206 Key Investment and Talent Attraction Projects Commenced Simultaneously in Weifang, Shandong Province

The People's Government of Weifang City



WEIFANG, China, Apr. 28, 2020 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On April 22, officials from the People's Government of Weifang City held a live

video conference to announce the simultaneous commencement of 206 key

Investment and Talent Attraction projects across the city.


Hui Xin'an, secretary of the CPC Weifang Municipal Party Committee, explained

that the key projects will provide crucial facilitation as Weifang replaces old

growth drivers with new ones and accelerates high-level development. The city

is currently implementing epidemic prevention and control, alongside measures

designed to accelerate the construction of a world-class modern city

characterized by ecological awareness, openness, vitality and beauty. This

requires numerous large, quality projects. Weifang will fully optimize its

investment environment to provide investors with effective services and a

conducive environment in the hope that a wide range of people will become

confident in the development goals, and contribute to expanding investment with

an increased number of projects in Weifang.


With a total investment of 177.466 billion RMB, the 206 projects cover a wide

range, such as high-end equipment, modern agriculture, health care, new energy

and new materials, next-generation information technology, cultural tourism,

modern logistics, and high-end chemical engineering. Four of the projects bring

a total investment of more than 10 billion RMB and 21 total more than 2 billion

RMB; there are five projects from the Fortune Global 500, five from the Top 500

Chinese Enterprises, and 22 from the categories of talents and scientific

research platforms.


Source: The People's Government of Weifang City


Image Attachments Links:


Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=362688


Caption: The key Investment and Talent Attraction projects in Weifang, Shandong province







