a quality and diversified

portfolio. Mr Woods said social performance would remain a priority, with a

focus on impact studies to assess the long-term benefits of social financing,

while staying true to our social mission. "The sustainable development

landscape will continue to grow and change, and we will change with it," said

Mr Woods. "In the next five years we see ourselves as being the most socially

responsible impact investor in the world, with a true mix of social,

environmental and financial goals," added Mr Woods.

Oikocredit is a worldwide cooperative and social investor, providing funding to

the microfinance sector, fair trade organizations, cooperatives and small to

medium enterprises.

SOURCE: Oikocredit International




