One Tree Can Save the World - InitiativeTree Launches Its Worldwide Network Tree Planting Program

Initiative Tree

One Tree Can Save the World - InitiativeTree Launches Its Worldwide Network Tree Planting Program


WEINSTADT, Germany, Aug. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

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The time has come: The program "InitiativeTree" just started. The worldwide

tree planting program will save the world one tree at a time. The visionaries

behind the initiative firmly believe in a better and greener future with more

trees and want to help nature slowly recover, rebuild, and survive. With the

help of the community, everyone can take part in this world changing initiative.

The steps to plant a tree are simple. The concept is: The bigger the Initiative

Tree-Community, the higher the investment - and the greener the future.

Everyone who wants to be part of it receives an invitation link which they then

sent to friends and family members. This brings participants one step closer to

planting a tree in Paraguay. By expanding the community with the links, the

participants could plant up to three trees.

Initiative Tree was founded to make the world a better place. To date, humanity

and its industrial revolution have cut down half of the whole forest stand on

this world. To stop this and rebuild nature you have to start with yourself

first. Therefore, the founders plant trees with their own investment. They

believe that our good deeds can stop earth's deterioration and may even save

its lungs. Their motto: anyone can plant a tree.



Initiative Tree

Umweltbotschafter e.V.   

Mercedesstr. 35  

71384 Weinstadt


Company Registration No. VR723438

Source: Initiative Tree




