PAL-V: The World's First Flying Car Production Model Comes to Life

PAL-V International BV

PAL-V: The World's First Flying Car Production Model Comes to Life


RAAMSDONKVEER, Netherlands, Jan. 30, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    On the 6th & 7th of March (press only) and between the 8th and 18th of

March (public days) at the Geneva Motor Show in booth 1210, PAL-V will unveil

the world's first flying car production model - the PAL-V Liberty. Not only a

decisive milestone for PAL-V, but also a historic breakthrough in the evolution

of flying cars altogether.


    About the importance of this milestone, Robert Dingemanse, CEO of PAL-V,

stated: "The production model is the moment of truth. The moment where the wall

between fiction and facts is torn down. A production model is the last stage in

the R&D process before starting full production and delivery. All

certifications required for commercialization will be granted on the basis of

this production model. It is the pivotal point that separates pioneers from


    The certification not only guarantees the safety of the flying car but also

is the approval that the vehicle can be driven on the roads and flown in the

air. Dingemanse said: "Once full certification is granted in 2019 we will hand

over the keys of the PAL-V Liberty to our first customers."

    The past years, PAL-V concentrated all efforts on perfecting its design and

setting up the production process and supply chain. Dingemanse is now proud to

state that with the PAL-V Liberty, he and his team successfully brought The

Netherlands back in the league of aircraft manufacturers.

    Immediately after the Geneva Motor Show, the PAL-V Liberty will be going

through the last step of the certification process: compliance demonstration.

"It takes a lot of testing to prove that the PAL-V Liberty complies with the

regulations," said Mike Stekelenburg, PAL-V's Chief Engineer. He continues:

"Our design philosophy of complying with existing road and air regulations

saved us many years in time to market. Instead of opting for a flying car

concept on the basis of not yet existing or immature technologies, requiring

new regulations, we deliberately chose to design, engineer and manufacture a

flying car with proven technologies. This approach enables a realistic and

imminent first product delivery date."

    In the meantime, PAL-V's pioneer clients are building experience at flying

schools around the globe in preparation for deliveries commencing in 2019. For

them, door to door flydriving is closer than ever.

    More information and high res images at

    Contact:, Tel: +31-162-580-560

SOURCE: PAL-V International BV




