Vietnam's 4G Users To Grow By 10 Million In 2020

Viettel Group

Vietnam's 4G Users To Grow By 10 Million In 2020


HANOI, Vietnam, Feb. 12, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

-Viettel to add 2,400 base stations to fill 3,700 coverage holes

-The Vietnamese telecom giant will cooperate with vendors to supply smartphones

under $65, feature phones under $25

-Viettel estimates an increase of 10 million 4G users due to these solutions

Viettel Group is planning to accelerate 4G universalization in Vietnam by cooperating

with vendor to supply smartphone under $65 and feature phones under $25.

Additionally, Viettel will add around 2,400 base stations to fill 3,700 coverage holes

across the country. With these two solutions, Viettel forecasts the number of 4G users

in Vietnam to increase by 10 million.

In 2019, despite a saturated market, Viettel Group telecom revenue grew by 6.4%,

twice the average rate of the sector; telecom revenue from oversea markets increased

by 24.4%. It's main growth driver in 2019 was revenue from data service, for which

the research & consulting firm Frost & Sullivan named Viettel Telecom, the telco arm of

Viettel Group, "Vietnam's Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year".

Viettel targets 4.3% growth in telco in 2020 and it will be a challenging objective due to

the saturation of Vietnam's telecommunication market and the sector low profit forecast.

Furthermore, the group has ambition to become the leader in term of revenue from

broadband service with 2019's fixed line revenue observed a 23.2% increase.

About Viettel Group

Viettel Group is an international enterprise headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The group has investments in 11 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin-America.

Viettel has five business lines including telecommunications and information

technology (IT); research and manufacture of electronic and telecommunications

equipment; defense industry; cyber security and digital services. Viettel Telecom,

a member of Viettel Group, is the largest telecommunications service provider in Vietnam.

In 2019, Viettel is the first company to trial 5G broadcast in Vietnam, putting

the country into the list of first 10 countries to successfully broadcast 5G;

deployed various IoT and base technologies for a digital society. Mid-January 2020,

Viettel successfully carried out the first 5G video call trial using equipment developed in-house.

SOURCE Viettel Group




