Tencent Cloud Launches International Anti-COVID-19 Service Package, Aiding the Global Fight Against the Pandemic

Tencent Cloud



SHENZHEN, China, April 13, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On April 13, Tencent Cloud launched an international anti-COVID-19 service

package to help support the global fight against the pandemic. The package will

help companies, medical institutions and governments worldwide tackle the

unique challenges presented by COVID-19. This is the latest step taken by

Tencent to assist in the global campaign against the pandemic, beginning with

the establishment of a US$100 million global anti-COVID-19 fund and the rollout

of a global COVID-19 information platform.


Products launched in the first phase can be used in a wide range of scenarios

including enabling remote collaboration, facilitating online medical

consultation and helping governments promote access to reliable information.

Tencent Cloud will also provide free credits for some cloud service purchases

to help companies and organizations in need, which can be accessed through

Tencent Cloud's official website.


VooV Meeting, the international version of Tencent Meeting, has already been

rolled out in more than 100 countries and regions, and is available to users

free of charge. The service can support meetings of up to 300 participants,

which makes it a crucial tool for helping companies to work remotely,

educational agencies to teach online classes and medical institutions to

provide online consultations.


With the help of Tencent Cloud's live broadcast service application, Tencent

Real-Time Communication (TRTC), databases, Global Application Acceleration

Platform (GAAP) and subtitling solution (AI Transfy), schools, hospitals and

other institutions can also quickly set up their own live broadcast

capabilities for remote consultation and teaching.


The timely publication and distribution of information surrounding COVID-19

prevention is of critical importance during the epidemic. Tencent Cloud's SMS

service is available in more than 200 countries and regions and through more

than 1,000 operators, which can help government agencies quickly communicate

COVID-19 prevention information to the public.


Previously, Tencent launched a global platform for healthcare information amid

the epidemic. This service has also been launched in English, including a

section for "COVID-19 Epidemic Info", AI-powered COVID-19 self-screening tools,

We Doctor and Dingxiangyuan, which gives users worldwide access to epidemic

updates, medical knowledge, self-diagnosis tips, online voluntary clinics and



Tencent has furthermore made a technological contribution to the global fight

against COVID-19 by open-sourcing the international module in its COVID-19 Mini

Program (TH_COVID19_International) on March 27, making it an important

information resource that is available for free to users around the world.

Government agencies, healthcare institutions, media organizations and

developers worldwide can access the Mini Program to develop their own

pandemic-related services. On April 3, Tencent open sourced the COVID-19

Self-triage Assistant, a program that allows anyone to conduct a

self-assessment about potential coronavirus symptoms. The service helps educate

the public with prevention tips, thus reducing the risk of cross-infection

caused by panic and minimizing the load on medical providers.


Tencent has been helping businesses and government agencies fight against the

epidemic with a series of products and services in China. A variety of

pandemic-related Mini Programs provided by third parties have been developed to

give the public seamless access to information and updates. Products such as

VooV Meeting, WeChat Work and Tencent Document provide tools through which

businesses can efficiently work together remotely. Tencent's integrated online

education solution enables over 100 million teachers to continue teaching, and

students to continue learning during school disruptions. Tencent has also

helped scientific institutions accelerate the R&D of new drugs with

cutting-edge AI and computing technologies.


Tencent is committed to aiding the global fight against the virus with its

experience, technologies and products.



SOURCE:Tencent Cloud




