Expect Radical Change to Traditionally Conservative Telco Industry Over Next Three Years, Finds Heavy Reading Survey


Expect Radical Change to Traditionally Conservative Telco Industry Over Next Three Years, Finds Heavy Reading Survey


RAANANA, Israel, Feb. 13/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/

- Significant shift in Service Provider Networking Architecture to be implemented

across the industry to address exponential growth in mobile traffic, a refresh cycle

in routing solutions and to lower network cost

- Nearly half of telecom operators predict their companies will radically change

their IP Networks, while disaggregation of hardware and software is already

publicly endorsed by leading operators such as AT&T, Telefonica and Rakuten Mobile

according to research commissioned by DriveNets

DriveNets [https://drivenets.com/ ], the networking software company, today announced

the results of a survey [https://get.drivenets.com/heavy-reading-the-future-of-ip-networking/ ]

conducted by Heavy Reading on the future of service provider networking which quantifies

the significant early commercial interest in disaggregation of core and edge networks and

supports the lead taken by AT&T with the release of their Distributed Disaggregated Chassis

(DDC) specifications to the OCP.

"We knew there was a lot of interest in disaggregation, but how ready the telecom industry is for

radical changes in their IP networks surprised us. The survey results show that operators globally

are deeply committed to open technologies and to software-based solutions to improve network

profitability and to efficiently scale to meet future network demands," Sterling Perrin,

Principal Analyst, Heavy Reading.

Service providers face increased demand for services and speed while struggling

to maintain profitability. They are now looking to learn from the Cloud hyperscalers

who solved similar challenges by breaking from traditional data center solutions to

disaggregation of hardware and software resource virtualization and the use of standard

white boxes. The report, commissioned by DriveNets, finds that across the industry

the days of vendor lock-in are numbered as service providers seek disaggregation to build

IP networks in the way the hyperscalers built the cloud.

Key findings include:

- Change in Service providers networking space seems inevitable. Nearly half

(46%) of survey respondents reported that they expect radical changes in the

next three years to their IP network architecture, with another 30% reporting

that their organization is still deciding. Just 20% reported no expectations

for radical change.

- The no. 1 drive for change is the need to lower network costs to maintain profits,

no. 2 scaling to handle traffic growth and no. 3 reducing the complexity of their networks.

- Software replaces vendor lock-in. The most important selection criteria for a new vendor

with 52% of respondents was a software-based networking solution, with disaggregation

of hardware and software at the second most important at 40%. Incumbent IP vendor was

a low priority, important to only 27% of respondents.

“These findings confirm the global trend we are experiencing within an industry

that has barely changed for 30 years. We hear from our tier-1 service provider

customers and our ecosystem partners that the market is shifting to an open model.

DriveNets has an ecosystem of leading ODMs such as Broadcom, Ufispace, Delta

and Edgecore and DDC leadership with Drivenets Network Cloud which supports

the largest scale disaggregated routing cluster on the market. We are excited that

DriveNets is well positioned to be a key vendor in the new disaggregated network market,”

Ido Susan, Co-Founder and CEO, DriveNets

DriveNets will be analyzing the results in depth with Sterling Perrin of Heavy Reading

in a webinar on Telecoms.com [https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=DRIVENETS1&eventid=2187768&sessionid=1&key=8B0189812AD0BFC882FFDCE3504DB94E&Tag=&sourcepage=register ]

on February 18th at 3pm GMT. DriveNets will also be presenting at Tech Field Day 22

[https://techfieldday.com/event/nfd22/ ] on February 12th.

About Heavy Reading

Heavy Reading, the research division of Light Reading [https://www.lightreading.com/ ],

offers deep analysis of emerging telecom trends to network operators, technology suppliers

and investors. Its product portfolio includes in-depth reports that address critical

next-generation technology and service issues, market trackers that focus on the telecom

industry's most critical technology sectors, exclusive worldwide surveys of network operator

decision-makers that identify future purchasing and deployment plans, and a rich array of

custom and consulting services that give clients the market intelligence needed to compete

successfully in the global telecom industry.

About DriveNets

DriveNets helps Communications Service Providers (CSPs) take advantage of the greatest

demand surge in Telco history, substantially growing their profitability by changing their

technological and economic models. DriveNet’s solution - Network Cloud changes

the traditional networking architecture that has been in place for the past twenty years

by adapting the architectural model of hyperscalers to Telco-grade networking.

Network Cloud is a cloud-native software that runs over standard white-boxes,

radically simplifying the network’s operational model, offering Telco-scale performance at

a much lower cost.

DriveNets was founded by Ido Susan and Hillel Kobrinsky, two successful Telco entrepreneurs.

Susan previously co-founded Intucell, the company that invented the Self Optimizing Network

(SON) which was acquired by Cisco in 2013 for $475 million. Kobrinsky founded the web

conferencing specialist, Interwise, which was acquired by AT&T for $121 million.

Media Contact

Judith Arkush


+972 52-351-7698

SOURCE: DriveNets




