Home Improvement: Women Aspire to Better Decor; Men to Better Size and Layout


Home Improvement: Women Aspire to Better Decor; Men to Better Size and Layout


NUREMBERG, Germany, Sept. 1 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - International findings show top five countries most interested in each

area of home improvement

    When it comes to what aspect of their home people would most like to

improve, the most popular answers among the online population across 22

countries are the interior decor or design (39 percent), the overall size or

layout (38 percent), and the furniture (35 percent).

    Amongst women internationally, interior decor gets the highest selection,

with 43 percent saying this is one of the aspects they would most like to

improve. Their next most popular choices are the furniture (40 percent) and the

overall size and layout (39 percent).

    Amongst the men, their home's overall size and layout is the most popular

aspect they want to improve, with 37 percent selecting this. This is followed

by the household appliances and the interior decor - both selected by 35

percent of men.

    Internationally, significantly more men than women are interested in

improving their home's entertainment equipment - with three out of ten men (30

percent) selecting this, compared to just under two out of ten women (19


    Countries most interested in each area of home improvement

    The desire to improve their home's interior decor is most prevalent in

Turkey and Russia, where over half of the online populations make this

selection (56 percent and 55 percent respectively).

    For the overall size and layout, Hong Kong (50 percent), Russia and

Argentina (both 49 percent) are in the lead, while wanting to improve the

furniture is seen most widely in Russia (54 percent) and Turkey (49 percent).

    Russia and China are the top two countries for online populations wanting

to change or improve their household appliances - standing at 45 percent and 40

percent respectively. And South Korea (42 percent), Hong Kong and China (both

37 percent) have the highest percentages who say they would like to improve the

overall level of cleanlinessof their homes.

    Hong Kong features again as a top country when it comes to those wanting to

improve storage space, and also how well organized the home is.  For storage

space, 47 percent of Hong Kong's online population chooses this, with Mexico

and Argentina following at 44 percent. And for how well organized the home is,

40 percent of Hong Kong's online population say they would like to improve

this, followed by South Korea at 39 percent.

    Wanting to improve the garden, yard or other outdoors area is most popular

in Mexico (43 percent) and Australia (38 percent) - while improving their

home's entertainment equipment is most widely selected in China (34 percent)

and Mexico (30 percent).

    The Netherlands, Japan, Germany, France and Belgium stand out as having the

highest percentages of their online populations who said that they would not

want to change any of the areas listed above.

    View the top 5 countries for each home improvement aspect


-aspect ]

    GfK's findings form a valuable foundation for major DIY, home furnishing

and home improvement retailers, in understanding how consumer aspirations for

their homes differ across countries, age groups and gender. By combining these

aspirational data with its continuous point of sales tracking, GfK gives its

clients a detailed picture of the current and future demands within each target


    To download full findings for each of the 22 countries, please visit


    About the study

    GfK asked 27,000 online consumers aged 15 or older across 22 countries,

"Which of these aspects of your home would you most like to change or improve,

if you could?  Select all that apply."





