深センの中国ハイテク見本市(CHTF 2019)が閉幕

China Hi-Tech Fair Organizing Committee Office

深センの中国ハイテク見本市(CHTF 2019)が閉幕

AsiaNet 81775(2336)

【深セン(中国)2019年11月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】「開放とイノベーションを通じて大湾区を活性化する」をテーマにした第21回China Hi-Tech Fair(中国ハイテク見本市、CHTF 2019)は2019年11月17日、深センで成功裏に閉幕した。5日間にわたるこのイベントは、展示会、フォーラム、技術交流、協力のプラットフォームを提供し、技術革新の促進とイノベーション環境の強化で積極的な役割を果たした。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191119/2647214-1

(CHTF 2019のホール1)

14万2000平方メートルの面積を有するCHTF 2019は計3315の出展者を集め、AI、スマートホーム、インテリジェント製造、IoT、スマートドライビング、smart+(スマートプラス)、カーネットワーキング、5G、ブロックチェーンなどの分野で1万216件のハイテクプロジェクトを展示した。



ファーウェイ、ZTE、Fuji、Ping An Technology(平安科技)、NTTデータ、Hong Kong Telecom、その他の主要企業に加え、多くのユニコーンまたは準ユニコーン企業が見本市に出展し、昨年より400以上多い合計2077の新製品と701の新技術が発表された。


広東、香港、マカオを包含する大湾区における革新的なリソースを集めたCHTF 2019は、広東-香港-マカオ展示エリアも設け、地域の協調的な発展に向けた新たな機会を紹介し、大湾区におけるより強力な技術革新センターの構築を支援した。


ソース:China Hi-Tech Fair Organizing Committee Office



China Hi-Tech Fair 2019 (CHTF2019) Concludes in Shenzhen


SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The 21st China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF2019), themed "Invigorating the Greater Bay Area

through Opening-up and Innovation", concluded with success in Shenzhen on

November 17, 2019. The 5-day event provided a platform for exhibitions, forums,

technology exchanges, and cooperations and played an active role in promoting

technological innovations and enhancing innovation environment.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191119/2647214-1

(Hall 1 of CHTF 2019)

With an area of 142,000m2, CHTF2019 attracted a total of 3,315 exhibitors to

showcase 10,216 high-tech projects in fields such as AI, smart home, intelligent

manufacturing, IoT, smart driving, smart+, car networking, 5G, and blockchain.

148 delegations from 44 countries and international organizations such as

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Japan, South Korea, the US, and the EU,

as well as 33 provinces and municipalities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong,

Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan participated in the fair. 29 well-known universities

showcased their hi-tech projects.

Meanwhile, a total of 256 high-level forums, salons and technical conferences

were held, attracting 576,000 attendees. 1,253 journalists from 306 domestic

and overseas media outlets reported the event.

In addition to Huawei, ZTE, Fuji, Ping An Technology, NTT DATA, Hong Kong

Telecom and other leading enterprises, many unicorns or quasi-unicorns

exhibited at the fair, where a total of 2,077 new products and 701 new

technologies were unveiled, 400 more than last year.

In addition, 60 renowned guests including Nobel laureates, a Turing Award

winner, Chinese and foreign academicians, scientists, and economists delivered

speeches. Senior managers from IBM, Bosch, Philips, Fujitsu, Midea and Thunder,

participated in various forums and other activities. 9 dignitaries of deputy ministerial

or above level from Iran, Hungary, Serbia, Ireland and the UAE attended the fair.

Gathering innovative resources in the Greater Bay Area that encompasses

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, CHTF2019 also set up a Guangdong-Hong

Kong-Macao exhibition area to showcase new opportunities for regional coordinated

development and help build a stronger technological innovation center in the Area.

In its 21st year, CHTF has become ever more experienced in building a trading

platform for scientific and technological achievements. CHTF will continue to

work hand in hand with all sectors in the hi-tech industry to add new impetus

to China's hi-tech development.

SOURCE:  China Hi-Tech Fair Organizing Committee Office

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