Americans, Canadians and British Happiest with Amount of Leisure Time


Americans, Canadians and British Happiest with Amount of Leisure Time


NUREMBERG, Germany, June 30, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- Internationally, only 16 percent of people are completely satisfied with the

amount of leisure time they have.  

- America, Canada and UK have highest percentage of people who are satisfied;

Russia and Japan have highest percentage dissatisfied.  

The busy pace of life is a popular complaint for many people. But findings

released by GfK show that the majority of people internationally - 58 percent -

say they are completely or fairly satisfied with the amount of leisure time

that they have.  

Across all 22 countries surveyed, 16 percent of people aged 15 and over say

they are completely satisfied with the amount of leisure time they have, while

42 percent are fairly satisfied. Only 18 percent are unhappy in total,

including 4 percent who are not at all satisfied with their amount of leisure

time. The remaining quarter (24 percent) are neutral on the topic.

These findings are valuable for all businesses offering products or services

that focus on people's leisure and relaxation time, by helping to identify how

messaging can be refined to resonate most strongly with each group. For

example, people who are least satisfied with their amount of leisure time are

likely to respond to offers focused around making the most of limited free

time, or activities that can be tailored to fit around irregular periods of


Infographic: Overall satisfaction with amount of leisure time  [


Americans lead on happiness with amount of leisure time

The concept of 'leisure time' undoubtedly varies from culture to culture and

even from person to person. Nevertheless, people's satisfaction with their

amount of leisure time - however they perceive that - delivers comparable

insights across nations.

Despite having famously few personal days of holiday per year, people in the

USA are most likely to be content with their amount of leisure time. Almost

seven out of ten (69 percent) say they are completely or fairly satisfied.

These are very closely followed by people in the UK and Canada (67 percent

each), Belgium and Germany (66 percent each). The countries where people are

least likely to be happy with their leisure time are led by Russia, where

nearly a third (31 percent) are not at all satisfied, or not too satisfied -

closely followed by Japan (30 percent) and Brazil (28 percent).

Infographic: Country ranking for satisfaction with amount of leisure time  [


Retirement does bring satisfaction in leisure time

Unsurprisingly, those aged 60 and over are the most likely to be satisfied with

their amount of leisure time, with almost a third (31 percent) completely

satisfied and a little under a half (46 percent) fairly satisfied. But the

other age groups are not far behind for those saying they are fairly satisfied

with their leisure time, with levels ranging from 40 to 43 percent. It is only

when it comes to being completely satisfied that these age groups fall further

behind, compared to those aged 60 and over.

About the study

GfK conducted online interviews (F2F in Ukraine) with over 27,000 people aged

15 or older in 22 countries in the summer 2014. In the countries surveyed

online, the data have been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of

the online population age 15+ in each market. In the Ukraine, the study is

representative of the top-tier urban population aged 15+ excluding the lowest

SES levels. The countries included in this press release are Argentina,

Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy,

Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, UK,

Ukraine and USA.

Press contact

Amanda Martin, Global PR, +44(0)7919-624-688,

Stefan Gerhardt, Global PR, +49-911-395-4440,

Source: GfK




