ILO Postpones Decision on Partnerships to Eliminate Child Labor in Tobacco


ILO Postpones Decision on Partnerships to Eliminate Child Labor in Tobacco


GENEVA, Nov. 10, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- JTI Calls for Continued Coordinated Approach in the Interest of Tobacco

Growing Communities

JTI (Japan Tobacco International) commends the Governing Body of the

International Labour Organization (ILO) for postponing its decision on the

continuation of the ILO's partnerships with the tobacco sector in the fight

against child labor. ARISE (Achieving Reduction in Child Labor in Support of

Education), JTI's current Public Private Partnership with the ILO, has proven

that the most efficient approach is a coordinated one involving all areas of

expertise. Elaine McKay, Global Leaf Social Programs Director at JTI said:

"Together, we have already withdrawn thousands of children from child labor

since its launch in 2011. The issues involved are much more complex than the

over-simplified view portrayed by the FCTC Secretariat and anti-tobacco

activists, who are more concerned about the source of funding than fighting

child labor. It is now crucial that the Governing Body assesses this

misdirected pressure on the social mandate of the ILO, and understands fully

what is at stake - the future of tobacco growing communities - before reaching

a consensus.


We will not walk away from our commitment to help eliminate child labor and

improve the lives of our farmers, their families and the communities in which

we work, and will continue the ARISE program."

JTI is a leading international tobacco company with operations in more than 120

countries. It is the global owner of both Winston, the number two cigarette

brand in the world, and Camel outside the USA and has the largest share in

sales for both brands. Other global brands include Mevius, LD and Natural

American Spirit. With its internationally recognized brand Logic, JTI is also a

major player in the e-cigarette market and has, since 2011, been present in the

heated tobacco category with Ploom. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, JTI

employs more than 26,000 people and was awarded Global Top Employer for three

consecutive years. Its core revenue in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016,

was USD 10.5 billion. JTI is a member of the Japan Tobacco Group of Companies.

For more information, visit

Achieving Reduction of Child Labor in Support of Education (ARISE) is a joint

initiative of the International Labour Organization (ILO), JTI, and Winrock

International. It was developed with the involvement of national governments,

social partners, and tobacco-growing communities with the aim to help prevent

and eliminate child labor in tobacco-growing communities where JTI does

business. The partnership began in 2011, and operates in Malawi, Brazil, Zambia

and Tanzania through parties' combined expertise and knowledge to achieve a

common goal. For more information, visit

Source: JTI




