OMRON to Introduce Four Series of Condition-Monitoring Devices
KYOTO, Japan, Nov. 27, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --
OMRON Corporation
OMRON to Introduce Four Series of Condition-Monitoring Devices
- Visualize Facility Conditions Not Seen Before -
OMRON Corporation will introduce on November 29, 2017, and February 1, 2018, four series of condition-monitoring devices allowing workers to monitor operational status in manufacturing sites. They are: Motor condition-monitoring devices that predict a failure of three-phase induction motors; power supplies equipped with networking capability that can predict the service life and failures of a power supply installed in a control panel; flow sensors and pressure sensors that monitor hydraulic oil and cooling water used for press machines and molding machines; and a smart condition-monitoring amplifier that accelerates IoT of existing analog sensors installed in facilities or machines.
The release of condition-monitoring devices is part of OMRON’s effort aiming at completing a lineup of 100,000 IoT components. The monitoring devices visualize facility and equipment conditions constantly that could not be seen before, detect status errors of facilities in advance, and maintain production lines and productivity. With i-BELT, an IoT service platform for manufacturing sites, the devices will store and analyze the collected data, reflect it on device control as a control algorithm and automate craftsmanship.
In recent years, the manufacturing industry has a serious shortage of skilled workers due to expansion of optimal production locations and aging society. By contrast, maintenance operation is getting more and more complicated and difficult along with advanced high-speed facilities. Under these circumstances, there is a growing need for visualizing production facility conditions and collecting data in operation using IoT and other technologies to enhance the operating ratio in work sites. The lineup of devices to satisfy the need, however, has not been completed yet. Visualization of data has no uniformity or synchronization since each manufacturer develops and releases different devices. This is why production sites are still in the process of trial and error.
OMRON has categorized facility configuration elements into the following three groups as a method of visualization to understand conditions of various positions in facilities and enhance the operating ratio.
1) Power: power source of facilities such as motors or pumps
2) Circulation: liquid to maintain facility performance such as cooling water or hydraulic oil
3) Mechanism: components to process products such as cylinders or actuators
We are going to release optimum condition-monitoring devices that detect changes in each configuration element to predict the service life and solve issues that lead to failures.
The condition-monitoring devices monitor changes in power and circulation systems of production facilities in real time. They inform replacement time of parts before failures through communications networks, and contribute to prevention of unexpected facility stoppages and quality abnormality of products. Anyone can easily capture signs of abnormality of facilities and failures that have relied on experience and intuition of skilled workers. This enables reduction in opportunity loss due to unexpected facility stoppages and enhance the accuracy of maintenance plans.
Based on its reservoir of advanced technologies and comprehensive range of devices, OMRON set forth a strategic concept called "innovative-Automation!" (*1) consisting of three innovations or "i's" -- "integrated" (control evolution), "intelligent" (development of intelligence by ICT), and "interactive" (new harmonization between people and machines). OMRON is now committed to bringing innovation to manufacturing sites by materializing this concept. Going forward, OMRON will strive to create an environment that facilitates easy collection, analysis, and application of information at the manufacturing floor level. This will be made possible, for example, by connecting the information of various objects read by code readers to the "i-BELT," OMRON's IoT service platform. This will allow OMRON to accelerate the creation of an "intelligent" manufacturing site -- key to the materialization of "innovative-Automation!" -- together with its client companies. By so doing, OMRON continues to pursue remarkable enhancements in quality and productivity for the manufacturing industry.
OMRON will exhibit condition-monitoring devices and other products, technologies, and solutions that contribute to IoT in manufacturing sites at the System Control Fair 2017 at Tokyo Big Sight from November 29 (Wed.) to December 1 (Fri.), 2017.
Four series of condition-monitoring devices to be sold:
(*1) "innovative-Automation!"
Recently, OMRON has developed a manufacturing innovation concept, called "innovative-Automation!" With this concept, OMRON is currently committed to bringing innovation to manufacturing sites through three key innovations, or three "i's." Through these innovations in the area of automation, OMRON aims to enable significant productivity improvements in manufacturing sites in order to achieve high-value-added manufacturing. With the first "i," "integrated" (control evolution), OMRON will seek to advance automated control technology so that virtually any operator, even inexperienced operators, can effortlessly perform work that previously required the expert skills of experienced workers. With the second "i," "intelligent" (development of intelligence by ICT), OMRON seeks to create constantly evolving equipment and production lines. By adopting a wide range of control devices and artificial intelligence (AI), machines can learn through experience and maintain themselves in optimal condition. For the third "i," "interactive" (new harmonization between people and machines), OMRON pursues the development of a new harmonious relationship between human operators and machines. Working together in the same workspace, machines will be able to assist human operators by recognizing human thoughts and behavior.
About OMRON Corporation
OMRON Corporation is a global leader in the field of automation based on its core technology of "Sensing & Control + Think." Established in 1933, OMRON has about 36,000 employees worldwide, working to provide products and services in 117 countries. The company's business fields cover a broad spectrum, ranging from industrial automation and electronic components to automotive electronics, social infrastructure systems, healthcare, and environmental solutions. In the field of industrial automation, OMRON supports manufacturing innovation by providing advanced automation technology and products, as well as through extensive customer support, in order to help create a better society.
For more information, visit OMRON's website:

- 名称 オムロン株式会社
- 所在地 京都府
- 業種 電気機器
オムロン、「KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭2023」に協賛