Olive Oils From Spain Highlights Sustainability on World Environment Day

Olive Oils from Spain



TOKYO, June 5, 2020, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


World Environment Day is the most renowned date for celebrating biodiversity

and sustainability. Decreed by United Nations, since 1974

[http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/2994%20(XXVII) ], it

has been celebrated every year on 5 June with the aim of engaging governments,

businesses, and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental



In Japan, sustainability is expected to become one of the policy priorities

addressed by businesses and governments. In accordance with the Sustainability

Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, the Japanese government has

adopted an Action Plan to accelerate its implementation. Japanese consumers'

purchasing behavior is changing as indicated by the Sustainable Purchasing

Behavior Survey for Consumers conducted by Hakuhodo in 2019. According to this

survey, 81 percent of the respondents did not want to purchase products that

have a negative impact on the environment.


It is worth mentioning that European Olive Oil is one of these sustainable

products that helps to increase biodiversity and meets all the requirements to

be considered as an environmental friendly product. Olive Oil is the fruit of

know-how forged for millennia around the Mediterranean, aimed to all those who

seek to incorporate into their daily diet healthy elements that, in addition,

guarantees of food safety and sustainability.


The Olive Oil World Tour (https://oliveoilworldtour.jp/), a campaign promoted

by Olive Oils From Spain with the support of the European Union, explains some

of the main reasons why olive oil is a sustainable product that takes care of

the planet:

  - The olive grove is one of the great allies against climate change. For

every kilo of greenhouse gas generated during the production, the olive tree

can fix 10 kilos of these gases in the soil and in the tree itself.

  - The olive is the leading crop of organic production in Spain and  a farming

system that sums to 450,000 hectares throughout Europe.

  - With 2.5 million hectares, the olive tree is the largest humanized forest

in Spain, an unique ecosystem, which highlights its diversity of birds.


The olive tree forests are a living, organic and sustainable ecosystem. This

has been demonstrated by the project LIFE OLIVE ALIVE

[https://olivaresvivos.com/en/olive-alive/ ], an initiative in collaboration

with the European Commission to increase profitability in olive farming by

restoring biodiversity. After the analysis of 40 olive groves in Andalusia, 165

species of birds of up to 119 different genera were found. Up to 58 species of

ants have been detected; more than one hundred species of bees, as well as 549

types of herbaceous plants and 137 woody plants.


On a significant date like the one we're celebrating today, this and other

projects are expected to serve as a government recommended agricultural policy

model, while encouraging consumers making purchasing decisions to take account

of sustainability factors of production. Because you must not forget that by

cooking with olive oils, you not only take care of yourself and your family,

but also of the planet.


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1176761/Olive_Oils_from_Spain.jpg


SOURCE: Olive Oils from Spain




