Sustainalytics Launches its ESG Risk Ratings


Sustainalytics Launches its ESG Risk Ratings


AMSTERDAM, Sept. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Materiality-Driven ESG Ratings Framework Enables Investors to Better

Understand the Unmanaged ESG Risks Facing Companies

Sustainalytics ( ), a leading provider of ESG and

corporate governance research and ratings, today launched its ESG Risk Ratings

( ), the firm's next generation ESG

Research and Ratings product. The ratings help investors to identify and

understand financially material ESG risks within their investment portfolios.

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With ESG-related considerations increasingly being integrated into investment

processes, investors are seeking to better understand the ESG risk exposure

facing specific companies and portfolios of companies. Sustainalytics' ESG Risk

Ratings offer investors a distinct risk signal, and deep insights into why

certain ESG issues are considered material for a company and how well a company

is managing those risks.

Supported by a materiality framework, Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings provide

a quantitative measure of unmanaged ESG risk and distinguish between five

levels of risk: negligible, low, medium, high and severe. Investors can use

Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings for ESG integration, product creation, voting

and engagement, and screening and benchmarking.

"As the integration of ESG factors plays a more significant role in investment

decision-making, investors are seeking better signals to evaluate the impact of

ESG risks on their investments," said Dr. Hendrik Garz, Head of Sustainalytics'

ESG Rating Products. "Building on our commitment to deliver innovative

products, Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings deliver powerful ESG data points

that can be integrated into valuation models and portfolio construction.”

Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings combine the concepts of management and

exposure to arrive at an assessment of ESG risk that is comparable across all

industries. With the risk assessments being absolute rather than relative to a

group of peers, investors have a clear lens into a company’s performance

relative to any other company in any subindustry or region. Other key

distinctions of the ESG Risk Ratings include dedicated ESG risk exposure and

ESG management assessments, company-specific considerations for exposure

related to geography or business model, and fully integrated, comprehensive

corporate governance research and ratings.

To learn about Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings, visit here

( ).

About Sustainalytics

Sustainalytics is a leading ESG and corporate governance research and ratings

firm. With 13 offices globally, Sustainalytics' works with hundreds of the

world's leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and

corporate governance information into their investment processes. For more

information, visit


Sarah Cohn

P) +1 646.963.6944

SOURCE: Sustainalytics




